
Important Tools
The quickest tool to craft is the Scanner. Its recipe is one Battery and one Titanium. Titanium can be acquired by breaking open Limestone Outcrops, which litter the floor and walls of many biomes, including the one you are currently in. The outcrops also drop Copper Ore, which is required to craft batteries. The other resources needed for batteries are two Ribbon Plants, which are small, narrow, yellow and green plants generally found in the caves of the Shallow Twisty Bridges. Once you have all the items you need, return to the Drop Pod to craft the Scanner. The Scanner allows you to scan fauna, flora, rocks, and most importantly, Fragments. Fragments are broken pieces of technology that litter the floors of many biomes. Each biome has a different array of fragments. One very useful piece of technology that can be scanned in the Shallow Twisty Bridges is the Seaglide, which greatly increases your movement speed. Note that it and the Scanner require a charged battery to operate. If your tool runs out of power, simply craft another battery and replace it by pressing R while holding the tool. Later on in the game you’ll be able to create a Battery Charger and place it in your base to recharge the batteries you have. The next important item is the Survival Knife. The knife allows you to collect certain resources and fight off aggressive life forms should the need arise. The knife’s recipe is one Titanium and one Silicone Rubber. Silicone Rubber can be crafted by harvesting a Seed Cluster in the Arctic Kelp Forest. One of the forests can be found in the direction away from the tunnel. Once you make your way there, the seed clusters are bright red bulbs hanging off the tall Creepvines, which resemble real-life kelp. It is prudent to harvest as many as you can carry, as you will need more later. Once you have everything you need, head back to the Drop Pod to fabricate the knife. The third item that is necessary to craft is the Standard O₂ Tank. The tank increases your total oxygen, allowing you to stay underwater much longer. Its crafting recipe is two Titanium and a Fiber Mesh. Fiber Mesh is crafted using two Creepvine Samples, which can be acquired by using the Survival Knife on a Creepvine in the Arctic Kelp Forest. To use the knife, simply equip it using the number keys and then click Right Mouse Button. Once you craft the tank back at the Drop Pod, several more crafting recipes will be unlocked. While not strictly necessary, there are some other tools you can craft. One is the Flashlight, and the other is the Air Bladder. The Flashlight simply requires a Battery and Glass. The Flashlight can help you search for materials in the dark, as the world can be very poorly lit in certain places, especially around night. Glass is crafted by combining two Quartz. You may have already seen quartz; it is a white, crystalline object found on the floors of the Shallow Twisty Bridges. The Air Bladder requires Silicone Rubber and a Bladderfish, and can be used in two different ways. The first way is by replenishing your oxygen meter with 10 seconds of air. The other, more useful way is by allowing Robin to rapidly ascend 100 meters from the ocean floor to the water surface. The speed at which the player ascends is faster than most predators, making this a useful escape tool while in a pinch. Something you should take the time to craft is the High Capacity O₂ Tank, an upgraded version of the Standard O₂ Tank you previously crafted. Though not absolutely necessary to progress, if you are an inexperienced player it is recommended to craft this upgrade. The blueprint for it can be found in the Twisty Bridges; just explore until you find it, or skip to the next section if you can go without. Once you have everything you need, head back to the Drop Pod to craft the tank. Remember to take off your old tank in order to craft the new one.
Sanctuary Zero

Delta Island

Delta Station
Communications Tower
Deeper Exploration
The lady you saw was in a Prawn Suit; a vehicle that can walk along the seabed or above-water. It comes equipped with two modifiable arms and it very resilient to damage. Its blueprint can be found in the Glacial Basin, Outpost Zero and Koppa Mining Site. The latter is slightly more dangerous, however it also contains an arm upgrade for the Prawn Suit, so you want to go there anyway. The entrance to the mining site is southwest of the Delta Island, about 120 meters down in the Thermal Spires; it is not far from the island. You’ll know you found the entrance when you find doors in the wall of the biome. This entrance, however, is too small for the Seatruck to fit through, and it is nearly impossible to get all the way through the mining site on oxygen alone, no matter how much equipment you bring along (save for a network of Pipes; it may work, but it’d be expensive). Rather, you want to bring the Seatruck through the secondary entrance; it is found a short distance from the main entrance. It’s in a crevice filled with volcanic geysers. It may seem dangerous to put a Seatruck through a small hole filled with lava geysers, but actually you can fit through pretty easily. Once inside, you’ll see a large hole in the ground with tracks going deeper, carrying large chunks of ore out of the cavern, though the site is no longer operational. Follow the tracks through the cavern to a platform holding a damaged Prawn Suit. This is a fragment you can scan; all four of the fragments are inside the cavern. By the first fragment is also a Prawn Suit Drill Arm fragment. You need two of these, and they are also inside the cave. A bit deeper within the cave you’ll come across an area with the second drill arm fragment, which resembles some sort of loading dock for Prawn Suits. In this area there is a small console by one of the docks, next to which is a Prawn Suit Jump Jet Upgrade. You can use it after you build your own Prawn Suit. In this area is also a Data Box containing the Vehicle Upgrade Console. Make sure to pick it up before continuing, as well as scanning the two Prawn Suit fragments nearby.
A very short distance down the cave from the loading bay is a bend; the cavern splits into two parts. The left cave area contains a large artifact. They are not really needed to progress, but since you’re in the area you should take the time to scan it. Artifacts can be found all over Sector Zero, and scanning enough of them will reward you with new hybrid technology. The cave to the right is where the mining site ends. The elevator in the center of the room holds the blueprint for the Headlamp, a wearable Flashlight. Also in the room is the final Prawn Suit fragment. Collect it, and you should have everything you need from the mining site. You can exit from the same way you came in, or through a hole in the ceiling of the final room.
Now that you have unlocked the blueprint for the Prawn Suit and the Drill Arm, you can head back to your base or Drop Pod and craft them. The Prawn Suit is crafted in the Mobile Vehicle Bay. Once you build your Prawn Suit, it will sink to the bottom of the ocean, where you can enter it and start walking around on the ocean floor, with the same controls as you would use when walking on land. You can also control the left and right arms by clicking Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button.
Following Marguerit Maida
As Robin traverses up the Delta Island, she will briefly encounter Marguerit in her modified Prawn Suit, threatening her to stay off her land. Shortly before she leaves the island, she will tell you not to follow her. However, this is an incentive for you to follow Marguerit. Robin will then remark on how she was not as alone as she anticipated. It should be noted that this cutscene will allow you to access her seabase.
To get to Marguerit Maida’s Base which is located 380 meters underwater, it is advised that you have a Seatruck equipped with a Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK2. The base is accessible from the western corner of Lilypads Crevice, indicated by clusters of Hivemind plants. It is also accessible from the fissure under the northern Ventgarden in the Tree Spires. When Robin enters the base’s large room for the first time, Marguerit will request her to disable the Communications Tower on the Delta Island shortly before she walks into the adjacent large room. The rest of the rooms contain special interior modules including the Fridge, Sink, Toilet, and Shower. Her Snow Stalker will obstruct Robin from entering the other rooms of her base, until Robin hijacks the Communications Tower. For the time being, you will scan the Test Override Module and pick up the Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade lying on the rug the workroom table sits upon. You can pick up Marguerit’s third log in the workroom, and the fourth log in her bedroom. Her seabase is locked by default until you encounter Marguerit on the Delta Island.
After Marguerit Maida requests you to disable satellite surveillance, find and scan the Test Override Module fragment located on the table with Snowfox parts. There is also a Seatruck Perimeter Defense Upgrade near the table, it is advised that you pick it up. The blueprint for the Test Override Module consists of simple materials as well as a special item known as a Parallel Processing Unit. You will need to scan three fragments to unlock the Parallel Processing Unit blueprint. There is at least one Parallel Processing Unit fragment in each of the three Mercury II sections. Mercury II is a crashed ship. Its wreckage is broken into three sections, with the largest of the three ending up on a downward slope bordering the Purple Vents, Lilypad Islands and Tree Spires, the second-largest in the Lilypad Islands, and the smallest at the edge of the Purple Vents over a crevasse.

Discovering Other Outposts
Glacial Basin

Al-An’s Storage Medium

Entrance of Crystal Caves Cache can be found in Deepest section of Crystal Caves.

Creating Al-An’s Vessel

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