For The Exit 8 players who want to find all anormalies in game, this guide will show you a full list of it with pictures, let’s check it out.
Walking Man
1. The Walking Man is taller than usual

2. The Walking Man is smiling

3. The Walking Man’s face is distorted

4. The Walking Man stares at you

5. The Walking Man swiftly walks directly at you (if he touches you, you get a game over)
1. Security Camera Poster’s eyes periodically move

2. BLC Store Poster Apron Lady’s head is poorly drawn

3. All posters are the same

4. Security Camera Poster follows your movements
5. Creepy Poster replaces a poster
6. Excessive No Smoking Posters

7. Posters are larger than normal

Concourse Sign
1. Concourse Sign reads Turn Back

2. Concourse sign reads “Concourse” upside down
1. Doorknob is in center of door

2. Door is ajar

3. Door is fully open (if you walk through the door you get a game over)
4. Loud pounding is coming from door
5. One of the three doors is missing

1. Ceiling Lights are misaligned

2. Ceiling Lights begin to flicker and make flickering noises

3. All Light Sources turn off (if you do not run away from the dark, you get a game over)
4. Security Camera Light is on

1. Yellow Floor Tiles have faces on them

2. Yellow Floor Tiles are misaligned

3. There is a face on the ceiling

4. You hear a loud rush of liquid and you see red water flow towards you (if you touch the water you get a game over)

5. Black Liquid leaks from one of the vents

6. Two Men standing in hallway(if you walk too close to them, you get a game over)

7. Staircase appears at end of hallway

8. Camoflauged Humanoid at end of hallway against the wall (if you get too close to the humanoid, they will sprint towards you and you will get a game over if they touch you)
That’s all we are sharing today in The Exit 8 – Complete List of All Anormalies, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author Tails’ Cash Explosion