Make sure that you have the profile that you want to change selected in-game, then exit the game.
Go to Local Disk (C:) > Users > [Your Computer Name] > AppData > Roaming > The Trials of Olympus III > Profiles
Here you will see a numbered file (or several, if you have more than one profile) and a Profiles.txt file.
Open up the Profiles.txt file and see which number is on the first line.
It will look like this (will be much shorter if you’re early in the game):
CurrProfile = “71-69-78-75-73-67-79-76-76”
Close Profiles file and open up the numbered file that matches your profile.
ie. 71-69-78-75-73-67-79-76-76.txt
Switch Mode = 1 to Mode = 0 and save.
You’ll now be on relaxed mode when you re-enter the game!
Written by genkicoll