For Sea Dogs: To Each His Own players, if you are hunting for achievements, this is the 100% achievements guide that will help you unlock all achievements, let’s check it out.
Sea Dogs – To Each His Own achievement guide including following content:
- The Caleuche
- The Final Lesson
- Flying the Jolly Roger
- Hero of the Nation
- Happily Ever After
Pregame preparations
- Game settings:
- Amount of grass: None (easier to spot herbs on the ground, especially Manga Rosa)
- Simplified sea (better in-game performance)
- Allow autosave before boarding (even that sometimes this causes a crash of the game, the actual crash it is after the save was made)
- New game settings:
- Difficulty: Beginner (easier to get the achievements)
- Type of character: Gunnery and Musketry (while any type can be chose, I find this one the best because in a lot of situations your pistol will save you rather than your melee weapon)
- First three personal skills:
- Additional weight
- Alchemy
- Sniper
- First three ship skills:
- Increased damage to crew
- Musket salvo
- Spanish flag
For everything else that is not listed above, I suggest to keep it on default.
Sea battle
Baptism of fire
Gain your first victory in the battle at seaAs the description says, you have to win a naval battle. There are three possible ways to do this: sink the ship(s) using artillery fire (cannonballs or bombs), board and sink the ship(s) or board and capture the ship(s). You get the achievement as soon as the battle is over.
Boarder ***
Board 250 shipsFor this achievement you have to board and capture (assign one of your officers as captain) 250 ships. If you board the ship but you sink it, no progress is added to the achievement. A very boring way to do it is to load the boarding autosave and capture the same ship for 250 times (not recommanded). You get the achievement as soon as the 250th ship is captured.
Sea wolf ***
Destroy 500 ships with artillery fireFor this achievement, you have to shoot and sink 500 ships using cannonballs or bombs. If you board the ship and sink it, no progress is added to the achievement. I recommand chasing this later in the game when you have a bigger ship (atleast rank 3). You get the achievement as soon as you sink the 500th ship.
Naval commander
Muster the biggest squadronFor this achievement you need to have five ships under your command (one for you and four with your officers as captains). You don’t necessarily get the achievement as soon as you board / buy the 5th ship. Let the in-game clock pass 23:59 by spending some time on open world or by sleeping.
Lose 9,999 sailors in skirmishes with enemy shipsAny sailor killed by enemy ships (or enemy forts) using grapeshots, cannonballs or bombs will count for this achievement. Once you board a ship, the crew killed (musket salvo or fighting enemy crew) is not added to the achievement progress. You get it as soon as the 9999th sailor dies.
Plant 200 mines during combatBeing in combat is not necessarily required. This achievement can be easily get by staying in a port. All you have to do is to press Enter, select Drop a mine (the Barrel) then repeat the action until you hear the wooden knocking, sign that you are out of gunpowder (300 for each mine). Load the save and repeat the process until is over. You get the achievement as soon as the 200th mine (barrel) is dropped.
Veteran ***
Destroy 15 fortsAs the description says, you need to destroy 15 forts. I recommand doing this with a Man-o-War ship (perhaps even with upgrades for hull and cannons). With save and load, the same fort can be destroyed 15 times (recommanded). Portobello fort has only 82 cannons. You get the achievement as soon as the 15th fort is destroyed.
Gentleman of Fortune ***
Completely destroy the Gold FleetEvery 6 months (in-game time), Spain is sending a large fleet (8 ships, at least one is rank 1) from Portobello to Havana. You can find out about this by paying for gossips to bartenders in Tavers. On open world, the fleet is displayed as a ship with yellow (golden) sails. You get the achievement as soon the fight is over.
Killing spree
Covered in scars
Sustain over 10,000 damage “health” pointsNothing special about this achievement and no specific behavior on how to do it. All you need to do is to fight and suffer 10000 damage (for character, not ship damage) over time. Just play to finish the game and focus on other achievements, this one comes in time.
Reduce your “Health” reading to the absolute minimumWhen you are using health potions, your health status drops constantly based on what type of potions you are using (alcohol potions affects you more than normal ones). I recommand the following:
- Remove your Boarder officers
- Board a ship (preferably with higher rank than yours) with full crew (don’t shoot with grapeshots before board it)
- Go into a corner and fight the enemy crew (2-3 enemies at once)
- Every time you get a little damage, use a Health potion (not Rum or Excellent wine)
You get the achievement as soon as the lowest status of your health is reached.
Shoot 500 enemiesFor this achievement you have to shoot (pistol or musket) 500 distinct characters (soldiers, pirates, indians, criminals, civilians or evil spirits). Shooting the same person multiple times is not counted. You get the achievement as soon as you shoot the 500th distinct enemy.
Destroy the enemies
Slay 500 military personnelFor this achievement you have to kill (shoot with pistol or cut with weapon) any type of soldier (spanish, english, dutch or french). Grapeshot or Musket salvo for crew and boarder officer kills do not count for this achievement. You are getting it as soon as you personally kill the 500th soldier.
Terror of the archipelago ***
Eliminate 500 piratesFor this achievement you have to kill (shoot with pistol or cut with weapon) pirates. I recommand those from open world black ships, not those from pirate cities. Grapeshot or Musket salvo for crew and boarder officer kills do not count for this achievement. You are getting it as soon as you personally kill the 500th pirate.
Conquistador ***
Slay 250 IndiansFor this achievement you have to kill (shoot with pistol or cut with weapon) indians. I recommand those you are finding in the islands’ jungles, not those from their villages. Boarder officer kills do not count for this achievement. You are getting it as soon as you personally kill the 250th indian.
Vigilante ***
Slay 250 criminalsFor this achievement you have to kill (shoot with pistol or cut with weapon) criminals. You can find them in the jungles, either trying to get money from you or chasing a young lady (Damsel quest). Boarder officer kills do not count for this achievement. You are getting it as soon as you personally kill the 250th criminal.
Merciless ***
Slay 500 civilians (settlers)For this achievement you have to kill (shoot with pistol or cut with weapon) civilians (people from spanish, english, dutch or french cities). Considering that killing settlers is affecting your reputation, you may want to do the following: go into a house, save the game, kill the person inside, load the save and repeat the process 500 times. Boarder officer kills do not count for this achievement. You are getting it as soon as you personally kill the 500th civilian.
Exorcist ***
Slay 100 evil spiritsFor this achievement you have to kill (shoot with pistol or cut with weapon) evil spirits. First time you encounter those is on the Ghost ship. For a fast achievement, do this:
- Remove your boarder officers and save the game
- After the Ghost ship is boarding you, kill as many skeletons as possible while your crew is still alive
- When your crew dies, run around that ship and stop only when your pistol is fully loaded (assuming you already have Two-barrel Pistol)
- After you kill every skeleton, you have to face their captain (which cannot be killed in that moment); just load the save and repeat the process until you have the achievement
Boarder officer kills do not count for this achievement. You are getting it as soon as you personally kill the 100th evil spirit.
Endangered species ***
Kill 35 crabs
Skill development
Admiral ***
Develop your “Navigation” skill up to 100%Merchant ***
Develop your “Trade” skill up to 100%Lucky Jim ***
Develop your “Luck” skill up to 100%Dragoon ***
Develop your “Broadsword and Axe” skill up to 100%Swordsman ***
Develop your “Foil and Rapier” skill up to 100%Hussar ***
Develop your “Sabre and Cutlass” skill up to 100%Die hard ***
Develop your “Defence” skill up to 100%Spy ***
Develop your “Stealth” skill up to 100%
Repeat without saving
Stay a night in a tavern 50 timesGenerous
Give alms to the poor 200 timesEmpty-headed
Visit a brothel 100 timesWhile Guest can be achieved simply by playing the game and Generous doesn’t make you lose too much money, Empty-headed will lower your reputation with atleast two ranks. Around 3500 pesos for 100 times plus around 50000 pesos given to the priest to repair your reputation is not a sum you may want to lose. So you have to do the following:
- Save the game on the streets in front of the Brothel.
- Go inside and talk to every girl to find one with a short and easy to type name (e.g.: Anne, Alice etc.). If all have long names, load the save and repeat the action.
- Go to the Madame, ask for a specific girl (the short name you chose), then go to the 2nd floor of the building … and do your job.
- Moaning takes around 2 hours which is good because two persons are available later in the morning. The begger (poor person) and the gipsy woman are walking on the streets after 09:00.
- Go to -> Port and search for the poor person. He is going between Church, Market and Port (just like in real life I guess). Give him few coins (11 or 22 pesos – fast to type sum).
- Go to -> Tavern and sleep until next morning (madame is giving you one girl per day).
- (Optional) Before talking with the bartender, speak with the smugglers in the Tavern. Some of them are selling treasure maps. Even that you are going to load a previous save and you are going to lose the chest content, you may want to try to find fake maps for the Goof (secret) achievement.
- Go to -> Brothel and repeat the steps 3-6 (optional 7 too).
After you get the Empty-headed achievement, stop and load the save from step 1. Even that you still need 100 more times for Generous, that can be acquired in time, without even losing too much money. More important is that, after the Dutch Gambit quest, the poor persons around the islands have a chance of giving you a Strange Amulet to start Caleuche quest, so you want to talk to them in the future.
Slave trader
Sell 5,000 slavesSmuggler
Strike 50 deals with smugglersWhile the Slave Trader achievement can be acquired in time doing the quest Slave Trader (from a random Usurer), I will explain an easier way that can be combined with the Smuggler achievement:
- Once you have atleast 100 slaves, go to a tavern (e.g.: Saint Pierre’s Tavern) and save the game.
- Speak with the smuggler and tell him you want to sell things.
- Go to the bay he points out (La Marin Cove in this example) and save the game.
- Talk to the smuggler and sell the slaves.
- (Optional) Let the soldiers to come and kill them for the Destroy the enemies achievement (not recommanded).
- Load the save from step 3 and repeat step 4 (and optional step 5) for 50 times.
When you are done with both achievements, delete save file from step 3 and load the save from step 1. No reputation was lost in the process, plus you still have 100 slaves for the Usurer‘s quest.
Gambler ***
Win 500 times in cards/diceLoser ***
Lose 500 card games/games of dice
For these achievements there are two possible approaches:
- Winning money (not recommanded):
- Go to the Governor’s Mansion and save the game.
- Start playing Blackjack (card game) and draw more cards to intentional lose faster.
- After you get the Loser achievement, load the save.
- Move from governor to governor and play Dice poker with them. Save the game before talking and then save again after winning the game.
- With this approach you get fast the Loser achievement, but very slow the Gambler achievement. Even that you make some money, I do not recommand it.
- Not winning money (recommanded):
- Go to the Governor’s Mansion and save the game.
- Play any game (Blackjack or Dice poker) and always try to win. You will have more loses than wins (just like in real life when you go to casino), but points are constantly added to both achievements. Loser will be achieved faster than Gambler, but both faster than the way from above.
- When you are done with Loser achievement (500 lost matches), you will probably have around 420-450 wins. Just load the save from first step and now start winning, saving the game after every win. This way you get some skill points for Luck.
Prepare over 200 potions or other objectsThis is the easiest achievement in the game. After your brother is teaching you how to make a Paper Cartridge using one Lead ball and one Gunpowder (from market weapon merchant, not from the store), just make 200 those and you get the achievement.
Caribbean poisoner ***
Use a unique poisonHerbalist
Make three mangarosa potionsBefore you are able to make Manga Rosa potions, there are few requirements to fullfil:
- You need to find a Manga Rosa herb. The first you have acces to is one screen further in the selva from Cape Inaccessible (Guadaloupe) when your brother is sending you to talk to Fadey.
- After you find the first Manga Rosa herb, a quest is added to your Quest Log. From this point you need to talk to Herbalist Merchant (lady from the market who sells few herbs and potions) in different cities. Most of them will tell you they know nothing, but at some point one will say that gipsy women from the streets are knowing more.
- Talk to every gipsy woman about the herb. Most of them will want the Manga Rosa and are paying 50 doubloons for it. Do not sell it. Eventually, one of them will tell you about Amelie.
- Amelie is a gipsy woman who is living in Chiriqui Lagoon (close to Portobello) who is selling three Manga Rosa recipes. Every recipe costs 1 Manga Rosa and 300 doubloons. Buy them all.
- To make any of these potions, you need an Alchemist’s chest which is given by Gino Gvineili after you finish Dutch Gambit quest (any side of it).
- After you get the Alchemist’s chest, save the game, make three Manga Rosa potions (I recommand one of each kind), then rest (menu option or in tavern) until the in-game clock passes 23:59. After you get the achievement, load the save because you need Manga Rosa herbs for something else.
Earn 10,000,000 peso by trading or re-salesEvery time you sell something for pesos, progress is added to the achievement. You can sell:
- ship cargo (from boarded ships or bought from stores / smugglers)
- personal items (found on ships / in chests or bought from market merchants)
Money lender ***
Open accounts with money lenders totalling 5,000,000 pesosSkinflint ***
Build up your fortune of 10,000,000 pesosNothing more obvious. You need to have cash money 10 millions pesos. Other values which also cost money and are part of your fortune (ships, weapons, doubloons, ship cargo etc.) are not counted. Money … and only money.
Heart of gold ***
Save 20 characters, drifting in the open seaWhen you are sailing on open world, there are in the water small boats (smaller than how a tartane or long boat model looks like). All you have to do is to sail near them, go on open sea (press Space) and then go with your ship over them. They will surrender and become captive in your ship Hold area. Save and load to get the same drifting sailor doesn’t work, loading makes them disappear. You get the achievement as soon as the 20th character surrenders to you.
Fisher ***
Gather 50 barrels from the seaSame as Heart of gold achievement, while you are on open world, there are barrels floating on the water. Sail near them, go on open sea (press Space), then go with your ship over them. A new window is open and you are able to loot everything what’s inside. Sometimes those barrels aren’t treasures, but mines and it will damage your ship. Save and load to loot the same barrel over again it doesn’t work, loading makes them disappear. You get the achievement as soon as the 50th barrel is looted and window is closed.
Treasure hunter
Find 100 pieces of treasureIn order to find a treasure, first of all you need a treasure map. Those treasure maps can be acquired in three different ways:
- In every tavern there is a smuggler (easy to recognize). Sometimes there are two characters potentially being smugglers. One of them will sell you a rare object for some doubloons (somewhere between 100 and 400). Buy it because that’s a treasure map. Even if you don’t have doubloons on you, take them from ship’s chest or Antigua house’s chest, he is waiting in the tavern (until 23:59).
- When captains (from boarded ships or drifting on sea) surrender to you, they become captive and can be found in your ship’s hold. If you talk to them, sometimes they tell you a story about some character who is selling a map to someone’s treasure. You get a quest in the Quest Log. Go to the city mentioned in the quest, ask the tavern’s bartender where you can find that character and then he will appear, selling the treasure map (for around 10000-15000 pesos).
- In some rare situations, when you already have a treasure map and you go to the indicated place, inside the treasure’s chest you can find half of a treasure map. It cannot be used until you find another half to pair them and create a full treasure map. Isn’t a complicated process because any two pieces can create a full map.
Collector ***
Collect 100 treasuresThis achievement might create some confusion because looks approximately like Treasure hunter achievement. But that’s until you find the first treasure. When you have a treasure map and you go to the indicated location, inside the chest there are multiple things you can loot (doubloons, island maps, weapons etc.). Amongst those things you can also find some chests called Treasure. Those look identical with the achievement’s image on Steam. Treasures cannot be opened, but can be sold to Usurer for around 85000 pesos. The only problem is the weight, which is 50 units (kilograms, pounds – not mentioned in the game), so you might want to bring 3 boarded officers with you. For this achievement, you need to collect 100 treasures, so DO NOT sell them to Usurer until you have them all.
Increase your reputation to the highest levelFor this achievement you need Saint reputation. In order to do that, make sure you have around 200000 pesos, go to a Church, save the game, then start donating 5000 pesos multiple times. When you reached the required reputation, go to the tavern and sleep until next morning. After you get the achievement, load the save back in order to recover your spent money.
Lower your reputation to the minimum levelFor this achievement you need Monster reputation. Before you do anything to lower your reputation, save the game. After that, take bad actions (killing peaceful people, do not help the lady in the jungle, go to the brothel, start drinking fights in the tavern etc). After you get Monster reputation, sleep in the tavern until next morning and after you get the achievement, load the save to get back reputation you lost.
A Living legend ***
Get to level 40No need to focus on doing this achievement. Simply playing the game will get you levels, multiple actions giving experience. The most XP you get from quests and killings, but you can get it even from rats destroying your cargo or finding herbs in the jungle. Focus on finishing the game and other achievements, this one comes in time.
Hero of the Nation ***
Reach the highest rank in French Colonial Navy
Certain actions
Dream team
Fill every officer positionsIn order to get this achievement, you need to have all officer positions (nine) occupied: Navigator, Boatswain, Cannoneer, Doctor, Purser, Ship joiner and 3 Boarders. However, you don’t need nine different officers, since one can fill two (By-worker personal skill) or three (Universalist personal skill) positions. Same character cannot fill multiple boarder positions. You get this achievement after you fill all positions and some in-game minutes passes.
Spiritual protection
Hire a ship priestAfter you finish Dutch Gambit quest and you go to a friendly city (moor in the port), a priest will approach you, telling that he wants to join your crew as passager, asking for 50000 pesos. If you accept, he will become a passive passager (unable to be assigned to any officer position). Go on the open world and let the in-game clock pass 23:59 in order to get the achievement.
Home sweet home
Become a house ownerAt the end of the Dutch Gambit quest, you become owner of a house in St John’s (Antigua). However, if you side with Holland (Wind of change achievement) or England (At the Service of the Empire achievement), it is considered you are abusively getting in the posession of the house. In order to get this achievement, you need to do it with the Secret Organization (Fearless achievement) and John Murdock will give you willingly his house.
Explore 50 dungeons, caves, grottos and minesEntering in a dungeon, cave, grotto or mine will add progress to this achievement. A very boring way to do it (not recommanded) is to create multiple profiles (new games) and discover the same cave in Martinique island.
Rent any warehouse anywhereThe text for this achievement is a little bit confusing because you don’t need to rent any warehouse, you have to rent all warehouses available in the game and those are:
- Capsterville (Saint Christopher : french) – shipward
- Port Royal (Jamaica : british) – shipward
- Willemstad (Curacao : dutch) – shipward
- Havana (Cuba : spanish) – shipward
- Sharptown (Isla de Tesoro : pirate) – store
You get this achievement as soon as you rent the 5th warehouse.
Craftsman ***
Several times fully repair your ship on your ownBest client ***
Order repair works on every shipyardTraveler ***
Visit every taverns and coloniesEngineer ***
Upgrade your shipRed face ***
Win a drinking contestPugwash ***
Win the regattaKind hearted ***
Take 100 shipwrecked sailors into your crewAntiquarian ***
Return a collection of Persian swords to it’s ownerOn a slippery road ***
Do a special mission for the pirate Code Keeper
Hidden achievements
Lesson learnt
Successfully complete “The Final Lesson” questWind of change
Successfully complete the story quest “Dutch Gambit” in cooperation with G.W.C.At the Service of the Empire
Successfully complete the story quest “Dutch Gambit” in cooperation with BritainFearless
Successfully complete the story quest “Dutch Gambit” in opposition to all other partiesSea devil ***
Become the captain of the legendary Ghost-shipFlying the Jolly Roger ***
Complete “Flying the Jolly Roger” quest lineBuccaneer ***
Fight under the Jolly Roger and send 100 ships to the bottomDiligent ***
Destroy Kukulkan’s worldGuileless ***
Preserve Kukulkan’s worldGoof ***
Buy five fake treasure mapsRed Talisman ***
Marry MaryA Prophecy Came True ***
Marry Helen