Full list of Overland enemies. Warning: Major game content SPOILERS!
All monster names are datamined from game files. Have fun in Overland!

Health: 1, AP: 1, no runover damage.
Basic enemy. Moves or attacks only once.

Health: 2, AP: 1
Can be: “Drag”, “Shove”.
The same as ‘Bug’. While there are two heads — still moves or attacks only once.

Health: 3, AP: 1
Can be: “Drag”, “Shove”
Three heads, and again — moves or attacks only once.

Health: 1, AP: 2, no runover damage.
Fast but weak, hard to keep the distance. Hits two times per turn if close to the target.

Health: 1, AP: 1.
Explodes when attacks or being attacked.

Health: 1, AP: 0
Not an actual monster, but looks like one. Just a passive object, can be pushed or hit. Has no own attack nor movement action. Explodes in the next cell on hit.

Health: 1, AP: 1, no runover damage.
Can be: “Shove”
Summons new enemies when moves by producing ‘noise’. Silent when hit and killed. Does not react on radio.

Health: 1, AP: 5, no damage on runover.
Has no attack. Revives dead enemies unless the bodies are destroyed. Skips its turn if can not move or revive.

Health: 1, AP: 1, no damage on runover.
Has no attack. Spawns ‘slime trail’ — alien grass that damages other characters each turn.

Health: 1, AP: 1
Can be: “Shove”
Spawns up to 5 ‘Bugs’ when killed. Silent when killed. Does not react on radio.

Immune to attacks, AP: 1
Can be: “Drag”, “Shove”
While it is invulnerable, still can be destroyed by telefrag.
Kills everyone with a single hit.

Immune to all attacks, AP: 1
Can be: “Push”, “Pull”
Teleports to a random cell. Creates discharge anomalies in four adjacent cells.

Health: 1, AP: 1, no damage on runover.
Harmless, attacks with the cuteness.
Questions? Suggestions? Let me know if you have any!
The medic resurrects your guys too.