This guide told you which choice led to which event.
Scripted Event.

Cry of Widows
` Remove 1 Card (The Scout’s Demand 1)
` +100 Gold (The Scout’s Demand 2)
` +1 Leader Level, Lose Half Gold (The Scout’s Demand 3)

The Scout’s Demand 1
`50% Chance +1 Adviser (A Rat in Debt)
`ATK +2 to All Deployed Unit (Holy Fuel)
`+1 Adviser, Lose Half Gold (A New Order)
The Scout’s Demand 2
`50% Chance +1 Adviser(A New Order)
`+1 Adviser, Skill Card Cost +10(The Vision)
`+100 Gold(A Central Army)
The Scout’s Demand 3
`+1 Adviser, ATK -1 to all Military Card (Holy Fuel)
`ATK +2 to All Deployed Unit (The Soldier’s Demand)
`+100 Gold (The Vision)
WAVE 14.

A Rat in Debt
`+150 Gold, Remove 1 Card (The Triumph 1)
`+1 Adviser, Lose Half Gold (The Triumph 5)
Holy Fuel
`+1 Leader Level, +10 Cost to All Building Cards(The Triumph 4)
`Get Random Epic Building Card (The Triumph 1)
A New Order
`Re-Draw Time Cooldown -2s, -6 Tax (The Triumph 5)
`+1 Adviser, +10 Cost to All Economy Cards(The Triumph 2)
The Vision
`+1 Leader Level, +1 Rebel Card(The Triumph 3)
`Leader Ability Cooldown -10s(The Triumph 6)
A Central Army
`Upgrade Selected Military Card(The Triumph 2)
`+300 Gold (The Triumph 6)
The Soldier’s Demand
`+5 Bounty, Lose Half Gold (The Triumph 3)
`ATK +2 to All Deployed Unit, +1 Rebel Card(The Triumph 4)
WAVE 20.

The Triumph 1
`+20 Ratizen, Re-Draw Cooldown +3s (Civic Demands 1)
`10 Bounty, -5 Tax (A Strange Encounter 1)
The Triumph 2
`+20 Tax, Re-Draw Cooldown +3s (Chosen One 1)
`+2 Adviser, Lose Half Gold(Civic Demands 2)
The Triumph 3
`+2 Leader Level, +2 Rebel Cards(A Strange Encounter 2)
`+1000 Gold, Lose All Adviser (Chosen One 2)
The Triumph 4
`+2 Leader Level, +2 Rebel Cards(A Strange Encounter 2)
`+10 Bounty, -5 Tax(A Strange Encounter 1)
The Triumph 5
`+20 Ratizen,Re-Draw Cooldown +3s(Civic Demands 1)
`+2 Adviser, Lose Half Gold(Civic Demands 2)
The Triumph 6
`+20 Tax, Re-Draw Cooldown +3s(Chosen One 1)
`+1000 Gold, Lose All Adviser (Chosen One 2)
WAVE 23.

A Strange Encounter 1
`+1 Random Legendary Building Card (Rules of Rats)
`Enemy Wave Time +10s, You can’t Expand Anymore (Be Faithful)
A Strange Encounter 2
`+300 Gold(All Hail!)
`Enemy Wave Time +10s, You can’t Expand Anymore (Be Faithful)
Civic Demands 1
`Upgrade 1 Card(Rules of Rats)
`Transform 1 Card to Legendary Card(A New Role)
Civic Demands 2
`Get 1 of 3 Skill Cards(LV2) , Ratizen -5 (Council of Oligarchs)
`Transform 1 Card into Legendary Card(A New Role)
Chosen One 1
`+10 Tax(Coronation)
`+1 Adviser(Council of Oligarchs)
Chosen One 2
`+10 Tax (Coronation)
`+1 Leader Level(All Hail!)
WAVE 27. (Final)

Rules of Rats
`+20 Ratizen
`Get 1 of 3 Building Cards(LV2)
All Hail!
`Leader Ability Cooldown -30s
`Re-Draw Time -3s
Be Faithful
`Enemy Wave Time +15s
`3 Random Cards in Your Possession are Upgraded
A New Role
`+3 Random Military Cards, Leader Ability Unavailable
`+2 Card Draw, Leader Ability Unavailable
Council of Oligarchs
`+2 Skill Advisers
`+2 Military Advisers
`+25 Tax
`Double All Deployed Unit HP.
` +1 Adviser
` +2 House
5th Expansion of the Wall – Engaging Area
` -10 Ratizen
` Lose All Gold
` Enemy Wave Time – 5s