For Subnautica: Below Zero players, this guide will help you with How to unlock all achievements in Subnautica: Below Zero. Let’s check it out.
Achievements can be unlock only playing in Freedom, Survival and hardcore mode without using any console commands.
Drop in The Ocean
“Locate your Drop Pod”

The first Achievement in the game, you need to do is leave the starting area and progress to the Shallow Twisty Bridges and locate/enter your Drop Pod. Picture of the Drop Pod

“Construct a Seatruck”

How to Obtain: You need to build a Seatruck. Seatruck fragments can be found in the Twisty Bridges, Thermal Spires and Purple Vents Biome. Seatruck can be construct by using Mobile Vehicle Bay. Mobile Vehicle Bay fragments can be found in the Twisty Bridges and Arctic Kelp Caves. Picture of the Seatruck Fragment 

Picture of the Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragment

Jukebox Hero
“Install a jukebox”

How to Obtain: Construct a Jukebox inside a base using the Habitat Builder. Jukebox blueprint can be acquired by scanning the Jukebox fragment in the Delta Station. Delta Station is located in the Delta Island. Picture of the Delta Station 

Picture of the Jukebox in Delta Station

Dressed for the Weather
“Construct a cold suit”

How to Obtain: Fabricate and equip all parts of the Cold Suit. Cold Suit blueprint can be acquired by scanning the Cold Suit fragment in Zeta Landon’s bedroom in the Phi Robotics Center. You can craft it from Fabricator. The Phi Robotics Center is an Alterra Base located in a large cave in the Glacial Basin. You need the collect Snow Stalker fur for crafting cold suit. You can use the spy pengling for collect furs from Snow Stalker. Picture of the Phi Robotics Center Entrance

Picture of the Cold Suit in Phi Robotics Center

Like Riding a Bike
“Ride a Snowfox”

How to Obtain: Construct a Snowfox on the Snowfox Hoverpad and ride it. Snowfox fragments can be found in the Glacial Basin and Phi Robotics Center. Snowfox can be construct from the Snowfox Hoverpad. Also you can find the Snowfox Hoverpad in the Phi Robotics Center. Scan it with scanner and you will acquired blueprint. You can construct it with the Habitat Builder. Picture of the Snowfox Fragment 

Picture of the Snowfox Hoverpad Fragment

Spy Pengling
“Construct a Spy Pengling”

How to Obtain: Fabricate a Spy Pengling. Spy Pengling fragments is located in the Glacial Basin. Spy Pengling and Remote Control can be crafted from fabricator. Picture of the Spy Pengling Fragment

“Encounter a sapient alien lifeform”

How to Obtain: Find Sanctuary Zero and initiate the download sequence in the storage cube’s chamber. Sanctuary Zero is an Architect Base that is located in the Twisty Bridges.

If you explore the Twisty Bridges, you will receive an SOS signal originating from the sanctuary. The sanctuary is located deep in the biome, at a depth of 200m. You can find the entrance by going farther away from the Drop Pod, opposite the direction the area of Robin’s crashed shuttle. Once you get near the sanctuary, you may see some alien pillars. Follow the pillars to find the sanctuary.

Once you reach the sanctuary, follow the rocky path to get to the inner sanctuary. Inside the inner sanctuary is a large, open room with a giant cube-like structure in the center. Go around the cube and up the ramp to find a green hologram. Interacting with the hologram initiates a cutscene in which an Architect consciousness is downloaded. After the cutscene this achievement will unlock.
Another Survivor
“Find Marguerit’s home”

How to Obtain: Find and locate Marguerit Maida’s Base. To get to Marguerit Maida’s Base which is located 380 meters underwater, it is advised that you have a Seatruck equipped with a Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK2. The base is accessible from the western corner of Lilypads Crevice, indicated by clusters of Hivemind plants. It is also accessible from the fissure under the northern Ventgarden in the Tree Spires.

Pirate Radio
“Disable Alterra communications”

How to Obtain: Insert the Test Override Module into the Communications Tower’s maintenance port. Then head back down to the tower’s terminal and select [Enter Test Mode] The Communications Tower is located in the Delta Island 

Delta island can be found in the center of Sector Zero. It can be seen from a fair distance to the South (away from the tunnel and mountains). Test Override Module fragment is located in the Marguerit Maida’s Base.

The blueprint for the Test Override Module consists of simple materials as well as a special item known as a Parallel Processing Unit. You need the find and scan three fragments of Parallel Processing Unit in Mercury II Wrecks.

Laser Cutter is required for a couple of Parallel Processing Unit fragments as some are sealed behind small laser-cuttable Doors. Once you finish scanning all three Parallel Processing Unit fragments, head back to Drop Pod (or your base if you have a Fabricator installed) and fabricate the Parallel Processing Unit. Proceed to fabricate the Test Override Module once you have the materials.

Once you finish fabricating the Test Override Module, head to the Communication’s Tower atop Delta Island and bring the module with you. Once you get to the tower, head up the ladder to the maintenance port, and insert the module. Then, head back down and select [Enter Test Mode] on the tower’s terminal.
Necessary Repairs
“Repair the bridge”

How to Obtain: Repair the bridge in the Glacial Bay by using Hydraulic Fluid. In the Glacial Bay you will encounter with Bridge. Find a ruptured Hydraulic Fluid fragment on the bay half of the bridge and scan it.

Once you acquire the materials, fabricate one Hydraulic Fluid, and return to the bridge. Insert the fluid into the fuel compartment and interact with bridge’s terminal.

Finding the Cure
“Use the antidote”

How to Obtain: Eliminate the Kharaa Pustules on the Frozen Leviathan by using the Kharaa Antidote.
Frozen Leviathan Location:
Frozen Leviathan can be found in Phi Excavation Site in the Glacial Basin. Phi Excavation Site is located in the north-western corner of the basin, under a tall ice mountain. The entrance to the Phi Excavation Site, indicated by a few crates and light sticks can be found in the northwest corner of the area.

Antidote Location:
Antidote can be found in a Spy Pengling Cave in the Glacial Basin.
If you exit the cave containing the Frozen Leviathan, head south, past the Glacial Forest, and the frozen river bordering the forest’s southern end. You should find yourself going up a hill and there should also be a light stick near the top of the hill. Head left, you should find yourself walking past the top of a frozen waterfall. Head down a slope leading down to the western end of the Glacial Connection lake. The Spy Pengling site containing the antidote should be just under the slope. Deploy your Spy Pengling and use it to collect the antidote at the end of the cave. You need the insert Antidote to injection machine found near the creature’s head and then interact with injection machine’s terminal.

Out of Mind
“Construct an alien vessel”

How to Obtain: Construct Al-An’s Vessel at the Fabricator Base. There are three main body part fragments to be scanned in order to construct the full vessel. These are the organs, skeleton, and tissue components. You need the find three Architect Caches.
Arctic Spires Cache
The entrance to the Arctic Spires is located on the northern end of the Glacial Bay, on a high-up plateau connecting to the spires with a bridge. The Arctic Spires Cache is nestled in the deepest region within the Arctic Spires, within a depression in the rocks. Inside the cache you can find Architect Tissues.
Deep Lilypads Cave Cache
Deep Lilypads Cave is located just below the large suspended island where the Omega Lab is. This floating landmass can be found if you travel south of the Purple Vents, or east of the Tree Spires. Once you reach the suspended island go down the crevice around it until you reach the bottom. Once reached, find the one of the two tunnel openings leading further down, and follow the alien structures until you reach the Deep Lilypads Cave Cache. Be sure not to go all the way inside your Seatruck, as it is possible to get it stuck inside the cache. Inside you will find the Skeleton Component needed for Al-An’s Vessel, scanning this unlocks the Architect Skeleton.
Crystal Caves Cache
Crystal Caves can be accessed from the Deep Purple Vents or Marguerit Maida’s Base. Entrance of Crystal Caves Cache can be found in Deepest section of Crystal Caves.

To craft Al-An’s Vessel you need access the Fabricator Base found in the deepest part of Fabricator Caverns. It is located deeper inside the Crystal Caves and can be spotted by its characteristic red colored crystals. There are two tunnels leading down, each with its own Shadow Leviathan. Follow either one and try to find a space to park your Seatruck as you will have to leave it. The entrance to Fabricator Base is just below 900 meters.

Inside the base on the left side is 3 terminals. Each terminal is responsible for crafting one part of Al-An’s Vessel. Input the materials into each terminal and start the fabrication process of the vessel.

Into the Unkown
“Leave 4546b”

How to Obtain: After crafting the vessel, Al-An will tell you to meet him at the Architect Gate Base, which is near Outpost Zero. Once you reach the Architect Phase Gate, you can finish the game by activating Phase Gate and leave 4546B. Picture of the Architects Gate Base

That’s all we are sharing today in Subnautica: Below Zero 100% Achievement Guide, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Nicolas Dagenhart
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