A complete guide to unlocking all the achievements for Spark the Electric Jester 2.
Spark The Electric Jester 2 Achievement Guide
Welcome to my achievement guide for Spark the Electric Jester 2. Spark 2 consists of 11 total achievements ranging from time/score attacks, difficulty challenges and tour challenges. Below is a guide that will hopefully explain how to unlock all the achievements for Spark 2. Any questions please ask away down below and I will try my best to answer them for you, happy hunting!
Difficulty Achievements
Difficulties do stack in this game meaning if you complete very hard mode it will also unlock the achievements for hard and normal. I suggest doing the first run on normal and just enjoying the game and then very hard but if you want the achievements faster start with very hard but be careful because if you are not familiar with the mechanics this can be tough!

To earn this achievement you need to finish the game on normal. Pretty self explanatory and a really good chance to just play through the game at a casual pace, practice movements and experience the game. Complete this task to earn this achievement.

To earn this achievement you need to finish the game on hard. Hard mode doesn’t vary too much from normal, you will take more damage when hit and your shield doesn’t last as long when holding down the parry button. Complete this task to earn this achievement.

To obtain this achievement you will need to finish the game on very hard mode. Very hard mode is more difficult than hard and normal. Here 1-2 hits will kill you so you need to use caution and be careful not to take too much damage. The stages themselves aren’t too difficult but the bosses can be tricky and hurt you pretty bad when taking hits. By now you should understand how the bosses work to make this easier for yourself. Complete this task to earn the achievement.
Complete the Game On Challenge Mode
To obtain this achievement complete the game on challenge mode. Challenge mode is the most difficult mode the game offers. Like very hard you can only take 1-2 hits before dying and the big difference here is that you can’t hold down the parry button before an attack meaning you need to perfectly time your blocks against enemies and bosses. By this point knowledge of how the bosses work and knowing the easiest routes through the stages will be extremely helpfully in completing this. Complete this task to earn the achievement.
Tour Challenge Achievements
Tour mode unlocks after any completion of the game. You can find the option by pressing start on the world map and selecting tour Mode. This mode is tied to the save file you are using meaning if you complete the game on one save file and then choose another one it will not be available on that save file until completing the game again. There are a total of 4 tours to complete which are listed below.

To obtain this achievement you need to finish the special tour called Stage Journey. The objective is to complete a stage rush (no bosses) with only one life. Should you die or fall off anywhere once you will need to restart. This one is fairly tricky in the later stages due to the amount of fast running segments with no side rails it’s easy to fall off. The best course of action is to take it very slow and constant dashing will slow you enough to make any tricky runways a breeze. I suggest using power Fark because should you fall off you have a nice air dash recovery option. Complete this task to earn the achievement.

To obtain this achievement you need to finish the special tour called the Jester Journey. The objective is to complete the game with only 5 lives. Should you lose 5 times you will need to restart over so the best course of action is to take it easy and just complete the game normally ensuring you don’t fall off anywhere. Complete this task and earn the achievement.
The Electric Jester Complete
To obtain this achievement you need to finish the special tour stage called The Electric Journey. Like the Jester Journey you need to complete the entire game with power ups disabled and only 5 lives. This one is not that hard but like the others take it easy and you should have no problem completing this. It’s good to get familiar with boss patterns because with normal Fark they take a little more time to kill so knowing the patterns can help a lot. Complete this task to earn the achievement.
Boss Rush Complete
To obtain this achievement you need to finish the special tour called Gladiator Journey. As the title suggests this is a boss rush mode. To do this you simply need to beat all the bosses back to back with only one life. Should you lose you will need to start over again. Standard strategy applies here, remember the boss patterns and if you’re ever unsure move away from the boss just to be safe. Complete this task to earn the achievement.
Collectibles and Challenges Achievements
The rest of the achievements consist of art gallery collectibles and time/score attack medals. Below is a list of the achievements required.

To obtain this achievement you will need to unlock all 106 pieces of art in the art gallery. This can be done one of two ways. There are 106 disks scattered throughout the stage which can be collected to unlock a piece of art. You can also access the shop (pressing start on world map) and for 250 bits each you can purchase a piece of random art. You need a total of 106 piece in order to unlock the achievement. If you’re crazy enough to do it I’ve included a video below showcasing all 106 collectibles to make it easier but if you wish to find them yourself remember to look everywhere up and down and all around. There are more than 106 disks in total and some of the higher difficulties seem to have more in other places, for the sake of the below video these were found on the casual difficulty for easy collection. Complete this task to earn the achievement.
Got All Score Medals!
To obtain this achievement you will need to beat all the score challenges for each stage. When selecting a stage a display will come up showing what score you need to complete in order to earn either a gold or diamond medal. This mode has a time cap of 5 minutes, after 5 minutes you will incur a time penalty causing your score to drop. In order to reach each goal you’ll have to kill as many enemies and gather as many bits are possible in order to increase multipliers to reach the targeted score. This is a very difficult challenge. Every stage has a diamond medal and a gold medal. Complete this task to earn the achievement
Got All Speed Medals!
To Obtain this achievement you will need to obtain all the speed medals for stages and bosses. Like the score medals when you select a stage you will see a time challenge that needs to be beat in order to secure either a gold or diamond medal. Simply beat the targeted time to get medals. This is very difficult as well, the times are based off Lakes personal times. Complete this task to earn the achievement.
That’s it you’ve done it congrats on 100% on the game.
Written by EightC