For Save the Reactor players who are collecting achievements ,this is the most detailed guide to achievements in game, let’s check it out.
Story-line achievements
Achievements from this list are completed in the main game.
Kind soul
Start the game, view the comic and enter your nickname. It’s easy!
First working day
Just… finish your first working day. Seriously, this shouldn’t be a problem for you.
Congrats on the promotion!
Complete the third working day.
Explosion is inevitable
Heat up the reactor to the limit. It will explode, your working day will end earlier, you will receive an achievement.
Seriously stress-resistant
Complete the tenth working day with 4500 energy.
Collectible achievements
When you receive achievements from this list, you also acquire items that give a permanent bonus to the energy received. This effect does not work in infinite mode.
Worn out finger
Click on the red button 1000 times (it’s on the top right). The progress of clicks is saved between levels, so this task is very easy.
Four in one room
Achievement can be obtained from the third working day and later.
On this panel, place the symbols according to the picture. It will be easier if you wait until the indicator on the panel turns red.
Wrong turn
Achievement can be obtained from the fourth working day and later.
We need a panel with a labyrinth. She is at the bottom right. Accumulate 400 energy and go to the invisible passage, according to the picture. This works with any variant of the labyrinth.
For this achievement, you will need two panels at once, which appear randomly. But on the eighth working day, you are guaranteed to start with both of them.
Take the eraser on the panel with the board. Use the eraser to find two hidden switches. They are on the panel with numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42). Click on them and you win!
Achievement can be obtained from the fifth working day and later.
Accumulate 500 energy and enter the code on this panel. You have to go left to right, top to bottom.
Achievement can be obtained from the sixth working day and later. It is not recommended to do this on the sixth day, because there is a big risk of not making it in time due to completing the level.
Accumulate 666 energy. Then type 666 in the code bar.
Bigger fish
It is required that the panel has those 9 symbols that are drawn on the picture. To do this, press all the buttons, except for the one with the desired symbol. Remove other symbols. Do this until you achieve the required result.
Play with colors
Achievement can be obtained from the ninth working day and later.
Accumulate 1200 energy and enter the code from the picture on this panel.
On this panel, light the light bulbs as shown in the picture. I advise you to set the power of the compartment to maximum and wait until the panel is filled with luminous bulbs. Then just set the desired combination.
Collectible achievements – Day 10
When you receive achievements from this list, you also acquire items that give a permanent bonus to the energy received. This effect does not work in infinite mode.
These are achievements from the tenth working day. They require special actions to obtain.
Slacker with a cookie
Do it on the tenth working day. Heat the reactor to the limit so that it explodes. Get an achievement.
You are our battery
Help the alien destroy the reactor.
To complete this task, you need to collect 7 keys. It is not necessary to be distracted on the panels. All tools are in the cabinet on the left-bottom.
1.Need a screwdriver
2.The key is in the thermometer. Need to heat up.
3.Put a charged rod in the alien’s hand. Charge it from the reactor.
4.Enter symbols from the wall on this panel. You need infrared light to see them.
5.Enter numbers from the wall on this panel. You need infrared light to see them.
6.Click the colored buttons on this panel. Sheet with information under the table.
7.The key is in the pipe under the table. Need a magnet.
Insert all the keys into the keyholes. Press the buttons. Complete the mission by completing a simple final mission to destroy the reactor.
Collect all keys. Insert all the keys into the keyholes. Press the buttons. Fail the final mission to destroy the reactor.
Other achievements
Remaining achievements not included in the previous categories.
Click on the cat in the level selection menu.
Please don’t touch anything
Complete the level without touching any panels (losing does not count). This can only be done on the first working day.
Collect all special items (see above for getting them).
For the benefit of civilization
Accumulate 2500 energy in endless mode. You can do this by relying only on your skill. Panels appear randomly, so here you need to make your own tactics. Good luck.