In this guide I will tell you how to easily beat the library level to get a “Pro” achievement.
Get the level 5
So make sure you’ve reached the level 5 of
- Eatery
- Bar
- Library
And only after that you need to complete the “FINAL BOSS” level
Beating library to become a real Pro
On the first sight it may look challenging as hell (it is)
But I’ve got some tips for you:
1. Grab a piece of paper
2. Grab a pan
3. Get ready to memorize and write the stuff
I personally used top to bottom method, here how it looks
4. Write down all the symbols you see
5. If you’ve noticed that some of them matched, you can select them right away
6. So go top to bottom just changing the columns till you find all the paired symbols
REMEMBER: Time won’t affect your star score, so take all the time you need to complete the level with 3 stars
Thanks to P40100Le$hka:) for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.