For Lethal Company players who want to play with Bracken AI, this is an in-depth guide on Bracken AI to help you out.

Apparently the bracken has 3 States: Stalking – Attacking – Fleeing
Usually the bracken is in its Stalking Phase, which is always active as long as the bracken is in the pink area (or anywhere outside of your FOV). In this area the bracken will stop using cover and approach you on 4 legs silently.
If at any point you turn far enough so the brightest red area [Lets call it an invisible “Soft FOV”](which is still outside of your FOV) intersects with the bracken he will fastly retreat behind the next Line-of-Sight breaking object. The brighter Red area is able to see the bracken retreating silently on 4 legs behind the next cover.
You can see this here. Sometimes the bracken effes up and gets too excited and walks into your FOV too. Also he seems to have an increased aggressive stalking behaviour as soon as you start moving forward.
If at any point during this your dark red FOV intersects with the Bracken he will freeze, stand up and warn you. At that point you should look away / walk away from the bracken. He knows he has been noticed and retreats for a random amount of time, for most of my tests this was about 15 – 30 seconds before he actively entered the stalking phase again.
Just know, that if you turn slowly and see no bracken doesn’t mean that he isn’t there. He might had enough time to sneak behind a line of sight breaking corner. Make sure to check all corners and turn around 180° rapidly every 3 – 5 seconds.
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