Team Fortress 2 (TF2), once known for its vibrant gaming community, is currently facing a serious threat. Bots, operating with nefarious intent, have begun orchestrating fraudulent voting schemes directed at unsuspecting normal players those who choose to play the game without exploiting unfair advantages. This guide will help you distinguish between bots and genuine players,…
Tag: Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2: All Unusual & Australium Weapons
List of all weapons available as unusuals and australiums. Scout Unusual: Shortstop, Soda popper, Holy mackerel and Winger Australium: Force-a-nature Both australium and unusual: Scattergun Soldier Unusual: Air strike and Disciplinary action Both australium and unusual: Rocket launcher and Black box. Pyro Unusual: Degreaser, Dragon’s fury, Detonator, Scorch shot, Powerjack, Back scratcher. Australium: Axtinguisher…
Team Fortress 2: Unusual Effect Tier List 2019
TF2’s Unusual Effects in tiers. Based off prices and my own opinions of how they look, Crate Depresso of 2019 included, Taunt and Weapon Unusual effects not included. This list is just my opinion and I would really like to hear everyone else’s so leave a comment with your opinion on it. This list…
Team Fortress 2: How to Customize Sprays
Good morning,afternoon, evening… I know almost everyone knows how to customize your sprays, but some people doesn’t know so, in this guide, I will teach you how to customize the image you want to spray so you won’t be spraying that ugly black and purple image First step Actually, customizing your sprays is a…
Team Fortress 2: All Edgy Cosmetic Lists
All edgy cosmetics that used by salty edgelord middleschoolers Scout Tossle Cap (Lime/Pink) Fast Learner Back Turner All-star Backwards Ballcap Gotta hate these scunts Soldier Antartic Parka War Pig Crit Cloak Hellmet Infernal Impaler War on Smissmas Batte Hood Chieftain’s Challange Tryhards usually wear Exquisite Rack and Antartic Parka with this hat Pyro Pyromancer’s…
Team Fortress 2: Best Mods Guide
Team Fortress 2 is an amazing game, and with the right mods, it can be even better! This guide is a list of mods that I use and recommend to everyone. They’re all just that good. ahud Anyone tired of the default vanilla HUD, will be happy to hear there are hundreds of alternate…
Team Fortress 2: How to Play Sniper
A simple description on how to play sniper for newbies. If you liked it then please give it a thumbsup Movement Sniper is a normal speed class, with no speed boosts and no speed debuffs, he can get boring if you have a long walk ahead of you. So make sure to die minimally,…
Team Fortress 2: Engineer Cosmetics Guide
“Hey look buddy. I’m an engineer. That means I solve problems, not go shoppin’ for clothes”. The Texan tinkerer has a hard time having a consistent fashion style outside of ‘Yeehaw’, but let’s see what we can make! “You shoulda oughta brought more gun, son” -Engy In this section I talk about the engineers…
Team Fortress 2: Advanced Engineering
Dealing with Spies In pubs, Spies are usually easy to spot and therefore, easy to kill. When Spy manages to kill an Engineer and sap his nest, he often has the similar mindset and movement like other Spy players. Learning this mindset (and Spy’s behaviour) is important when playing Engineer. For example, there are a…