This guide might not be 100% accurate, but will point You in right direction! if you have any problem. you can leave your comment in the end.
Spoilers ahead, be sure You understand this or completed the game at least once!
Achievements, Part 1

Tell Francat the truth about Prior’s favorite dessert.
Francat will lead You to Prior’s place where You will have to dress as maid. Avoid few cats between tables and reach Prior. Afterwards, tells Francat the truth.
Hint: If You need to do so, maid cat between tables will once reset other cats position to starting one.
See the Great Bowl of Goodness.
Go throught north gate before You go into temple. It’s a bit into right from temple.
Good kitty
Receive the Medal of the Good Kitty.
During prologue (when You are a small cat), there are 3 side quests to be done, before You will go to forest. Succesfully do at least 2 of those and You will be granted this achievement somewhere during act1.
Cheat Catar Spotted-Silvershield.
South part of Meowdur’s Gate, there’s a building with yellow tape attached around it. Just lie to cat inside that You came to collect money.
The Fury of Catsiris
Leave the Underslipper with the Fury of Catsiris.
You will need 4 parts in total to craft this:
- Gem – First temple floor, guarded by 2 catmummies (doesn’t count towards pacifist or extermination for splendor)
- Claws – To the right from stairs on second floor. Guarded by 3 patrolling mummies
- Glove – North part of second floor. Next to two dead workcats
- Stripes – Before boss room, in the right corner in cat priest body
Remember You can’t wear claws if You want to craft it. For some reason, cat mummies on second floor can get desynchronized (which shouldn’t happen) and You will need to engage (if You go for pacifist) and run or save and restart the game. Otherwise it might be impossible to reach claw or finish without killing any cat mummies on second floor.
Pastry Friend
Save a roll with icing in the Marshland of Eternal Wetness.
There’s a roll which read too much. Calm it down, do not kill.
King Barista
Prepare an ideal coffee.
To get this, You need to make a coffee from all additional ingredients. You will find sugar while searching for coffee seeds and You should have the other 2 ingredients back from the temple. If for some reason You used it all, there’s a cat merchant You can rescue and if I recall, He will sell You holy milk and the other one. Saving merchant will prevent You from getting pacifist approach to marshland!
Drowncat Whisperer
Put a group of drowncats to sleep.
On marshland, 4 drowncats will stand on your way. Collect mandrake and stealthy throw it into fire so make them go to sleep. I recommend picking right side and to save before. For some reason, game will not always register this achievement.
Pirate Destroyer
Defeat the Cat o’ Nine Tails.
You should get this by default. You can’t skip Nine Tails encounters.
Complete all the important tasks while scouting.
Complete all tasks given to You.
- Complete two broken puzzle
- Defeat the evil killer roll chair
- Scout wardrobe, chairs doing piercing formation and libraries throwing books.
- Not required but better to do: save prisoners
Bearer of Bad News
Give the bad news about the meowbarian twin.
Before marshland, there’s a lost caravan that was destroyed by furniture. Barbarian cat with a hammer that can be taken lies. Talk to him and take his hammer. Later on, You will find his brother and give him bad news.
Win the Great Battle.
Win the game.
Master of Discounts
Gather all discount coupons in Meowdur’s Gate Orderbox District.
I do not remember where all coupouns are since most of them will just get into your pocket with exploration of Meowdur’s Gate. This is the only location that counts towards this. Here are some tips:
– Bartender gives one
– Harry Potter cat will give You one or two (carefully go throught dialogue or while trying to skip forward, You will take default talk option which will render it impossible to do this achievement in current run, since He won’t give You any and won’t talk anymore with You)
– South part of town there are somewhere two, explore
You should have two coupons of each kind, so 6 in total. Generally while doing Rolls of Splendor it should gain most of coupons anyway. It’s just easy to skip bartender and Catty Potter ones.
Angel Kitty
Complete the game with high Friendship level.
Have 40-51 friendship level on the end of the game.
Light Side of the Ball
Complete all the basement trials with excellent results.
On your way to Tomb to aquire cursed hammer, on map before You reach entrance, there’s a small building to south behind trees, next to palisade prison where few cats are being held prisoners. There’s Yoda cat will send your mage-cat to pass 3 trials.
- Ball is answere for all questions
- Complete Puzzle
- Fight demon
In order to win with demon, You have to pray for RNG (so second or third attack is a debuff), your mage must have full HP and restored 60MP. The only way to defeat demon is using 20MP required spell that hits 3 times. If You fail to do this or have bad RNG, You will get killed, since demon damage output rises for each missing hp. In second town, You can purchase mage robe that increases DEF.
Bandit Therapist
Convert the leader of Meowdur’s Gate bandits.
When given option, allow Francat to handle situation with bandits in Mewodur’s Gate. Achievement will arrive after marshland.
Devil Kitty
Complete the game with low Friendship level.
Be rude to everybody. I got -36 and it was enough.
Trii Monarch
Find the Queen of Triis.
When You are teleported away after completing Temple and Francat leads the way, there’s always trii that will laugh. Follow it on each map and You will find Trii Queen. Between maps might differ so don’t be alarmed.
Artiste de Boote
Purchase all the shoes available in the game.
The only difficulty here is that You need to save less than 600 coins when You reach second town. Just purchase all 3 pairs there.
Ambitious kitty
Have your party titled The Rolls of Splendor.
- You have to complete all side quests before You decide to go deeper into temple
- You have to have at least 25 friendship points
- You have to do second floor temple without killing a single mummy or kill every mummy.
If You fail to complete even one of those, You will become dark rolls instead.
Part 2

Raise a Rollicorn.
There is no 100% to gain Rollicorn. RNG might decide You get a hunting roll instead.Be sure to save at each camp where You interact with your roll.
- First camp – give it special food You gain from trii queen
- Second camp – decide to lower it food ration
- Always play with it between locations
- Give it a flower when such options appear
- Have high frendship value
I once got hunting dog for some reason but after reloading save from second camp, it gave me rollicorn.
Marsh Pacifist
Don’t kill anyone you don’t need to kill.
The only difficulty here is, that You cannot save merchant here. Killing two drowncats will result in Marsh Pacifist denied.
To make it easier, only encounters I remember You need to have, are:
- Defeat a blackcat in a robot
- Two drowncats protecting road further into marshland
- Two mudcats summoned by a goddness
- Ninetails-cat
- Team of furniture on north
On top of that, You cannot collect any scalps from drowncats nor harm crazy roll or ogre-cats.
Marsh Exterminator
Kill all creatures in the Marshland of Eternal Wetness.
Kill all cats and furniture on marshland, including crazy roll and ogre-cats.
Toxic Relationship
Raise a Toxic Roll.
Most confusing achievement… because there are two toxic rolls! Only one grant achievement.
Bad toxic roll from dialogues is considered a waste. It won’t participate in scout mission but will grant your basic claws poison and rise your HP by a bit.
Good toxic roll will have glow green aura and will follow You around. This one grants achievement.
I achieved it by:
- First camp – give it X stuff
- Second camp – give it special trii queen food
- On each interaction try to make it emo, sad by telling your past or soul.
- When giving present, always give it stone.
I am not sure if negative friendship affects this but it might.