This guide will tell you what you must do to earn each achievement and what types of outfits you can earn for completing each task.
Into the Wild
Get the Miner’s key back from the Wild.
This is part of the story since you cannot go forward without earning it. Doing so will also earns you the Dusty Cowboy outfit once you interact with the poster.
Pest Control
Kill 10 Araknits.
You can use either your Bandit Pop Pistol or the bear traps for this and can leave the area to heal or restock on traps. Just need to make sure you do not die or the counter will reset to zero. Complete this and interacting with the poster will also earn you the Green Eyes outfit.
Familiar Faces
Find the easter egg that references theMeatly.
Once you complete the episode, travel back to the very beginning to where the three posters are and see that the showdown bandit poster has been replaced with theMeatly.
Touch the poster to earn the achievement and theMeatly outfit.
Overlooked Outlaw
Find the easter egg that relates to Bendy and the Ink Machine,
Talk to the headless puppet in the area right before you encounter Penny Hemsworth. He will ask you to bring him his head.
Go to the crossroads and in the back of this room, you will find his head.
Return to him and he will say that you can pass. A door will open and click on the gold object.
Doing so will earn you the achievement and the Bendy outfit.
Find the notes scattered across the level and read all of them.
Follow this video below for their locations and what each ot the notes say.

Dangerous Territory
Complete the entire episode from beginning to end without dying.
If you die once, you must quit and click new game to start all over.
Warning: Highly recommended to do this achievement first since starting a new game will remove all the outfits earned and other progress that you made!
Backstage Secrets
Get into the secret room located in the Mine.
Find the blocked door that has four barrels around it. Use the markings on the floor that point to which ones to activate in the correct order or use the picture below and go from 1 through 4.
Then talk to the Keyman, he will only let you in if you have 1000 bandit bucks you. Once you have that amount, go on through and a crypt message will be shown.
Click on the gold object to earn the achievement and the Dead Servant outfit.
Bandit Deadeye
Hit all the target in the Mine Madness Minigame!
Go the the main menu and play Mine Madness. Keep playing the game until you hit all the targets. You will know once you get the achievement and unlock the final outfit called Unfinished.
Written by SEN10EL