For Roadwarden players, this guide will provide you a list of all console commands and how to access them
Command List
Since the game runs on Renpy hitting SHIFT + O opens up the console where you can input these commands
X denotes a number
– pc_hp = X (sets player hp)
– pc_food = x (nourishment)
Vitals extra
-mana = x
– coins = X (gold)
– armor = X
– cleanliness = x
– appearance = x
Character Sheet
Set Class
-pc_class = “warrior”
-pc_class = “mage”
-pc_class = “scholar”
Set Personal Goal
– pc_goal = “ineedmoney”
– pc_goal = “iwantmoney”
– pc_goal = “iwanttoberemembered”
– pc_goal = “iwanttohelp”
– pc_goal = “iwantstatus”
– pc_goal = “iwanttostartanewlife
Set Religion
– pc_religion = “theunitedchurch”
– pc_religion = “ordersoftruth”
– pc_religion = “fellowship”
– pc_religion = “pagan”
Set Faith Strenth
– pc_faithpoints = X (the higher the number the more faithful the character is)
– pc_lies = X (Max 20)
– armor_fixingxp = X (Max 15, how well you can fix your own armor with sewing kit)
– pc_gamblingxp = X (how good you are gambling)
items are all in the form of item_nameoftheitem = x
All known items
item_rations = 0
item_chicken = 0
item_wildplants = 0
item_spiritrock = 0
item_generichealingpotion = 0
item_magicfruit = 0
item_magicfruit_lost = 0
item_potiondolmen = 0
item_potiondolmen_known = 0
item_smallhealingpotion = 0
item_sharpeningpotion = 0
useful for combat
item_gambeson01 = 0
item_gambeson02 = 0
item_asterionspear = 0
item_axe01 = 0
item_axe02 = 0
item_axe02alt = 0
item_axehead = 0
item_axeset = 0
item_axe03 = 0
item_crossbow = 0
item_crossbowquarrels = 0
item_mountainroadspear = 0
item_shield = 0 (1 – kite, 2 – rounded)
item_golemglove = 0
item_trollurine = 0
item_machete = 0
item_blindingpowder = 0
useful for other special interactions
item_bonehook = 0
item_dragonhorn = 0
item_lantern = 0
item_magicchisel = 0 (1 – regular, 2 – changed by Eudocia)
item_travelequipment = 0
item_witheringdust = 0
item_machete = 0
item_gambesonrepairset = 0
item_sewingkit = 0
quest items
item_arrow = 0
item_boxfromdolmen = 0
item_peltnorthberries = 0
item_empresscarp = 0
item_empresscarp_timelimit = 0
item_snakebait = 0
item_snakebait_truth = 0
item_oceannecklace = 0
item_bronzerod = 0
item_magicpens = 0
item_asterionkey = 0
item_oldtunnelkey = 0
item_trapdoorkeydolmen = 0
item_watchtowerkey = 0
item_piershedkey = 0
item_oldtunnesmallkey = 0
item_bonebuckle = 0
item_bonebuckle_returned = 0
item_boneearring = 0
item_brokenknife = 0
item_rawhide = 0
item_pileofbones = 0
item_pileofbones_returned = 0
item_pileofbones_destroyed = 0
item_pileofbones_sold = 0
item_signpost = 0
item_casket = 0
item_casket_tested = 0
item_letterwhitemarshes = 0
item_letterwhitemarshes_read = 0
coins = 0
item_peltnorthberryclaw = 0
item_peltnorthberrytools = 0
item_elkfur = 0
item_harepelt = 0
item_sealskin = 0
item_asterionwine = 0
item_asterionwine_pcknows_1 = 0
item_asterionwine_pcknows_2 = 0
item_antlers = 0
item_asterionbow = 0
item_boartusks = 0
item_bonering = 0
item_cidercask = 0
item_furlesswolftrophy = 0 # 1 – owned
item_furlesswolftrophy_day = 0
item_griffonegg = 0
item_ironscraps = 0
item_linen = 0
item_dragonlingpaw = 0
item_dragonlingclaws = 0
item_spidersilk = 0
item_stoat = 0 (1 – owned, bad quality, 2 – owned, good quality)
item_stoat_day = 0
item_wingedhourglass = 0
item_wingedhourglass_worn = 0
item_wingedhourglass_taboo_broken = 0
other / trash
item_cloak01 = 0
item_horse = 0
item_horse_coat = 0
item_mageamulets = 0
item_scholaringredients = 0
item_writinginstruments = 0
item_rope = 0
item_bogfriend = 0
item_blackwoundwort = 0
item_ghoulblood = 0
item_marshbules = 0
item_powderedrock = 0
item_rocktobepowdered = 0
item_shortcutherbs = 0
item_spidervenom = 0
item_driftwood = 0
item_cursedsoil = 0
item_cavemushroom = 0
item_stingointment = 0
item_asterioncloak = 0
item_asterionpurse = 0
item_asteriontablet = 0
item_asteriontablet_read = 0
item_beholderroot = 0
item_bugrepellent = 0
item_earplugs = 0
item_goblinspear = 0
item_howlersdelltoken = 0
item_magicalsapling = 0
item_thaisletter = 0
item_thaisletter_opened = 0
item_thaisletter_read = 0
item_thaisletter_readingblocked = 0
item_teethset = 0 (hazel, cloves, salt)
item_teethset_type = “hazelnut” (apple, hazelnut, oak, willow, walnut)
item_soap = 0
item_perfume = 0
item_perfume_type = “Cherry”
item_fancyclothes = 0
item_rawfish_gaining = 0
item_rawfish_losing = 0
item_rawfishtotalnumber = 0
item_rawfish01 = 0
item_rawfish02 = 0
item_rawfish03 = 0
item_rawfish04 = 0
item_rawfish05 = 0
item_rawfish06 = 0
item_rawfish07 = 0
item_rawfish08 = 0
item_rawfish09 = 0
item_rawfish10 = 0
item_fishtrap = 0
item_cookedfish = 0
item_ironingot = 0
item_ironingot_sold_whitemarshes = 0
item_ironingot_sold_howlers = 0
item_ironingot_sold_pelt = 0
item_ironingot_sold_greenmountain = 0
item_ironingot_sold_galerocks = 0
item_spices = 0