The Game is still in early Alpha, so everything can change or break.
Here I tell you how to get your Game back after something break.
This just work as long the Save System is not changed, so the Saves are not longer useable.
1. Intro
Details see
Early Access is not like some People think like a Preorder where you can be one of the first to play the full Game.
Instead it is an Option for the Devs and Players to help each other.
Players can Test the Game, repord Bugs and suggest new Content or Changes in the Game.
This made the Players into a Part of the Developement of a Game.
It can happen that some Players invest a lot of Time in the Game.
I have over 200 Hours of play time in Supermarket Simulator.
The Store is level 99, I have bought all the Expansions and I have set up the store as much as the very limited space allows me to do.
Aditional I’m using many Mods, who allready has add all the Stuff the original Game will maybe get in the Future.
So we not want to loose our Progress because the Game has a Bug, like actual, where many Players say, the Store is empty after the actual Customisation Update.
Possible this happen if the Players use Shelves who are juist in Mods, like Tier 5 Shelfes or More Freezers.
If you start the Game after a Patch it is Possible, the custom Objects are gone, because the Mod is not compatible to the actual Game Version.
The best if you have such a Problem is kill the Game with Alt + F4, be sure you have the Save in a Backup and wait with the Game until Mods are Updated or, if you’re not using mods, wait until the Game get a Hotfix Patch to fix the Problem.
I have here some Tips for you and I hope one of them will help you, if you have any Problems with your Game.
2. Where are my Saves?
“C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Nokta Games\Supermarket Simulator”
There you will find several *.es3 Files who have a Name like 30-05-2024-17-03-08.
This Format here is Day-Month-Year-24h Hour-Minute-Second
Important: There are only 6 of them, if you made a 7. Save by exiting the Game or manual Saves, the oldest Save are removed.
The Files Player.Log and Player-prev.Log are the latest and the previous Log file who can be helpfull if your game crash or has Problems.
There are only 2 Logs, if you want to keep a Log, simple rename it into Player (Date).Log or Player #.Log (# is a Number).
steam_autocloud.vdf just contain your Steam ID to place the Saves in the right Account Cloud.
3. Backup your Game (regulary)
Do that always after ending the actual Game Session.
– Go to “C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Nokta Games”
– Use a Tool create an Zop File (I recomend 7-Zip with the *.7z Archives)
– Give the File a Unique Name like “Supermarket Simulator (Date)” or “Supermarket Simulator ##” (the # is a Number)
– Made the Archive read only (select – propertys – mark read only – press ok)
Keep the last 5 Archives or more, so you can go back if you find a Problem later
This Backups are recomended for all Games who are not alowing multiple Saves in the Game, special if they are still in Alpha (Early Access).
4. Rescuing your Game
– Sceam “Noooo, Whyyyyy?”
– Drink 3 Bottles or more of your favorite Beverage
– Climb on the Roof of your House and hold your PC like Mufasa hold Simba in The Lion King
– Loudly sing “The Lumberjack Song” by Monty Python
– Made an Assassins Creed Jump of Faith in the Neighbors Pool
– Look if theres a Patch avaiable after all this Nonsense =^_^=
Replace your Savegame with a Backup from Chapter 3.
The most easy Way to keep your Saves secured.
If you not have a Backup (shame you), go in the Savegame Folder.
Look if you have any *.es3 Files with the Date where the Problem has apear.
Delete all new Savegame Files from that Day, then Backup the older Files you have left (Chapter 3).
If you use custom Shelfes/Fridges/Freezer from one or several Mods, you need to wait for the Mod to get an Update or they will disapear from the Game if the Mod don’t work anymore.
Very important is the Mod “Tobey’s BepInEx Pack”, because no Mod will work without this Mod Tool.
With an Backup you can test the Game until it is working again, without loosing any Progress.
Thanks to Princess Fluttershy for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.
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