In this guide you will get to know how to obtain many of achievements from game Sid Meier’s Civilization VI + all DLCs. There are many of them but still don’t all – if I gain any achievement I put it into guide. Actually I gained 154/241 achievements and still updating guide. The guide is preferable for people which want gain some achievement in the shortest way. Guide is length, so use CTRL+F and type achievement title or phrase you are interested in to quickly find it in guide. Guide include following DLCs:
– regular game (100 achievements),
– Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack (10 achievements),
– Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack (10 achievements),
– Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack (10 achievements),
– Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack (10 achievements),
– Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack (6 achievements),
– Vikings Scenario Pack (7 achievements),
– Rise and Fall (38 achievements)
– Gathering Storm.
Civilization VI – regular game achievements – part 1
Before you start a game, you need to create own one and modify map size. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select Map Size from a dropdown list to a specific one. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Here’s Looking At You Kid
Win a regular game on a Duel Map.
Four Corners Offense
Win a regular game on a Tiny Map
Six Shooter
Win a regular game on a Small Map.
Eight is Enough
Win a regular game on a Standard Map.
Ten Commandments
Win a regular game on a Large Map.
Dirty Dozen
Win a regular game on a Huge Map.
Before you start a game, you need modify map to a specific type. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select Map from a dropdown list to a specific one. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Tectonic Shift
Win a regular game on the Continents Map.
Alfred Wegener’s Legacy
Win a regular game on the Pangaea Map.
Riffle and Bridge
Win a regular game on the Shuffle Map.
Unique Snowflake
Win a regular game on Fractal Map.
The Taste of Victory
Win a regular game on the Island Plates Map.
Mare Nostrum
Win a regular game on the Inland Sea Map.
In order to gain all 8 achievements at once you need to create a new game and change difficulty level to Deity. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Game, Settler, Match
Win a regular game at Settler difficulty or harder.
Irish Heartbeat
Win a regular game at Chieftain difficulty or harder.
Warlording Over Others
Win a regular game at Warlord difficulty or harder.
Machiavelli’s Great Work
Win a regular game at Prince difficulty or harder.
The Divine Right of Kings
Win a regular game at King difficulty or harder.
Emperor’s New Groove
Win a regular game at Emperor difficulty or harder.
12 Labors of Hercules
Win a regular game at Immortal difficulty or harder.
Win a regular game at Deity difficulty.
Civilization VI – regular game achievements – part 2
Mission to Mars
Win a regular game with a Science victory on any difficulty with any leader.
To get this achievement as soon as possible, for sure start your game from Information Era.
Scientific victory is split into three main objectives – each of them requires several steps to complete themselves.
3 main objectives:
To complete objective 1 (launch a satellite), you must:
- 1. Build a Spaceport district in your city.
- 2. In city where Spaceport district is built, choose Launch Earth Satellite project from the production menu.
To complete objective 2 (land a human on the Moon), you must:
- 1. Research Satellites on the Technology Tree.
- 2. Then you will be able start ‘Begin a Launch Moon Landing’ project from city with a Spaceport.
To complete objective 3 (establish a Martian Colony), you must:
- 1. Research Nuclear Fusion on the Technology Tree first.
- 2. Start the ‘Launch Mars Reactor’ project from city with a Spaceport.
- 3. Research Robotics on the Technology Tree.
- 4. Start the ‘Launch Mars Habitation’ project from city with a Spaceport.
- 5. Research Nanotechnology on the Technology Tree.
- 6. Begin the ‘Launch Mars Hydroponics’ project from any city with a Spaceport.
After Launch Marc Hydroponics project is complete then you win in science way. It’s pretty easy on Settler difficulty.
Veni, vidi, vici
Win a regular game with a Domination victory on any difficulty with any leader.
I recommend you create your own game with settings as follows: Settler difficulty level, Duel Map, Pangea, Information Start Era, disable all win ways except for Domination and set no turn limit and no barbarians. You get 4 settlers in the beginning – create 4 cities. Important: you are going to build atomic bomb so you need uranium resourse within your borders. In one city choose Manhattan Project as production. Build Aerodrome and at least one Bomber: the best in city closest to your enemy’s capital. In meantime build several units which are able to conquer city and locate them near your enemy’s capital. After Manhattan Project is complete, choose Build Nuclear Device project as production. After it’s complete, nuke opponent’s capital and conquer it using units located nearby.
Win a regular game with a Religious victory on any difficulty with any leader.
Create your own game, set Duel Map, Settler difficulty, no barbarians, Classical Era as start era, Philip II as a leader (recommended) and as your opponent AI choose Kongo, as they can’t generate a Great Prophet and therefore they can not form their own religion. Disable all victory conditions except for Religious Victory. Build Holy Site, invest in Moksha governor promotions (if you play as Spain with Philip II leader) and gain as many Faith points as you can and you win really quickly. I win within 15-20 minutes and even did not purchase any missionaires.
Buying Your Blue Jeans and Listening to Your Pop Music
Win a regular game with a Culture victory on any difficulty with any leader.
I recommend you gain this achievement together with “Selfie” achievement (Win a regular game with a Culture victory with your leader in the game as your opponent as well). You have to set Duel map and choose opponent leader the same as your leader. Remember if you choose tourism/culture civ, e. g. France or China then your opponent will be focused on culture as well so it can be tricky. Remember to turn off all win conditions except for Culture Victory. Turn off barbarians, select settler difficulty and set no turn limit to make it easier. In opposite to Civ V, culture victory I find as quite difficult to gain. Culture Points and amount of Tourists are your goal here. You for sure need to focus on building as many wonders as you can and great person points spend on Great Writers, Artists and Musicians. Apart from, use policy cards which increase tourism/culture. Keep in mind that trade routes and being of suzerain of Culture city-states give you more Culture points. Entertainment districts and water parks can provide culture points and tourists as well. In the victory panel you are able to check how many tourists you need to win. I played on Duel Map as Wilhelmina (my only opponent was Wilhelmina as well) on Settler Difficulty, started with Industrial Era. I reached Atomic era and still did not win. During my game I built all wonders and buildings/districts which provide culture points/tourists which I was able to and still did not win. So I decided to build nuclear bombs and conquer all opponent’s cities apart from capital. That worked for me, tourists have started to increasing pretty quick and I finally won and got achievement.
Civilization VI – regular game achievements – part 3
You need to create a new game, go to Advanced Setup tab and change era start to a specific one. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
The Test of Time
Win a regular game with an Ancient Era start.
After Antiquity
Win a regular game with a Classical Era start.
Out of the Dark Ages
Win a regular game with a Medieval Era start.
Renaissance Man
Win a regular game with a Renaissance Era start.
Captain of Industry
Win a regular game with an Industry Era start.
Modern Major General
Win a regular game with a Modern Era start.
Splitting the Atom
Win a regular game with an Atomic Era start.
Through the Digital Age
Win a regular game with an Information Era start.
Before you start a game, you need set leader for which you want get achievement. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select leader from a dropdown. There is many this type achievements so if you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Valois Dynasty
Win a regular game as Catherine De Medici.
Daughter of Isis
Win a regular game as Cleopatra.
Crusader King
Win a regular game as Frederick Barbarossa.
Be the Change You Wish to See In the World
Win a regular game as Gandhi.
First to Civilize
Win a regular game as Gilgamesh.
Let Teddy Win
Win a regular game as Theodore Roosevelt.
For Sparta!!!
Win a regular game as Gorgo.
Montezuma’s Revenge
Win a regular game as Montezuma.
Varangian Guard
Win a regular game as Harald Hardrada.
Win a regular game as Hojo Tokimune.
Mvene Kongo
Win a regular game as Mvemba a Nzinga.
Emperor of Brazil
Win a regular game as Pedro II.
Oratorical Skills
Win a regular game as Pericles.
Bronze Horseman
Win a regular game as Peter the Great.
Non Sufficit Orbis
Win a regular game as Phillip II.
Elixir of Immortality
Win a regular game as Qin Shi Huang.
Sultan of Egypt
Win a regular game as Saladin.
Warrior Queen
Win a regular game as Tomyris.
Warrior Queen
Win a regular game as Victoria.
To win as Victoria I needed start a game with atomic era start, found a city and purchased as many tiles as I can to “1 turn – trick” works.
Civilization VI – regular game achievements – part 4
If You Build It, They Will Come
Have 6 Improvements at one time.
Probably the first achievement you will get. After you found a city, you have to build 6 improvements (like stone, bananas etc.) at one time.
A Revolution Without Dancing
Change your government.
It’s storyline achievement, so if you play any game from ancient era, you for sure don’t avoid this one.
You will get achievement if you change your government e.g. to Autocracy.
Escort Service
Put two units into a formation.
Move civil unit (e.g. builders or settler) into tile where any military unit is already stationed there. Select military unit and press button which is marked in red below:
Everything is Awesome!!!
At the start of the turn have an Ecstatic city.
Your city must have at least +3 amenities. You for sure get this achievement during your game. Amenity level you can increase e.g. by building entertainment district or luxury resources.
Land Party
Play a multiplayer game.
Just start a multiplayer game. You don’t have to win the game to get this achievement.
Naming Rights
Name a unit.
To change unit’s name it has to gain two promotions. After your unit gain enought fight experience you can upgrade it on higher level. If your unit has flag with number 2 this button will be available to change the unit’s name:
Archimedes Bath
Get 5 Tech boosts in 1 turn.
I got this achievements when playing as Cleopatra, started from Information Era. I gained enought Great Person points and recruited Great Scientist Abdus Salam:
Locate scientist in scientic district and trigger his ability:
Then achievement popped for me as 5 technologies for Information Era was boosted.
For Queen and Country
Playing as England on a Huge map, have a city on every continent at the start of the turn.
Create your own game and go to Advanced Setup. Select Victoria as your leader (England), Map size: huge, Map: Pangea, Start era: Information era. Remove all your opponents except for one. Select checkbox “No barbarians”. Due to you start from information era, you get 4 settlers in the beginning. Found your 1 city and build Space Port. After that select “Lauch Earth Sattelite” project – your entire map will be visible if it’s complete and you will know where other continents are located. In meantime send your units and other settlers in order to searching other continents. Next to mini-map in bottom-left corner of the screen click eyeglass button and choose “Continent” to figure out if any other continents you discovered. If yes – create city on another continent. After Launch Earth Satellite project is complete, just create one city on each continent. If you have one city on each continent, press next turn button.
Walk Like an Egyptian
As Egypt build a Sphinx adjacent to the Pyramids both on Floodplains.
Sphinx is unique building of Egypt so start your game choosing Cleopatra as your leader. During your game research Masonry to unlock Pyramids. You have to found a city nearby at least two tiles with floodplains and desert (as Pyramids can be build only on desert). As first on one tile you need to build Pyramids (via city) and on the second tile build Sphinx using builders. You might don’t get this achievement if you build Sphinx as first, so firstly build Pyramids.
2016 Ready
Playing as Brazil, complete both Estadio Do Maracana and Christo Redentor in one city.
Create a new game and set Pedro II as your leader. To get this achievement quite quick, set start era to atomic era – then you will be able to build Christo Redentor wonder immediately. Follow these steps:
1. Found a city nearby at least one hill – Christo Redentor wonder must be located on hills.
2. Choose Christo Redentor wonder as production in your city.
3. Select from Civics Tree Professional Sports – it’s obligatory to unlock Estadio Do Maracana wonder. Found other cities to get cultural points in order to speed up getting this.
4. When Christo Redentor is complete, build Street Carnival in the same city as wonder. In Brazil Street Carnival replaces Entertainment Complex, which is necessary to build Estadio Do Maracana.
5. Build Zoo within Street Carnival.
6. Build Stadium within Street Carnival.
7. When Professional Sports idea is completed, build Estadio Do Maracana – it must be located on flat area next to Entertainment Complex.
Use a bomber class unit to detonate a nuclear device, as long as its base and 9 Observation Balloons are located on the continent of Nena at the time of detonation.
The most difficult part of this achievement is have a luck to find Nena continent which is rather rare continent. I recommend you just keep restarting game until Nena is respawned. If you start game from Information Era you can work on Manhattan Project immediately. Remember that you need uranium resource to product atomic bomb. In meantime build 9 Observation Ballons and locate them on Nena continent. Complete ‘Build Nuclear Device’ project and build Aerodrome and Bomber in your city which has to be located on Nena as well as observation ballons. Then nuke some opponent city using Bomber. In my case achievement didn’t pop when I nuked my own city – I had to nuke other AI’s city.
Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World
Launch a weapon of mass destruction and have it pillage seven wonders.
You have to build 7 Wonders, so you can not start your game just from Information Era to get Nuclear Fusion technology quick. The latest era you can start is Modern Era, but I recommend you start from Industrial era due to some wonders terrain requirements (e.g. Cristo Redentor from modern era need to be next to Hills) and race with your opponent (so the best set duel map and settler difficulty).
Just in beginning of your game as technology select Nuclear Fusion (from Information era, not Atomic) from Technology Tree – it will be researched in the fastest way:
It’s really difficult (or maybe just impossible) to get this achievement using nuclear bomb because it has 1 tile range only. Thermonuclear bomb has range = 2. So it’s important that you have to build 7 Wonders close to each other within thermonuclear range:
Operation Ivy Project allows you create a thermonuclear bomb. Before nuke you need build Aerodrome, Jet Bomber and have uranium resources as well. If you are ready, just send bomb in the center of your wonders.
Civilization VI – regular game achievements – part 5

New Orleans Style Spanish Rice
Become Suzerain of a City-State.
To become a suzerain of a city-state, you have to send at least 3 envoys there. If city-state has already a suzerain, then win this AI which send more envoys.
Flight Slingulator
Airlift a level 3 Slinger.
Due to Slinger is weak unit, I recommend you create other units before and put it in combat to avoid die. If you gain enough exp in fight, promote the unit. Keep in mind that if you have a promotion waiting to be used, you can not get more exp for that unit until you choose a promotion. Don’t turn off barbarians in your game settings. If you get 3 promotions, build aerodrome in 2 cities and airlift unit from 1 city to another.
Trans-Siberian Railroad
Playing as Russia, have a city that is at least 60 tiles away from your capital, connected by a Trade Route and road at the start of the turn.
This for sure won’t be fast and easy. Create a game with following settings:
- select Peter as your leader (Russia)
- huge map – lot of space is what you need the most
- inland map – to avoid sea tiles
- remove all your opponents (leave only 1) and City-States, you don’t need be confused by them
- information era start – you can quick complete Launch Earth Satellitle project to discover whole map to make cities replacement easier
- turn off all victory conditions except for Domination. If you select Settler difficulty no one should declare a war
- turn off barbarians – to get it easier
- turn off turn limit
You have to create Trade Route 60 tiles away from your capital (not just between two cities) so place your capital carefully. Send your settler on the edge of map and create capital. Trade Routes have 15 tiles range so create your next cities with max 14 tiles between them. I recommend create your cities in straight line if possible. You need only one trader – send him progressively from capital to the next city one by one.
City of Kongo
Playing as Kongo, have a capital city with a population of 30.
Create your own game and set Mvemba a Nzinga as your leader. Before you found a capital, look around and try locate it nearby Rainforests and Wheat/Rice. Found several cities and build commercial and harbour districts in them in order to increase domestic Trade Routes amount. From your capital, send all traders you have to your other cities to get additional food. For sure use Collectivization policy card which gives +4 food from domestic trade routes (this card it’s available from Modern Era if you have Class Struggle Civic). If you are close to population of 30, chopping rainforests might be helpful.
Arabian Knights
Conquer a city with a Mamluk.
Mamluk is a unique unit of Arabia. Create your own game, set Saladin as your leader (Arabian Empire). Set Settler difficulty and Renessaince era start – you will be able build Mamluk units immediately. Build up army with at least one Mamluk unit and conquer any city using Mamluk unit in the last hit. It can be City-State as well.
Win a regular game with a Culture victory with your leader in the game as your opponent as well.
Create your own game and select the same opponent leader as your leader (preferable is Duel map). Read content in this guide under Buying Your Blue Jeans and Listening to Your Pop Musicachievement (Win a regular game with a Culture victory on any difficulty with any leader) to get more tips.
Gift From the Storm God
Receive a Strategic Resource from Hattusa.
Hattusa is a city-state so you need to find it on your map. After you find it, send Envoys until you are a suzerain of Hattusa. After that you quicly get some resource from it. Keep in mind you will get a resource which you have already discovered but you don’t actually possess. If achievement does not pop up, you probably possess all strategic resources which Hattusa can give you.
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
Launch an Inquisition as Spain.
Create new game and set Philip II as your leader (Spain). Research Astrology to allow build Holy District. Firstly you need to found Pantheon and then found a Religion. If you gain enough Faith Points, the Great Prophet appears and then you can found a Religion. After that is enough to build a temple in Holy Site and purchase Apostle by Faith Points and push “Launch Inquisition” button. Remember you have to have Theology unlocked in Civic tree in order to build Temple in Holy Site.
Legends of the Hidden Temple
Build a Colossal Head adjacent to a Holy Site with a Temple.
At first: you need to be the Suzerain of the city state La Venta to have ability to build Colossal Head, it’s important. Research Astrology to allow build Holy District, preferable is Renaissance era start. Once you found Pantheon you are able to found a Religion. If you gain enough Faith Points, the Great Prophet appears and then you can found a Religion. Unlock Theology in civic tree in order to build a Temple in Holy Site. Then just train or buy builder and build Colossal Head next to Holy Site.
Island Hoping
Win a regular game with a Domination victory on any difficulty with any leader on a Huge Island Plates map.
Create own game: select any leader, choose Map Size as Huge, Map as Island Plates, Information Era start, no barbarians, no turn limit and turn off all victory conditions except for Domination Victory. However, remove all opponent AIs except for one (1 vs 1) so you are going to conquer only 1 capital. Rush nukes (Manattan project is needed) and Satellite project. Build Aerodrome and at least one Bomber in the city which is close to opponent’s capital – satellite project helps you get to know where you should locate the city. In meantime build several units which are able to conquer city and locate them near your enemy’s capital. After Manhattan Project is complete, choose Build Nuclear Device project as production. After it’s complete, nuke opponent’s capital and conquer it using units located nearby.
A Case for War
Declare a formal war.
There is something new in Civilization VI – kinds of Wars. To declare a formal war you have to firstly either denouce your opponent or he must denounce you. Instead of waiting for denouncing just do it:
After that make Casus Belii and wait 5 turns. After that you will be able to declare a formal war.
Civilization VI – regular game achievements – part 6

Epic of Gilgamesh
As Sumeria, have the first Great Work of Writing.
Choose Gilgamesh as your leader (Sumeria) and start your game from Modern Era and set Settler difficulty level to get it easier. You need to focus on Culture Points (build Theater Square districts and buildings there, e.g. museums) and Great Writer Points (select Divine Spark pantheon and use below policy card).
If you have enough Great Writer points, recruit him. Achievement pops when you activate Great Writer in Theater Square district (and of course any AI before you did it).
12 Olympians
Have 12 Policy Slots as Greece.
Create new game and set Gorgo or Pericles as a leader (Greece). Choose Settler difficulty and Pangea Map. If you don’t select Duel Map, remove all opponents and remain only one AI. To have 12 Policy Slots you need to have Third tier government (8 policy slots – Communism, Democracy or Fascism) and 3 bonus government policy slots of 4 below Wonders:
- Alhambra (+1 Military policy slot), requires Castles technology. Must be built on Hills adjacent to an Encampment district.
- Forbidden City (+1 Wildcard policy slot), requires Printing technology. Must be built on flat land adjacent to the City Center.
- Potala Palace (+1 Diplomatic policy slot), requires Astronomy technology. Must be built on a Hill adjacent to a Mountain.
- Big Ben (+1 Economic policy slot), requires Economics technology. Must be built next to a River adjacent to a Commercial Hub district with a Bank.
Greece has +1 bonus Policy slot, so if you build 3 of 4 mentioned wonders and set one of third tier government (Communism, Democracy or Fascism gives you 8 slots) you have 12 policy slots in total and achievement will pop up.
We Are The Champions
Win a regular game with a Religious victory with your dominant religion being Zoroastrianism and at the time of victory you are the Suzerain of Zanzibar.
Create your own game, select Large Map, to have it simpler leave only 1 AI and remove the rest, start from Renaissance Era and disable all victory conditions except for Religious Victory. Found Zoroastrianism religion and send some units to explore terrain in order to find Zanzibar City-State. If you find it, send as many Envoys there as you have. Build Holy Site districts and buildings which grants you Faith Points and expand your religion to win a game. After win, you gain achievement.
Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack

A Smashing Victory
Win a regular game as John Curtin.
Before you start a game, you need set John Curtin as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Attack of the Drop Bear
Lose a unit to the perils of Australia in the Outback Tycoon scenario.
Achievement pops if one of your unit die. It’s random when it happens but you for sure get it while playing this scenario. Maybe if unit is send too far away from cities it occurs often.
Quite a Crowded House
Complete an online multiplayer game of Outback Tycoon.
Start multiplayer game (e.g. Local Network). You just have to go through 60 turns, you don’t have to win the game. When game ends, achievement pops.
Crow-eater Conquest
Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia.
This scenario lasts 60 turns. In the single-player version, you win by exceeding the Gold per turn threshold (which increases along with the difficulty level) before time runs out. To win:
- at Settler difficulty – you need produce at least 200 gold per turn
- …
- at Deity – you need produce at least 900 gold per turn
But if you want to know how to win at Deity difficult having not much above 100 gold per turn see guide for Meanwhile, in Australia achievement (Win Outback Tycoon at Deity difficulty) in this section below 😉
In the multiplayer version, you win by having the highest Gold per turn from all players when time runs out.
I think this scenario (in single player version) has only one rational strategy to win – even on Deity it’s not difficult. Really important is map – I had a luck and got map with a lot of forests. What should you do:
- Create cities next to forest – the more trees the better.
- After found first city, create 2 explorers and send them to find other forests – good location for cities. To win on settler difficulty you really don’t need lot of them but on Deity for sure.
- Try to boost your technologies/civics if possible.
- Build harbour/commercial districts.
- Spam lot of workers – the best 2-3 next to each city. They will be needed for chop trees. If you don’t have enough production, buy them. Important is to be ready before 45 turn.
- In meantime build some explorers to build mines and luxurious resources.
- If the World War happen (in 45 turn), activate these two policy cards:
- Start chopping trees and complete as many AIF projects as you can. In 53 turn World War II happens and gold bonus for AIF project is doubled, so you will observe significant increase your gold per turn. Activate policy card: +100% Production toward AIF projects.
- For the money you earned, buy next workers to chopping trees. If you have enough workers, buy traders and buildings which supply gold per turn (markets, banks, stocks)
- Before last turn you can change policy card to get additional gold per turn. For example, I set +6 gold per turn for each trader.
If you follow this guidelines, winning this scenario will be easy. Don’t give up if you have little gold per turn at the beginning – I had only 52 gold/per turn in 41 turn. I won on Deity but had a luck with huge amount of forests (screenshot before chopping):
Revenge of the Banana Benders
Win Outback Tycoon as Queensland.
See Crow-eater Conquest achievement tips (Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia) or Meanwhile, in Australia (Win Outback Tycoon at Deity difficulty) in this section. Remember to select Queensland as your Civilization before start a game.
Sandgroper Sweep
Win Outback Tycoon as Western Australia.
See Crow-eater Conquest achievement tips (Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia) or Meanwhile, in Australia (Win Outback Tycoon at Deity difficulty) in this section. Remember to select Western Australia as your Civilization before start a game.
Gumsucker Punch
Win Outback Tycoon as Victoria.
See Crow-eater Conquest achievement tips (Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia) or Meanwhile, in Australia (Win Outback Tycoon at Deity difficulty) in this section. Remember to select Victoria as your Civilization before start a game.
Meanwhile, in Australia
Win Outback Tycoon at Deity difficulty.
To win this scenario at Deity difficult in single-player version, you need produce at least 900 gold per turn. It’s not so difficult, if you will be following tips which are described in Crow-eater Conquest (Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia) achievement guide in this section.
But there is much simpler method to win at Deity. In this case you will need gain not much than 100 gold per turn. What should you do? Firstly, create a multiplayer game. Select Local Network. For your leader set Deity difficult and for each other AI choose Settler difficulty:
Start a game. Follow tips described in Crow-eater Conquest (Win Outback Tycoon as South Australia) achievement guide in this section or play your own strategy. In the multiplayer version, win AI with highest Gold per turn from all players when time runs out. I won this having above 1400 gold per turn but if I looked on statistics, the second AI has approx. 100 gold per turn:
It means you win even if you have 150, 200 gold per turn. I confirm that I won on Deity using this multiplayer settings and having 250 gold per turn. So I think each value above 100 gold per turn should work and achievement should pop.
Midnight Oil
Build an Oil Well on the final turn of the Outback Tycoon scenario.
After World War II happens (in 53 turn), research Combustion technology in Technology Tree:
After that you need to find Oil Well resources and send Prospectors (builder) to this tile. In the last turn (60 turn) just build Oil Well:
Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack

All Beneath the Wings of Garuda
Win a regular game as Gitarja.
Before you start a game, you need set Gitarja as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Cardamom and Mangos and Elephants
Win a regular game as Jayavarman VII.
Before you start a game, you need set Jajavarman VII as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Have 5 cities on landmasses 5 or less tiles with Indonesia.
Playing as Indonesia (Gitarja leader) you need to create 5 cities on land which are surrounded by water. Below is an example of perfect location. To get achievement you need to found 5 cities in such or similar location. For sure in Advanced Setting during creating new game you need to choose Archipelago Map.
What is Mind? No Matter.
Win the Path to Nirvana scenario on any difficulty.
Tips which I’ve used at Settler difficulty and it was enough to win scenario:
- instead of building Missionaires (you really don’t need them), build Monks
- if you have enough Faith points, purchase religious units. Try to buy units in cities which are the closest to cities which you will be “conquering”. Don’t keep unused Faith points
- when I was playing as Indonesia at Settler difficulty I didn’t notice any opponent’s unit on my land so building Priests is useless in such case
- build up your infrastructure first. Build up commercial districts and markets quite early to get the traders out, along with granaries
- push out when you have a large force of Monks. In higher difficulty level – good to have backed them by Gurus
What is Matter? Nevermind.
Win the Path to Nirvana scenario on Deity.
You can win on Deity but playing like Settler difficulty. Select Multiplayer game and choose Local Network. Set any leader and Deity difficulty (only for you AI), for each other AI set Settler difficulty:
Play game as normal. Difficulty level during game will be the same as the Settler difficulty. You can take a look at “What is Mind? No Matter” achievement tips in this section.
Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack

gg nub
Win a regular game as Amanitore.
Before you start a game, you need set Amanitore as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
More Wind for the Wind God
Win Gifts of the Nile on any difficulty.
You have 2 options to win this scenario: either eliminate your only opponent (Egypt or Nubia) or build 7 Temples to Amon (as scenario establish). First way is faster I think but this achievement I got by building 7 Temples to Amon so describe below some tips concerns 2nd way.
As mentioned, to win scenario you need build 7 Temples to Amon in 125 turns. In this scenario you can not build any Holy Site building in production way – it can only be purchased with Faith points .
If you don’t want to hurry up, set Settler difficulty before start game. Temple to Amon are located in Holy Site district. In one such district you can build only 1 Temple to Amon, so you need to have at least 7 cities with Holy Site district inside. In this scenario settlers cannot be trained. They are received after researching Medicine (2 Settlers) and certain civics:
But even if you research all of mentioned, there is still 1 settler missing. The only way is conquer City-States. I didn’t conquer religious type City States as they were delivering many Faith points to me.
Steps to build Temple to Amon:
– build Holy Site district in city – it requires population of 4 but after found a city (or conquer) you have opportunity only in the beginning to build it even if population is lower than 4)
– purchase Obelisk with Faith points
– purchase with Faith points
– then you will be able to purchase Temple to Amon
It costs as follows:
To sum up, you need XXX Faith points to build Temple to Amon in 1 city. In 7 cities you have to gain XXX Faith points in total. How to gain Faith points:
1. Put your emissariuses into religious type City States. In 2nd and 3rd level you get bonus Faith points (+2 /+4) for each Holy Site district you have.
2. Don’t acummulate your Faith points – spend your Faith points up to date. Each Obelisk, Nubia Temple and Temple to Amon give you additonal Faith points. If you have enough Faith points to purchase Obelisk – just buy it. The same with Nubia Temples and Temples to Amon.
Sea of the Bow
Playing Gifts of the Nile as Nubia, found a coastal city on the Mediterranean Sea.
Set Amanitore as a leader (Nubia). Mediterranean Sea is located in the north of the map. Send your settler to the north and if you find coast, found a city. In this scenario settlers cannot be trained. You can receive them after researching Medicine (2 Settlers) or following civics:
That’s Some Good Kerma
Playing Gifts of the Nile as Nubia, win on Deity difficulty.
There is simple ‘trick’ to win scenario on Deity but in real the level of difficulty will be as Settler difficulty. Go to Multiplayer >> Local Network and create new game with settings as below:
Play game as normal. Difficulty level during game should be similar to the Settler difficulty (I didn’t notice any different but trust me – I’m definitely not a perfect Civ gamer ;). You can take a look at “More Wind for the Wind God” achievement tips in this section.
Claim the Fourth Cataract
Playing as Egypt in a regular game, conquer the original Nubian capital within 10 turns of declaring a formal war on Nubia.
Create a game with Standard Ruleset. Choose Duel map and set Cleopatra as a leader (Egypt) and Amanitore (Nubia) as your opponent. After start a game I recommend don’t found a city instantly, find a capital of Nubia (Meroe) and found a city as close as possible. Purchase the tiles next to Nubia and build Camp 2 tiles away of capital. Train some catapults and archers and conquer capital after declaring formal war. You have to conquer this within 10 turns. How to declare a formal war you can find in “A Case for War” achievement description in this guide.
Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack

Never Lost a Battle
Win a regular game as Alexander.
Before you start a game, you need set Alexander as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
No More Worlds To Conquer
Win Conquests of Alexander on any difficulty.
He Named Them All After Himself?
Settle four cities in Conquests of Alexander on any difficulty.
Start Conquests of Alexander scenario, select Alexander as a leader, train 3 Settlers (1 you should already have in the beginning of a game) and found 4 cities. You must conquer some cities before and raze them to have some space for your own cities.
King of the Four Corners of the World
Win a regular game as Cyrus.
Before you start a game, you need set Cyrus as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Some Wine For Your Soldiers?
Playing as Persia, conquer the original Scythian capital within 10 turns of declaring a surprise war on Scythia.
Create new game and set Cyrus as your leader (Persia). Choose Duel Map and as your opponent leader select Tomyris (Scythia). Train military units and locate them nearby to Scythian capital (Pokrovka). After you declare a surprise war, you have to conquer capital within 10 turns, then achievement pops.
I Quenched Your Thirst For Blood
Playing as Scythia, recapture one of your founded cities from Persia.
Create new game and set Tomyris as your leader (Scythia). Choose Duel Map and as your opponent leader select Cyrus (Persia). Found some cities and one give as a gift to Persia. Remember to train some military units and locate them close to this city before you give city. After that just conquer this city and achievement pops.
Envoy Convoy
After building the Apadana wonder, construct 7 additional wonders in the same city.
To build Apadana wonder you need to have Political Philosophy civil researched. Don’t start a game after Renaissance era as you won’t be able to build this wonder. If you want build this wonder immediately after start game, choose Medieval Era start. Try locate your city which has different areas (hills, mountain, water) to be able build 7 different wonders after.
Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack

Armor of Faith
Win a regular game as Jadwiga.
Before you start a game, you need set Jadwiga as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
The Grandest of Hetmans
Win Jadwiga’s Legacy as Konstanty Ostrogski.
Some tips you can find in this section in Win Jadwiga’s Legacy at Deity difficulty description.
Always Bet On Black
Win Jadwiga’s Legacy as Mikołaj ‘the Black’ Radziwiłł.
Some tips you can find in this section in Win Jadwiga’s Legacy at Deity difficulty description.
Winged Hussar Mastery
Win Jadwiga’s Legacy as Stanislaw Potocki.
Some tips you can find in this section in Win Jadwiga’s Legacy at Deity difficulty description.
God-Like Legacy
Win Jadwiga’s Legacy at Deity difficulty.
For Deity preferable is playing as Stanislaw Potocki. It’s really simple to achieve, I got it after 1st trial. Go to Multiplayer >> Local Network and set Deity difficulty only for your AI. For each other set Settler difficulty.
To win this scenario you have to defend Vienna and avoid to conquer it by Barbarians. I set 2 cities close to Vienna. Firstly I built Encampments in each city and Holy Site for healing. I trained only Archers and build Commercial districts and buildings in it to gain money. I keep killing barbarian units focused on melee units and catapults rather than archers. Remember about promote your units, 4 promotions grants you twice action for unit. After 60 turns I got achievement for Deity. It was pretty easy.
Rise & Fall DLC

A Burning Splendor
Win a regular game as Chandragupta.
Before you start a game, you need set Chandragupta as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
I Thought We’d Moved Past This Joke
As Chandragupta, launch a nuclear weapon.
Create new game with Chandragupta as a leader. In Advanced Setup set information era start to get this achievement quite quick. Below is a lists what you need to get this achievement:
- Research Stealth Technology in Technology Tree – it’s needed to unlock Jet Bomber
- Complete Manhattan Project – to unlock Nuclear Device Project
- Complete Build Nuclear Device Project
- Build Aerodrome
- Build Jet Bomber
- Select Jet Bomber and nuke some city (it can be city-state as well)
In my case this achievement popped when I had all DLCs disabled except for Rise & Fall and I played as Chandragupta.
Subject Matter Expert
Have a Governor with every promotion.
Simple achievement which you are able get really quick. Create new game as Chandragupta and set Information Era as start era. In Government Tab, Appoint any Governon. If governon is established in the city, go to Government tab again and press ‘Promote’ button. Then give him all promotions – achievement will pop up.
Lord of All Who Live in Felt Tents
Win a regular game as Genghis Khan.
Before you start a game, you need set Genghis Khan as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab. For some reason I didn’t win this way first time but when I tried once again, it worked – so keep trying if first time you lose.
Deeds of a Monarch-Scorning People
Win a regular game as Lautaro.
Before you start a game, you need set Lautaro as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Justice and Lasting Peace
Win a regular game as Poundmaker.
Before you start a game, you need set Poundmaker as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
A small Country, a great people, so sorely tried
Win a regular game as Queen Wilhelmina.
Before you start a game, you need set Wilhelmina as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Triple Seven
As Wilhelmina, have seven cities and seven Zeven de Provincien at the start of the turn.
Really simple achievement. Create own game and set Wilhelmina as your leader. Zeven de Provincien unit is available in Reneissance era, so set your start era as Industrial Era. Build exactly seven settlers and found 7 cities (no more). At least one of your cities has to have access to water in order to build Zeven de Provincien naval unit. If you build 7 ones and press next turn button, achievement will pop up.
Justice and Lasting Peace
Win a regular game as Poundmaker.
Before you start a game, you need set Poundmaker as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Let gentle blood shew generous might
Win a regular game as Robert the Bruce.
Before you start a game, you need set Robert the Bruce as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
From Peonies to Doricheon
Win a regular game as Seondeok Queen.
Before you start a game, you need set Seondeok as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
uSuthu! uSuthu!
Win a regular game as Shaka.
Before you start a game, you need set Shaka as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Radiant Deeds, Bright as Sunshine
Win a regular game as Tamar.
Before you start a game, you need set Tamar as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Holy Righteous Queen Tamar
As Tamar, have every city-state in the game following the religion you founded.
To get it simple, create new game and set only 1 City-State. If you found your own religion, train Missionary and send him to City-State to convert it on your religion. Remember – to be able train Missionaries you need have Holy Site with Shrine – Shrine you can build after Astrology is researched.
Rise & Fall DLC – part 2

Blackest Queen
As France, build an Intelligence Agency.
Create new game, select Catherince de Medici (France) as a leader, start with Information Era start. For your convenience delete all units except for a settler. Build Government Plaza district. Build one of 1st tier Government Plaza building: Audience Chamber, Ancestral Hall or Warlord’s Throne building. Build Intelligence Agency.
Subject Matter Expert
Have a Governor with every promotion.
Simple achievement which you are able get really quick. Create new game as Chandragupta and set Information Era as start era. In Government Tab, Appoint any Governon. If governon is established in the city, go to Government tab again and press ‘Promote’ button. Then give him all promotions – achievement will pop up.
Master and Commander
Win a regular game on the Archipelago Map.
During creating a game set Archipelago Map. Remember to set Ruleset as “Rise&Fall” instead of Standard Rules. In other case achievement won’t pop up after winning the game.
Extend the Olive Branch
Make a peace deal which includes you giving or receiving an Olives resource.
Before start a game remember to set Ruleset as “Rise&Fall” instead of Standard Rules. It is good to choose any leader from this DLC, e.g. Poundmaker or Lautaro but I don’t know it is needed as I got this achievement playing as Wilhelmina. If you have Olives resource and declared war before, just make a peace including Olives in your offer. If Olives are not enough, add some resources more to your offer in order to accept deal by your opponent.
Die Another Day
Neutralize a Governor with a Spy.
Send the spy to a city center an opponent controls which has already Governor assigned. Use the gain sources mission to increase success chance. Choose “Neutralize Governon” mission. After your spy succeeds achievement pops.
Dark Horse
Win the game while in a Dark Age.
At the start of each age, each civilization is given a target range for their Era Score. If you fail to meet the low end of the range by the start of the next age, your Civilization goes into Dark Age. Don’t build wonders and try avoid enhancement of your civilization too much in order to start Dark Age. Before start game I recommend you go into Advanced Settings and enabling only Domination Victory and disable all others. Moreover, select Duel Map with only one opponent. Train military units and locate them nearby opponent’s capital and after Dark Age starts, conquer the capital.
Completely surround your Government Plaza with districts or wonders you own at the start of the turn.
The Government Plaza is a unique specialty district which can be build only one per civilization. Build Government Plaza in proper place to be able surround it by other districts/wonders – preferable is on the land, not on the coast. I recommend build Theater Square district as first. Then you can build other districts and wonders. You don’t have build different districts, you can just build several neighborhoods next to it and achievement will pop up. On the picture you can I’ve build 4 Neighborhoods districts and I got achievement:
Vikings Scenario Pack

Absolutely Nothing Rotten in the State of Denmark
Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! as Canute.
Before you start a game, you need set Canute as a leader. Some additional tips to strategy you can find in description “Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! at Deity difficulty” achievement in this section.
More Hacksilver For Harald
Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! as Harald Hardrada.
Before you start a game, you need set Harald Hardrada as a leader. Some additional tips to strategy you can find in description “Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! at Deity difficulty” achievement in this section.
Master of the Baltic
Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! as Olof Skötkonung.
Before you start a game, you need set Olof Skötkonung as a leader. Some additional tips to strategy you can find in description “Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! at Deity difficulty” achievement in this section.
God of the Sea
Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! at Deity difficulty.
You can win on Deity but playing like Settler difficulty. Select Multiplayer game and choose Local Network. Set Harald Hardrada as a leader and Deity difficulty (only for you AI), for each other AI set Settler difficulty:
Play game as normal. Difficulty level during game will be the similar to the Settler difficulty. In this scenario when I was playing as Harald Hardrada I focused on pillaging coasts. I built many ships and thay were traveling close to coasts. I did not even conquer any city. Fights with other ships on the sea rewarded me Great Admiral. It enabled me to found Vinland and got 1000 Victory Points for discovering Vinland as first. You need research Knarbs technology to be able move on oceans’ tiles:
When you send Great Admiral to Vinland remember escort him (3 ships are enough). This land is located totally on the west (click on pic to enlarge):
I saved lots of money and faith points at the end (I did not need buy a lot, only some ships and single buildings) so it rewarded me lot of Victory Points. Win on “Deity” playing as Harald Hardrada was pretty easy.
What Do You Mean, “Active Volcano?”
Build three Aerodromes within 2 tiles of Eyjafjallajökull.
The most difficult part of this achievement is finding Eyjafjallajökull natural wonder. It’s located in North among tundra terrains. I recommend you start game playing as Norway (Harald Hardrada leader), set Large map, Information Era start and set temperature to cold (more tundra tiles). You can rush satellites to discover whole map, I had a luck to find Eyjafjallajökull wonder before that. Send 3 settlers to the wonder and found 3 cities in such way all of them would have at least one tile not further than 2 tiles away of Eyjafjallajökull. In each of 3 cities build Aerodrome and achievement pops up.
Even Our Castles Have Castles
Build an Alcazar within 2 tiles of the Alhambra.
Alcazar is a special improvement which you can build only if you are suzerain of Grenada.
Create new game playing as Norway (Harald Hardrada leader), choose large map and Modern Era start to be able build Alhambra immediately. Send units to explore land and if you find Granada, send as many envoys as possible to be a suzerain. Alhambra must be located on hills and next to Encampment district, so firstly build Encampment – necessary next to hills. If Alhambra is built and you are suzerain of Granada, use your builders to build Alcazar within two tiles of the Alhambra wonder.
Gathering Storm DLC

Queen of the Byrsa
Win a game as Dido.
Before you start a game, you need set Dido as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Majestrix of the Court of Love
Win a game as Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Before you start a game, you need set Eleanor of Aquitaine as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Take On Me
Win a game as Kristina.
Before you start a game, you need set Kristina as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab. I had issues to win within 1 turn playing Kristina. Workaround for that is: disable all ways to win except for Score Victory, set 3 or 5 turns limit, Settler Difficulty and e.g. Modern, Atomic or Information Era start. Found as many cities as you settlers have. For me it worked:
Lord of Tahuantinsuyo
Win a game as Mansa Musa.
Before you start a game, you need set Mansa Musa as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
Lord of Tahuantinsuyo
Win a game as Pachacuti.
Before you start a game, you need set Pachacuti as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
The Sunny Way
Win a game as Wilfrid Laurier.
Before you start a game, you need set Wilfrid Laurier as a leader. Go to Advanced Settings tab and select him from a dropdown list. If you don’t want win in a full-time game, you can quick win within 1 turn – how to do that you can find in ‘Grinding, tips & tricks’ tab.
The Art of Telling Plain Truths
Win a Diplomatic Victory.
The rules are different in Gathering Storm to win in a Diplomatic way. You need to gain enough Diplomatic Points as first. During game with one opponent (and 3 City-States) I needed to gain 10 points to win. Create own game, preferable are: Settler difficulty, Teddy Roosevelt as a leader, duel map, modern or later era start, no barbarians and no turn limit. Remember to turn off all other victory conditions except for Diplomatic Victory and remember to set Ruleset to “Expansion: Gathering Storm”. I got 2 on the start (I started from Modern Era). One point you can gain if you build Statue of Liberty – pay attention it needs to be located next to the water. Other 5 points I gained on World Congress Proposal. During World Congress always put as many Diplomatic favor points as you can on Diplomatic Victory section and select your leader in dropdown list (click on the picture to enlarge):
A Man A Plan A Canal Panama
Build the Panama Canal as Teddy Roosevelt.
The most difficult part of this achievement is finding proper place to build Panama Canal. Make sure you start a game with Teddy Roosevelt as a leader and Modern Era as your start era – you will be able to build Panama Canal immediately (Steam Power is already researched in Technology Tree). You have to find two flat land tiles (without mountains or hills) which have water on both sides. I recommend you set Archipelago map to find such location. There is an example where to build Panama Canal:
Real Estate Disclosures Required
Have a district be pillaged by 3 different random events.
This achievement should pop during your game. To get it easier you can locate your city (and build district there) next to natural wonder as Kilimanjaro or Vesuvio and set Disaster Intensity from 2 to 4 (during creating new game).
Gathering Storm DLC – part 2

Win War Machine as France.
This scenario is available only on Multiplayer mode. Select Multiplayer > Local Network, set France as your AI and choose Settler difficulty for each opponent to get this achievement pretty easy. To win the game as France you only need defend your capital (Paris) by 40 turns. At Settler difficulty it’s piece of cake, just keep killing Germany units. After turn 40 achievement will pop up.
Win War Machine as Germany.
This scenario is available only on Multiplayer mode. Select Multiplayer > Local Network and set Germany as you AI. To win scenario as Germany you have to conquer capital of France (Paris) within 40 turns. At Settler difficulty it’s quite simple. Conquer Verdun and Nancy cities firstly and then just go ahead into Paris. Train Artillery units as they are really strong in this scenario and perfect to conquering cities. I don’t recommend building Aerodromes – cities which you will conquer don’t have enough population in the beginning to build Aerodromes so you can’t build it instantly. Your own cities which you possess after start the game have enough population but are too far away to attack Paris.
As Germany, win War Machine within 25 turns.
This scenario is available only on Multiplayer mode. Select Multiplayer > Local Network and set Germany as you AI. Select Settler difficulty to have it easier. Firstly conquer Verdun (and optional Nancy – I did) and go ahead onto Paris. Defeat French units on your way. Artillery is really strong in this scenario so remember to use them to conquering cities – it’s perfect for this purpose. However research technology quite soon to get 2 Great Generals in your Capital.
With The Army You Have
Win War Machine without training any units.
To get this achievement quick and simple choose France as you have only defend to win scenario. Remember to NOT train ANY units – if in your city there is no choice (you have built all buildings which were available) – then just press SHIFT + ENTER to end the turn. At Settler difficulty it’s really piece of cake. 20 turns I just ended up pressed SHIFT + ENTER and haven’t done any action.
Santé Passe Richesse
Win the Black Death as France.
To win Black Death scenario, you have to either research the final technology – Invention, or the final civic – The Middle Class, before 85 turns have passed. Black plague regularly sweeps over the continent, starting from port cities of different nations. If a unit ends its turn on a tile with the plague, it loses 20 health. Cities with plague have a high risk of losing population. You have to focus on gaining Science or Culture Points – build either Theater Squares or Science districts. Build Commercial districts and Holy sites also to earn money and faith points – it allows you to purchase buildings. There are really cheap if you spend Faith Points. Buy or train Doctors to increase Loyalty of cities which are attacked by plague. Scholars delivers you Science Points if you use them in cities with plague.
Written by Lipstick