For Road 96 players, this guide helps you get full completion on Road 96, with the helpful tips this guide provides, you’ll get all those missed quick and easy.
Collect ’em All

Cat Person
Pet the cat in the first episode.
Road Pals
Meet Zoe.
A Light in the Darkness

Call Home. Might have to try multiple times with different characters, requires $1.
Campaign Funder
Call & Donate to Florres 96777 or Tyrak 96555 Campaign Funding requires $11.
Almost There?

Stone After Stone

Help a Friend
Help Zoe when arrested next to the Police Van- Two ways do this, start a fire or sabotage tower. Moment this happens run left behind the store, steal the keys on the table without police seeing you/ otherwise you fail. Always restart checkpoint if you fail try again. Then reach the van open the door, grab the keys, unlock Zoe.
Hard Choice
Give Zoe a choice if you fall try save you/ tell her save herself or she falls save her/save yourself, cross border. Both options unlock this achievement.
Old Pro

Border Master


Cleverness- Jarod’s way
Hacking- Alex teaches you
Omen Vitality- Papa Bear gave you recipe
Lockpicking- Stan & Mitch told how it works
Government Pass- Fanny drops pass
Survival Tips & Omen
Energy bar: Rest, buy food/soda, steal food/soda, find rotten food yes I did say that.
Currency money is key to survival, carry too much at the end, place in hidden rock at Waterfall cave, for next character helps cross the border.
Bonus make it easier Omen gives extra energy two bars, connect Omen app to Steam.
Road 96 – On the Road by Robert Parker