This guide shows where the hidden areas of this game are. Also shows how to unlock Super Murder Mode.
General Tips
After you get each achievement you will unlock a new cosmetic after you exit the level. You don’t have to finish the level, simply exiting the level is fine.
Log Breaker (1-5)

Found in 1-5 above the exit room.
Brick Stacker (2-2)

Found in 2-2 to the right of the exit.
Blood Sacrifice (Super Murder Mode) (3-1)

Found in 3-1 directly before the exit room.
Bring the heart down and place it on the altar. Now walk to the glowing purple spot. After a cutscene plays you will be kicked out to the level select area and will unlock Super Murder Mode.
Super Murder Mode isn’t only cosmetic, you will need it to complete the Headshot achievement. Having it on in the final level will change the ending of the game, so you will have to do the final level twice (one time with Super Murder Mode on, one with it off) if you want to get both ending achievements.
Bat Bouncer (4-7)

Found in 4-7 to the right of the exit room.
Super Murder Mode OFF = A Very Special Invitation
Yes, you do have to complete the entire final level twice if you want both achievements.