For Loop Hero players, this is small write-up with a handful of images for those looking for ideas by those with success, let’s check it out.
This is by no means optimal, and while playing this run I thought of numerous changes that would potentially be better. Such as not using thicket/forest, and not bothering to use blood grove (only used 1 tile for bosses, then oblivion’d it after Omega), not bothering with mountain/rock and not using spiders (oblivion’d them late-game since they do not have souls, but are great early game for cards and XP). If you are struggling with bosses and/or late game sustain as rogue, the outpost is a very good option since they take a few hits–especially a good burst against the priestess as the outpost guards destroy a bunch of mirrors quickly.
The first half-dozen loops are the most important–to setup properly and efficiently. Mostly if you are playing on chapter 4 as I have. Build heavily around the campfire first to: use crossbowmen (watchtower); and block tiles from lich spawn. Consistently, priestess has been the hardest chapter 4 boss for rogue, and omega is a joke. Converting rivers into oasis is key. The rest is mostly spreading battlefields to cover the entire loop and primarily (or only) use enemies with souls.
Keep in mind that the tiles with culling (e.g. blood grove) deny some transformation and escape abilities. In this case, it will stop ghosts from spawning. Funnily, my 7th off-deck card I could not play as it was a treasury, perhaps keep room for one in case you get one from a tier-3 ghost. Additionally, I got a 12th off-deck card right after getting my 11th (which gave me the achievement). The RNG is huge with this achievement, many loops in a row without a single off-deck card.
My camp is entirely maxed out with the exception of not filling the rest of empty tiles with mud huts (as of this achievement, I have 21 mud huts). But every main/unique building is max.

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- Loop Hero How to Unlock the Secret Boss
- Loop Hero Rogue Guide for Infinite Loops
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- Loop Hero How to get to Loop 100 (and Infinity!)
- Loop Hero Cards & Tiles Combo Guide