If you play Summer Paws and looking for a walkthrough of all 18 islands or just looking for an achievement guide, this article provide exactly what you need, let’s check it out.
1st Isle
2 cats, 2 shells.

What’s that?
Find a sea shell

Find a sea shell
2nd Isle
2 cats, 2 shells.
Click on the statue 3 times to reveal a sleeping cat.

Cat made of stone
Solve a stone statue puzzle
Click on the statue 3 times to reveal a sleeping cat.

Solve a stone statue puzzle
3rd Isle
3 cats, 2 shells.
Click on the button to open the door and reveal a sleeping cat.
Click on the button to open the door and reveal a sleeping cat.

4th Isle
9 cats, 8 shells, 1 rabbit.
If a cat is inside a greenhouse, open the door to make him clickable.
Achievement “Rabbit” is marked with pink.

There’s a rabbit near a greenhouse
Find 10 cats
If a cat is inside a greenhouse, open the door to make him clickable.
Achievement “Rabbit” is marked with pink.

There’s a rabbit near a greenhouse

Find 10 cats
Just looking around
Find 10 sea shells
5th isle
16 cats, 10 shells.
Click on all 3 buttons marked in pink to open the door and find the sleeping cat.

Meow Meow
Find 25 cats
Click on all 3 buttons marked in pink to open the door and find the sleeping cat.

Find 25 cats
Green Door
Open the green door
6th Isle
14 cats, 4 shells, 1 penguin
The “Penguin!” achievement is marked in pink.

Find 25 sea shells
Find a penguin at the fair
The “Penguin!” achievement is marked in pink.

Find 25 sea shells

Find a penguin at the fair
7th Isle
8 cats, 6 shells.
Press all 3 buttons to open the lighthouse door to reveal the sleeping cat.

Reach the lighthouse level
Meow Meow Meow
Find 50 cats
Press all 3 buttons to open the lighthouse door to reveal the sleeping cat.

Reach the lighthouse level

Find 50 cats
8th Isle
14 cats, 8 shells.

9th Isle

Find 50 sea shells

Open the door by the beach

Turn the stone cats around
10th Isle

Rotate every statue so it would face the island to reveal this cat.

11th Isle

Reach the party level

Find 100 cats
12th Isle
13th Isle
The “Star!” achievement is marked in pink.

Find a gold starfish on a boat

Find a gold starfish on a boat
14th Isle

Reach the camp level

15th isle

Solve the puzzle with paw prints on 3 rocks
16th Isle

17th Isle

Open the yellow door
18th Isle

Reach the last level

Below the marked tree.

Behind the rock.
Cat Whisperer
Find all the cats
Cats and Sea Shells
Find all the cats and all the sea shells
That’s all we are sharing today in Summer Paws 100% Walkthrough And Achievement Guide, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Hi! I’m having trouble finding the thir button on the 5th isle, if i could get a reply asap i’d be very thankful.