Baboon Hawk

Baboon Hawks are winged creatures that appear outside, usually in groups. If you spot them from a distance away, it seems they’re minding their own business and won’t seek you out. They can be curious, but as long as you keep your distance, they typically won’t attack first unless they have a numbers advantage on you. However, get too close, or try to attack, and they will respond with lethal force.
How to avoid their attack?
- Keep distance from them
- Don’t attack them with any weapon
- If you see them in group being lonely, run away
You can TRY kill them by hitting with:
- Shovel
- Road Signs (Can be found inside)
But i won’t recommend it.
Circuit Bee

Circuit Bees can be found outdoors at any time of day. They will be gathered around their hive – get too close, and they will fly out and attack you. If they become separated from their hive, they will become an enraged swarm, roaming across the map attacking anything in sight. They deal damage with kinda electricity thing.
How to avoid their attack?
- Just don’t get too close to their hive, and everything will be alright.
You can stole their Hive and sell it, worth of item is from 66 to 149.
But… it’s very hard to do it, and very easy to die.
Earth Leviathan

The Earth Leviathan is a gigantic worm that lives underground outside. After dark, it may spawn in and begin to roam underground, obviously spawns on desert-like maps.
(I’m not sure if it only appears on desert-like maps, but I’ve never seen it on grass-like maps.)
The Earth Leviatan Attack is very specific, suddenly you will hear a rumble, probably he’s hunting you. You can be sure of this if the ground around you starts throwing up pieces of dirt in the air.
How it looks when he is attacking you:
How to avoid their attack?
- To avoid its attack you just probably can walk silently (ctrl walking), but when you’ll actually see all circumstances mentioned above, throw away all heavy items, and RUN!
Eyeless Dog

Eyeless Dogs are large canine creatures with a dark ridge along their back and tail. They spawn outside after dark. They have giant fanged mouths. if one catches you, it will grab you in its jaws and shake you back and forth, killing you. However, as the name implies, Eyeless Dogs have poor vision, meaning you can try to sneak past them as long as you avoid making too much noise.
How to avoid their attack?
- If you’ll spot them from away, walk slowly (Ctrl walking) and DO NOT TALK
Forest Keeper

These terrifying mfs, giant creatures appear outside, after the sun begins to set. Forest Keepers will spawn by climbing out of the ground, and then begin roaming around the area, noticeable by their loud thumping footsteps.
How to avoid their attack?
- Crouch and stay still in the hope they won’t notice you.
- Be silent, they can hear you so obviously silent walk (Ctrl walking)
- He can’t do anything to you, if you’re inside ship.
Hiding behind a tree won’t make you invisible, If he is in front to you, he’ll probably ignore giant tree and see you with his x-ray skills.
(Mocking term, they don’t have X-ray. That’s the game fault)

The Manticoil is a four-winged bird that can be found in flocks, perched on the ground outside or flying overhead. They are not aggressive, and pose no threat to you.
Roaming Locusts

Roaming Locusts are found outside in swarms. They pose no threat to you, and will disperse if you approach.

The Hygrodere is a mysterious blue-green gelatinous blob that can be found indoors. It is aggressive once it notices you, but is fortunately slow-moving and can’t reach you if you stand on an elevated platform.
How to avoid it’s attack?
- Actually you can’t, it will always go into you, but cause it’s extremely slow and can only crawl, he can’t grab you in higher places like yellow fence, or any other items on map.
- You can jump over it if it will block your way, but you have to be careful, it kills instantly when touched.
he can move over the abyss, between two yellow staircases.
There are rumors that playing music near the Hygrodere may distract or placate it in some way.
Spore Lizard

The Spore Lizard is a four-legged creature with a huge round mouth and a purple orb at the end of its tail. If you encounter it running through the corridors, it’s likely to stop, open its mouth at you, and wag its tail. This creature isn’t much of a threat, instead behaving more like a playful puppy.
If you get close to them, they will unleash a pink mist, which will obscure your vision but not harm you otherwise. Get closer, and they will give you a mild warning bite.
How to avoid their attack?
- Just stay avay from them, that’s all you need to do.
Hoarding Bug

The Hoarding Bug is found indoors, and much like you and your colleagues, spends their time seeking out and collecting loot. You’ll likely find them guarding their collection of objects – they will only attack if you try to steal from them.
How to avoid their attack?
- Stay away from them, and don’t take their loot, otherwise they will attack you.
Hoarding Bugs fly toward you when they become hostile. They’re quite fast, but unlikely to kill you in one hit, so you have time to fight back.
You can kill them by hitting with:
- Shovel
- Road Signs (Can be found inside)
Snare Flea

The Snare Flea is a nasty bug that hides on ceilings indoors, waiting for an unsuspecting player to wander underneath, at which point it will drop down and wrap itself around their head, suffocating them over several seconds until they die.
How to avoid it’ attack?
- They are really sneaky murders, and they can spoil the trip, so when you enter any room, you can look above to make sure he is not there.
If he will attack any of your team member, there is two choices:
- Hit him with shovel or road sign, it will make him to stop choking your friend.
- If you’ll get on your head, you can also try to find exit doors, if you’ll leave from place with him on head he will disappear from you.
Bunker Spiders

Bunker Spiders are large arachnids that can be found indoors. They weave webs in their nearby vicinity, so be careful not to step in one – it will trap you, and alert the spider to your presence, invariably leading to your swift demise.
How to avoid their attack?
- Usually they won’t attack you away from their territory, just make sure to not violate their zones.
- Don’t step into their web, it alerts them and they immediately rush to kill you.
Do your best to jump over or avoid any webs you see, as touching them will attract the Bunker Spider.
You can kill them by hitting with:
- Shovel
- Road Signs (Can be found inside)

Bracken has a somewhat humanoid shape and is red in color, with spiky appendages on its torso. Its most distinct characteristic is its white glowing eyes.
Without lighting, he seems to be Black colour, but in practice – RED.
How to avoid it’s attack?
Bracken will try to roam around players, then sneak on his back.
- To avoid attack look at your back every few seconds to make sure he is not there.
- However, if he appears in front of you, look at him for 1-2 seconds and turn away. He should withdraw. After a while you can turn around and make sure that he disappeared.
After it retreats back into the darkness, you need to remain extremely vigilant, as it will resume hunting you after less than a minute has elapsed.
During the place search, you can find wooden room which looks like this:
Then you can be sure, that Bracken is in your place and he will make your job harder.
Your death cause of him is instant, broken neck is really fast way to prevent you from living.
But after death, your company can still find your body, in his own room, and grab it to ship.

The Coil-Head is a mannequin-like creature with short arms, a damaged torso, and a screaming head on a spring.
It will move toward you rapidly and kill you instantly, unless someone is looking at it. Don’t try to fight it, gradually back away while maintaining visual contact. If possible, coordinate with allies to ensure it doesn’t get any closer as you make your escape.
How to avoid it’s attack?
- Obviously stare at him all the time, if he is someone’s field of view, he won’t move.
Alert, he is REALLY FAST.
Ghost Girl

The Ghost Girl can be found on distant moons that are more expensive to get to. She only haunts one player at a time, meaning if you see her, you’ve been chosen as her victim. Nobody else can see her, not even if you’re spectating the haunted player.
The girl may appear standing still for a short time, but if she starts skipping toward you, you’ll need to run away as fast as possible. If she catches you, she will remove your head, killing you instantly.
How to avoid her attack?
- As you know, she will pick one of your teammate, so the best idea is to put haunted player on camera in ship.

The Jester is only found on high-level moons. It appears to be a jack-in-the-box with legs and an arm sticking out of it. It may run around in your vicinity and appear passive initially, but eventually it will run up to you and start winding up its mechanism.
The Jester will spend some time winding up (about 30 seconds, in our experience). During this time, all players should leave the building as quickly as possible.
How to avoid it’s attack?
- The best solve for it is just don’t meet him (xD) but of course you can loot place until he starts to wind up himself.
- I rather recommend to run away from him at the very beginning of seeing him. If you can clearly know that he is winding up, let know your company that and instantly go oustside.
- If jester kill one of your teammate, he won’t stop until you’ll leave or everyone will die.
How he looks like during hunt:

The Thumper is a creature with a shark-like head that drags itself across the corridors using two long arm-like limbs. The Thumper can’t hear, so won’t be attracted to any sound you make. However, it’s fast, and will charge in a straight line when it notices you, killing you in one hit if it reaches you.
How to avoid his attack?
- You can talk, but the best way to avoid him is getting on yellow fence, like with Hydrogere, probably he won’t be able to attack you then.
- If you can get onto the yellow fence with a shovel or a sign, you can try to kill him when he comes to you.
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