If you play Persona 4 Golden and want to know more about the fuse system or compendium, this guide will explain them in detail, let’s check it out. Introduction The fuse system is one of the ways to strenght our hero along the story. There are thousands of personas and millions of ways to fuse the same…
Tag: Persona 4 Golden

Persona 4 Golden What is SOS and How it Works
If you play Persona 4 Golden and you want to know how SOS feature in the game works, this guide will explain it to you, let’s check it out. SOS Feature Basicly, you send an SOS signal other people online will have the choice to respond and give you more HP and SP. The more people…

Persona 4 Golden Complete Social Link Guide
If you play Persona 4 Golden and want to know more tips about Social Link in the game, this guide provide information of all social link in theg game, let’s check it out. 0: The Fool This is an automatic social link that ranks up as you clear dungeons and gain new party members. Rank 1:…

Persona 4 Golden How to Spawn and Farm The Reaper
If you play Persona 4 Golden and want to know how you spawn and farm the reaper, this guide will provide the method for you, let’s check it out. How to Prepare a good number of Goho-M, around 30 or so, but the more the better. It depends on how many items you want to get from…

Persona 4 Golden How to Get the Fishing Rod, Hook, Bait And Start Fishing
If you play Persona 4 Golden and want to know how to start fishing this guide will show you how to get everything you need (Rod, Hook, Bait) for fishing, let’s check it out. Fishing Rod To get the fishing rod, you need to talk to the old man who stands next to the river during…

Persona 4 Golden How to Fix Game Crashing Frequently
If you play Persona 4 Golden on steam and when you run the game, it crashes time to time, this guide will provide some possible solutions for you to solve it, let’s check it out. Solutiom Make sure that you are running Persona 4 Golden on Windows 10 with hare ware that support DX11 and the…

Persona 4 Golden How to Fix Shadowplay Doesn’t Work
If you play Persona 4 Golden on steam, and you find that the shadowplay in the game just won’t work, this guide will show you how to fix it, let’s check it out. Solution Open Nvidia control panel go to manage 3d settings program settings add game and add Persona 4 Golden That’s all we…

Persona 4 Golden How to Fix Doesn’t Meet Minimum Requirements Error
If you play Persona 4 Golden on steam and when you run the game, it shows Doesn’t Meet Minimum Requirements error, this guide will explain why and how to solve it, let’s check it out. Solution Persona 4 Golden requires DX11 for it to run. If it shows “Doesn’t meet minimum requirements” that’s probably becasue you are running…

Persona 4 Golden How to Fix the Stuttery Cutscene Lag
If you play Persona 4 Golden on steam and hvaing the problems with the cutscene stuttering, this guide will provide a potential solution that worked for other players, let’s check it out. Solution For those who have NVIDIA (I personally run an older rig, so I have a GTX 965M) Right Click on your Desktop and go…

Persona 4 Golden Beginner Tips That helps You Understand the Story
If it’s the first time you play Persona 4 Golden and you want to understand the entire story faster, this guide will share some tips that help you see the whole story in a single playthrough, let’s check it out. Introduction I decided to make this short guide since P4G is notorious for not giving new…

Persona 4 Golden Tips And Tricks For New Players
If you are a beginner to Persona 4 Golden and looking for some tips & tricks for the game, this guide will provide exactly what you need about the battle and non battle part, let’s check it out. Non Battle Part As standard in most RPGs, it’s not always fights and dungeon crawling – Persona really…

Persona 4 Golden The Empress (Margaret) Social Link Fusion Guide
Persona 4 Golden is now on steam, while you play, Social Link in the game gives you bonus XP and this guide will talk about The Empress (Margaret) Social Link Fusion, let’s check it out. Introduction Social links are an incredibly important part of Persona 4. Leveling them up gives you bonus XP when fusing new…