For Left 4 Dead 2 players, you must have noticed that there are 30 more achievements afte the last stand update, and here is the guide of all 30 new achievements.
Getting Started
Just earn 1 Bronze medal on any survival map. For this it is necessary to survive for 4 minutes.
You will only earn this achievement on a map that has not yet earned a Bronze medal. If you play on a map that has already made the medal, you will not win it. Play on a new map.
On our way
To win the silver medal you need to survive 7 minutes on any survival map.
There is where the fun begins
Survive for 10 minutes on any survival map.
Still standing
You need to survive the Last Stand campaign, in any difficulty.
The last frontier
Survive The Last Stand campaign in Realism Expert.
– Take care not to give or receive a friendly shot, if possible.
– Use the pipes to save your friends or yourself if Boomer vomits someone. Never throw a bile if someone is booma. It’s a waste. Zombies focus on going to whoever is boomado. In this case only the pipe is saved.
– Give preference to Melee. Stay in a corner and use it if the horde comes and you can’t escape.
– Use the biles wisely, preferably to run from the hordes.
– Be careful not to burn your friends with molotov or gasoline.
– It’s a good thing for someone to carry the defibrillator.
Golden Freeman
You will have to search for and equip the golden crowbar hidden in left 4 dead 1 maps 22 times. Left 4 Dead 1 survival maps (see below).
The achievement is individual. It only works for who takes it.
Apparently this achievement is bugged, today (27/09/2020) it only works for the host. Even if another player takes the crowbar, it is not counting.
Jump on the launch as indicated.
Notice where the crowbar is. Go under it, on the launch, jump and press E to grab it.
Notice the location on the map:
Notice where the crowbar is:
Stay in that position at the post, just below the crowbar. When you jump you will notice that it is in evidence. Press E to grab it when you jump:
Notice where it is. Marked in red is where you must jump to stay on top:
Aim at the center of the wood and jump, as shown in the photo:
From here you’ll have to jump to get the crowbar:
I couldn’t catch her jumping off the edge, the best way I found was running and jumping. But I confess that I’m bad at jumping, maybe you don’t have my difficulty.
Generator Room
Do you know where you are born? So…
Jump on the table, look up.
Gas Station
You will have to get on one of the trucks. It is possible to climb in front of the vehicle. Notice in the print, marked in red, that the truck is close to the cafeteria. In green is the crowbar location:
The crowbar:
You will enter the door marked in red. This door is in front of the place where you are born:
After entering the venue, the crowbar will be on the right:
Go to that location on the map:
You will have to jump from here. As soon as you jump, replace the W with the CTRL to enable a longer jump:
The “blessed” crowbar will be hidden here. They hid this well:
Go to the place marked in red:
Jump on that concrete, crouch and grab the crowbar:
Truck Depot
Go to that place that is my aim:
Look behind the bus and take it:
Go to the place where my aim is:
Look behind the bus and take it:
Get on the piano in front of the safe house. Just jump and you can view it and get it:
The crowbar is in the theater, according to the print:
Boat House
Go to that stone that is marked in green. Note the location in relation to the pier:
Get on the rock and look at the tree. Just pick up the crowbar:
The Crane
Go to that barrel I’m aiming for:
The crowbar is there:
The Construction Site
Go where I’m aiming:
It’s back here:
The Terminal
Go to the men’s room. indicated in this print:
It is in the last pottery:
Go to that location, just below, and jump over that box. I moved in the fall so I could fall on top of the box:
The crowbar will be there:
The Bridge
Go to this location I’m aiming for:
The crowbar will be in the corner next to the car:
Go to that place:
It’s behind the stack:
Go in that direction, go into the bush, where I am aiming:
Go further. It will be in the corner, hidden behind the foliage:
Ligth House
There is a pile of wooden logs on one side of the house, and a window above.
Stay under that window, close to the wall, as in this print, so that you can see the crowbar. Then just jump and grab:
Elephant in the room
Relive a disabled person when the tank is nearby. Use your adrenaline to go faster and risk your skin less if necessary.
I spite on your grave
Like Spiter, he spits on a survivor who is being “lovingly softened” by a Charger.
Acid Bath
How Spiter spits on a survivor being scratched by a Hunter.
When you’re Spitter, spit on the gallons on the floor. The more gallons per spit the faster you will achieve. You have to burn 20 gallons. I think another option could also be to die on top of the gallons. If I’m not mistaken when you die as a Spitter, you release the acid from the spit in the nearby area.
Flight deck
Some versus maps are better for that.
To be considered Instant Kill, you must pick up and drag the survivor so that you can throw him off the map, like in a river.
Fat Ninja
It probably doesn’t matter if it will be versus or scavenge.
Three’s a crowd
If 3 survivors die, wait for the 3 to come back to life in a single room and only then open the door to rescue them.
I will give preference to try with Katana.
Get skeeted on
Kill a Hunter in the air with a shotgun.
Rocky Horror Picture Throw
Break the stone that Tank throws in the air.
Shotgun Wedding
The map with the location of the wedding is The Passing.
Approach the witch only when she is calm.
Stand in front of her face and then walk quickly to the witch, until you stick to her body and it is not possible to go any further. When she gets up, shoot her in the middle of the face.
The weapon that my friends and I used was the pump shotgun.
Our strategy was to crouch down as soon as we got close with her and shoot her in the face as soon as she got up.
One hit wonder
As Hunter deal 25 damage with the pounce.
Pure Satisfaction
This one will be boring …: P
The big ten
As a survivor, survive for 10 minutes without dying in versus mode, but it must be on an official map.
Z-Genocidest 2: Episode 2
If you want to close the achievements you will have to dedicate many hours to that game again. You’ll have to kill 53,599 zombies.
Pole position
Escape the Liberty Mall Atrium before the first tank appears.
The tip is to go 2 on one side and 2 on the other, for one to protect the other, go throwing the bumps down, leaving them on the ground floor.
When all the gallons are there, go down and while 2 take turns to put the gasoline the other 2 defend and place the more distant gallons near the car.
Be careful not to burn any gallons.
When all the gallons are close to the car, be on top of the exhaust.
Use adrenaline if possible to catch the most distant gallons faster.
Play on an easier difficulty.
To go faster use the mutation “Room for one” because you already start in the last chapter.
Household names
The room is hidden behind a false wall in the first house on the map in campaign mode.
Take advantage and pop the gas plug to damage the false wall (see print below).

Give preference to breaking the wall with the chainsaw, as it will require an effort to break it. If you can’t find it on the way, use another melee.
When opening the wall you will come across this:

Note: Make no mistake, the golden Crowbar that is there inside this hidden room does not count towards the “Golden Freeman”
A Little hack and Slash
Win the bronze medal on the game’s 43 official Survival maps.
Like lambs to the slaughter
Win the silver medal on the game’s 43 official Survival maps.
Killing Spree
Win the gold medal on the game’s 43 official Survival maps.
Supreme survivalist
Survive for 30 minutes on any survival map.
New haircut
Easy to do with the chainsaw. I picked her up on The Last Stand campaign map.
Better to do it on easy difficulty.
In this achievement, if only one person kills the witch, everyone else will also win it.
The main attraction
In the final concert, survive until the helicopter arrives, without leaving the stage.
Do this on an easier difficulty.
Catem at least 2 Molotoves.
Take all the gallons of fuel and firework boxes you find on stage.
Leave them protected and take care not to accidentally burn them.
Play as necessary out of the stage, positioning them wisely to burn tanks and other zombies.
The quickest way to win it is to play the “Room for One” mutation because the game starts in the last chapter.
The last dash
You will have to run to do this campaign, as you need to complete it in 13 minutes or less, without anyone dying.
Make it on an easier difficulty. Turn on the devices as quickly as possible, especially the generators (at this point spread out and turn them on quickly).
Is first Chapter (Junkyard), the tasks are: pumple fuel to start the crane, providing power to the crane (4x), use the lever to release the container.
In second Chapter (Lighthouse Finale), as soon as the first tank dies, gallons of fuel will be available. Pick as soon as possible to feed the generator.
As soon as the supply is finished, go down to the pier, but be careful: burn the second tank halfway or before going down.
If the tank goes after you on the dock, at least you will have saved the descent time and the tank will have suffered some damage.
Do not try to make other achievements because it can consume your time. Focus on ending the campaign as soon as possible.
That’s all we are sharing today in Left 4 Dead 2 The Last Stand 30 New Achievements, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to ♕ Sabrina ♕
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