Area One

This is The Area one fireflies. See the video tutorials in the Introduction section if you need more help.


This firefly is pretty easy to notice. It is right after the heart on the above the platform to the right.

Throw your heart onto the platform and then jump onto it. You should start bouncing on the heart, and if you need extra vertical height perform an up dash to grab the Firefly.


This firefly is to the left of the key. To get it jump then perform and do a left-up diagonal dash.


The firefly is located just above the heart.

Move the heart from under the ceiling, then bounce on the heart and dash upwards and land on the platform


This Firefly is on the left of the start. First you need to go right an aquire the wolf power.

Then You need to jump onto the right bat, bounce of of it and dash to the platform on the left. Make sure you don’t land on the left bat otherwise you won’t be able to get back

Now you just need to jump onto the last bat and dash to the ground and your firefly will be collected.


The firefly is to the right of the key.

To get the Firefly jump up to the left right most platform, then jump to the left and do a diagonal up-left dash to grab the firefly.


To get this firefly play the level as normal until you get to the end of the level and are standing on the thin platform by the house.

Drop down this platform by pressing down and your jump key at the same time. You will end up in a room with thorns and a moving platform.

Jump onto the platform and make your way to were the firefly is. After you have grabbed it make your way back to collect the firefly.


Make your way through the level normaly until you reach the platform with the two bats and the firefly underneath it. jump onto the right bat and bounce of it to collect the firefly then bounce on the left bat and land on the platform on the other side of the platform above you.


Make your way up to the heart and then throw it up to the ledge shown in the bottom right image.

Bring the heart to the right, then jump, with the heart in hand, onto the ledge. then use the heart to get the height to grab the firefly.


This firefly is underneath the ledge at the start of the level. You need to drop down and the dash to the left and fall in the hole in the thorns. This may take you a few trys to get timing correct.


Play the level normaly until you get the heart.

Then make your way back to the start where the firefly is, and drio the heart on the moving platform. Bounce on the heart and dash toward the firefly. Then make your way back to solid ground to collect it.


Area 2

This is the guide for the Area Two fireflies. See the video tutorials in the Introduction section if you need more help.


This firefly is just beyond the heart. When you see the firefly drop your heart and bounce on top of it and dash toward the firefly.


Again the firefly is just beyond the heart. Play the level as normal and ascend to the second highest cutable platform. Then wall jump up the passage and collect the firefly at the top.


This firefly is in the area just above the owl. First, kill the owl and take its powers then fly straight up the channel in the ceiling, there you will find the firefly.


This firefly is across the chasm by the heart. first place the heart down by the ledge. then bounce on it and dash across the chasm. You will find the firefly on the other side.


This firefly is over by the key. you will need to carfully fly down into the gap and grab the key, then carefulyl navigate out and to solid ground so you can collect it.


Continue past the heart as normal until you reach the part with the bats. once here you can drop down and kill the out to take its powers. Once you’ve done that, you will fly to the left and into the air were you will find the firefly.


At the beginning dash to the first rope platform and cut the rope. Then use your dash to jump over the bat and land on the platform with the firefly. Finally you need to do a up-right diagonal dash and bounce of the bat to land on the platform to collect the firefly.


Head trhough the level as normal, and get the wolf power. After you have gotten to the platform with the key you will see a moving platform on the right of you screen(if you don’t see it wait for it to appear). Dash to the platform and ride it to the right and you will find the firefly.


Just beyond the heart you will find the junction, if you keep going right you will find the firefly on top of a ledge were you can collect it.


The last firefly of the area is located right at the beginning of the level. Jump of the wolf and dash upwards. Then wall jump up the sides of the column until you grab the firefly. Make sure to touch the ground so that the firefly is counted as collected.

Thanks to spottyunderdog for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.