Here is a guide to help you get all the routes, CGs, and achievements.
Choices and CGs
Before reading further, if you haven’t already, I suggest reading the devs’ Quick Start Guide on one of the pinned threads here. It’s really useful, and helps you plan how to play to get into the routes. I will not explain further about the basic things there, and will assume you have understood them. But if you need help with something, feel free to ask and I’ll try to answer.
Note: Since there are 6 CGs for Base BF, I will refer to the first one as the Common CG (since it’s actually from the Common Route) and refer the second one as the first CG.
- To get the first CG generally you must choose the correct answer(s) during one of the scenes.
- The second CG is the CG from the smut scene. You will also need to choose the correct answers to get all the variations. Do note that you may not be able to see this CG if you choose to turn the 17+ content off.
- The third CG is the CG from the bad ending on Day 114, not the early bad endings.
- The fourth and the last CG is from the good ending on Day 114.
There will be many random scenes scattered around the routes, but not all of them have options. Sometimes they’re really short or simply scenes that show that you are getting closer to your bf. I will now list the scenes and the correct choices that will significantly affect the playthrough and some will determine whether you will get good or bad ending.
> Common Route
- On the scene where you and your bf are talking about parents, choose . Still on the same scene, when you are trying to find your bf and guessing what he is doing, choose the one related to his type.
- Talking to cute girls : Flirt
- Smoking hookah : Bad Boy
- Book club : Prince
- On the scene where you are supposed to have a date but have to cancel due to your loveseat getting delivered, choose to . Afterwards, also choose the one related to your bf’s type.
- Check the office : Bad Boy
- Check the kitchen : Flirt
- Check the living room : Prince
- On the scene where you are trying to sneakily go to work, choose to . After getting home on the same day, choose the color associated with your bf’s type:
- Blue : Prince
- Red : Bad Boy
- Yellow : Flirt
> Base BF Route
- On the scene where you ask your bf to watch a movie together on your day off, pick whichever movie you want. When he suddenly gets a fever, choose to and see the first CG for base BF.
- On the scene where your bf is calling you when you’re at work to tell you he’s a bit feverish, choose to . When you are calling him to ask where he is, choose whichever location you want. Then choose to .
- On Day 100, if everything goes well, you will get the scene where your bf ran into his previous owner. Choose to .
- On Day 114, your bf will decide to go to Reine Works and ask about your work. Choose to and to get good ending. You will also get the first CG here. Afterwards, choose to get the second CG. And soon you will see the fifth CG. (If you get bad ending, you will see the third CG instead.)
> Bad Boy Route
- On the scene where you found old photos and gifts from your ex, choose to . When asked which item goes first, choose the .
- On the scene where your bf is taking you to an abandoned warehouse, choose . When both of you are cornered by the police, choose to and you will get the very first CG.
- On Day 100, if everything goes well, you will get the scene where you and your bf are having an argument. Choose and .
- On Day 114, you will see either the good ending or the bad ending. If you get the good one, you will get both 4th and 5th CGs, but if you get the bad ending you will see the 3rd CG instead.
> Flirt Route
- On the scene where you find out your bf has many social media installed on his phone and ask him to add you, choose to . Afterwards, when you see the notification from Lovelie Deception, choose to .
- On the scene where your bf is taking you to a boutique and ask you to choose some clothes, choose the style. After your bf suddenly going in to the fitting room, choose to get the first CG.
- On Day 100, if everything goes well, you will get the anniversary scene where you and your bf are spending the day in an expensive hotel. Choose the correct answers to get the second CG and all the variants.
- On Day 114, you will see either the good ending or the bad ending. If you get the good one, you will get both 4th and 5th CGs, but if you get the bad ending you will see the 3rd CG instead.
> Prince Route
- On the scene where your bf wakes you up with breakfast but you’re already late for work, choose to and then that he made.
- On the scene where your bf is taking you somewhere mysterious to help you ‘unwind’, choose and choose to when he’s leaning towards you. You will get the first CG.
- On the scene where your bf is dragging you out to the park and ends up asking about your job, choose to to avoid early bad ending.
- On Day 100, if everything goes well, you will get the scene where your bf insists on drawing an aromatherapy bath for you and leaves some clues as well. Choose to .
- On Day 114, you will see either the good ending or the bad ending. If you get the good one, you will get both 4th and 5th CGs, but if you get the bad ending you will see the 3rd CG instead.
The Contract
You signed the contract that starts it all.
How to get it: Automatically unlocked once you sign the contract.Fired
You’ve somehow managed to lose your job. Wow…
How to get it: Get fired from your job by not going to work or not having high enough stats related to your job.
TIPS:Top of the Ladder
You’ve successfully climbed to the top of the career ladder!
How to get it: Earn a promotion for your job before Day 80+.
TIPS:Bad Ending
You hit an early dead end. Better luck next time.
How to get it: Unlocked when you see your first early bad ending – bad ends that are triggered by choosing the wrong answer(s) or because you get fired or if you max out one of the stats before the game ends.
TIPS:Budding Actor
You’ve beaten the game on easy mode. Now, it’s time to take it up a notch!
How to get it: Finish the game on Easy Mode (and see the ending on Day 114. Early bad endings do not count.)Total Star
You’ve beaten the game on normal mode. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge…?!
How to get it: Finish the game on Normal Mode (and see the ending on Day 114. Early bad endings do not count.)The Best Ever
You’ve beaten the game on hard mode. You’re unstoppable!!!
How to get it: Finish the game on Hard Mode (and see the ending on Day 114. Early bad endings do not count.)
Our condolences. Your Boyfriend is having an identity crisis.
How to get it: Successfully got into Base BF’s route.United
Obtained the Base Boyfriend’s good ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Base BF’s route with affection at least 4 (blushing state), and choosing the correct answers during Visual Novel mode.
BrokenObtained the Base Boyfriend’s bad ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Bad Boy’s route either with affection less than 4 (blushing state), or choosing the wrong answers during Visual Novel mode.
The Bad Boy
Congratulations. Your Boyfriend has become a bad boy.
How to get it: Successfully got into Bad Boy’s route.Anger Mismanagement
Your anger ended up being a bit too much…
How to get it: Max out your Anger stat before the game ends.Shredded
Obtained the Bad Boy’s good ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Bad Boy’s route without getting fired, with affection at least 4 (blushing state), and without maxing out the Anger stat.Sweet Revenge
Obtained the Bad Boy’s bad ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Bad Boy’s route either without a job, or with affection less than 4 (blushing state).
The Flirt
Congratulations. Your Boyfriend has become a flirt. Wait, what?
How to get it: Successfully got into Flirt’s route.Too Sexy
Your sexiness ended up being a bit too much…
How to get it: Max out your Sexiness stat before the game ends.Delicious
Obtained the Flirt’s good ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Flirt’s route without getting fired, with affection at least 4 (blushing state), and without maxing out the Sexiness stat.Inescapable
Obtained the Flirt’s bad ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Flirt’s route either without a job, or with affection less than 4 (blushing state).
The Prince
Congratulations. Your Boyfriend has become a (figurative) prince.
How to get it: Successfully got into Prince’s route.The Pursuit of Knowledge
Your intelligence ended up being a bit too much…
How to get it: Max out your Knowledge stat before the game ends.Flustered
Obtained the Prince’s good ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Prince’s route without getting fired, with affection at least 4 (blushing state), and without maxing out the Knowledge stat.The Letter
Obtained the Prince’s bad ending.
How to get it: Finish the game on Prince’s route either without a job, or with affection less than 4 (blushing state).Written by Sunny