This guide contains help for getting the harder achievements in the game.
What This Guide Covers
The easy achievements won’t be covered here. Most of these you’ll either get through normal game play or with a bit of determined effort. They are:
“Abandonment Issues”
“Business, Man!”
“Coffee Run”
“Dungaree Jamboree”
“Punk Rockery”
“Go Forth and Multiply”
“Serial Dater”
“Happy Ending” — awarded when you get all the others
Some of the achievements listed below contain mild spoilers about things you normally discover through playing the game. If you want to retain the element of surprise I suggest not reading past the achievement Gay Pride and playing through the “end” of the game before continuing. You’ll know when it happens!
Single Menu Achievements

Ask the waiter about all twenty dishes on the (cuisine) menu
There are 12 of these achievements and include all restaurants except Australian, South African and Thai menus. You “ask the waiter” by spending 20 coins per menu item when ordering dinner for your date. This will end up costing 4800 coins to complete.
The selection always offers 5 items and will include at least one exact match the date prefers and one dish that is really close but not quite what they want. This means the selection isn’t entirely random. This becomes problematic when you need the last 1-3 items from a particular restaurant as the chance of any one popping up is around 15% and possibly worse.
The best strategy here is to try the same restaurant but with a different date companion since a different food preference has the highest chance of changing the most items offered. If you insist on quitting and restarting a date with the same companion, try for a different restaurant that also has menu choices you need to discover.
No matter how you go about this, getting these achievements is going to take a lot of time because of the expense, the low probability of getting the last couple of items, and because of the envelope game for choosing which restaurant you go to. I noticed that even with all 15 restaurants getting shuffled, a particular restaurant seemed to have a higher than random chance of returning to its starting position. So if you do lose track of it, clicking on its starting position might yield a better chance of nabbing it.
Important Tip!
If you quit out of the game before the date is completed the entire date is reset and any menu items you asked about will be lost and not counted toward the achievement. However getting the last one will pop the achievement for that restaurant the moment you buy it. It’s important to continue playing through the end of the date so your revealed menu item(s) are saved and count toward the “Gastronomical” achievement. Otherwise you’ll have to try to snag them again later.

Ask the waiter about all the dishes on all the menus
This achievement is awarded for asking about the menu items in all 15 restaurants including South African, Australian and Thai for a total of 300 dishes. This will end up costing 6000 coins to complete.
The best strategy here is twofold:
First, buy the above restaurants when available at the appropriate difficulty level and work on them in tandem with the others. Don’t wait until the end of the game to buy them! Doing so will also put off your progress on the “Schadenfreude” achievement.
Second, keep track of how many menu items you ask about for the three off restaurants. This is really important since they have no individual counters to keep track of like the other 12. When you are down to the last couple of items for them it can be incredibly frustrating to not know how many are left in each.
Game play tip: The in-game achievement roster on your ID badge will show any discrepancies if you didn’t finish a date properly and have a menu item still left in any of the 12 individual Steam achievement restaurants you have popped. This can help you track down stragglers you will have to re-ask about.

Find Big Head mode
There is a bell and a phone on your desk in the lobby area where clients are waiting. Click on the bell several times and then on the phone to pop the achievement.
You’ll probably not get it right away. Some have speculated you need to click the bell in a pattern of some kind as if you are playing a song. Just keep trying and you’ll get it.
Inappropriate Touching

Poke characters 1000 times
When a client is ushered into your office and after they’ve introduced themselves you can click on them for a funny reaction.
This also works after you’ve selected a date but before you’ve selected the confirm dialog to make the date happen. At this point you can click on both client or date for the reaction that counts toward the achievement.
♥♥♥♥♥ Galore

Tap the cat 25 times
When a date is finished you’ll be outside the restaurant and a cat will randomly show up sitting on the boxes in the background. Click on the cat when it appears, but do it quickly because once the dialog boxes show up they’ll block you from petting the kitty. You’ll also get some coins for successfully doing so.
This achievement takes a lot of time. I finished the “Serial Dater” achievement (100 dates) long before I got this one.
Friends with Benefits

Pair off 3 Steam friends
The wording is misleading. You can get this achievement as long as you have one other Steam friend who plays Kitty Powers’ Matchmaker.
In order to get this achievement you first have to turn on the in-game online mode and upload your own dating profile. This is turn allows the game to create entries for your Steam friends in your black book of possible date companions.
All you need to do is pair up your clients with a friend three times.
If you only have 1-2 other friends who play just make sure you pair them off with someone who is a below-average match. When you get their break-up letter in the mail, they’ll return to the black book and can be paired up again.
You can get a below-average match by making sure the client and friend differ from each other in three or more personality traits. Just play through the date interactions focusing on characteristics and interests.
Opposites might attract in this game, but they don’t tend to work out in the long run.
Gay Pride

Have 50 same gender relationships
There’s no secret to getting this achievement, but it takes a long time.
At almost 30 hours into the game, I still only have 29/50 on this achievement. LGB clients show up at a rate of about one quarter to a third of your clients in the lobby.
It’s possible to progress on this achievement faster than I have, but to do that you need to use the “Kick” option. After a client has introduced themselves, it costs 25 coins to boot them out of your office. (Incidentally, this doesn’t affect your reputation score.) Do this to winnow out the straight clientele, but it will end up being rather expensive.
If you want to avoid minor spoilers, save the rest until you’ve reached the game’s “end”
Kitty’s Little Helper

Pair off Kitty Powers
This is actually the achievement for the “end” of the game, so I lumped it into the minor spoilers section.
There is nothing special about this achievement, just find a nice companion for Kitty Powers. It is listed here because it is not possible until you reach level 20. At that point she temporarily becomes the only client in your lobby. By this time you’ll have played the game long enough to know how to best find her match, and she can date both men and women.
I don’t know what happens if she has three failed dates. Anyone care to comment?
Pants on Fire

Spin the Wheel of Misfortune 4 times in one date and pair the couple off
I haven’t gotten this achievement, but I’m going to give my best guess as to how it’s possible based on what I’ve tried. It takes a little bit of prep plus some luck.
First, try this with couples who have lower star ratings combined with harder restaurants. It’ll give you more possibilities to lie plus each person on the date will be easier to please. Don’t try this with ultra-picky VIPs.
Next, build up several people in your black book so that you know what their personality traits are: Social, Physical, Organization, etc. Then try to match people who have similar traits and preferences (for compatibility purposes) but different types so that they have opposite interests, clothing, make up and hairstyles.
When you spin the fruit wheel, go for discussing those differing topics. Sometimes you can even get topics the client agrees on but you can lie by expressing even greater interest (truth: I like it, vs lie: I love it). You are guaranteed at least three spins for any date. If you get a failure, cheat to re-spin the wheel.
Two mini-games also give extra chances:
- “The Ex” allows you to lie about who came up to the table.
- “Who Farted?” allows you to lie about passing gas.
The key here, I think, is to make sure your client isn’t so turned off by their date that they reject them at the conclusion. That means focusing on these topics instead of lying about personality traits that will weigh more heavily on the decision to pair off.
Of course it also helps if you get a Kitty cherub to shoot a love arrow. Aim it at your client. Successful lying will be boosting the date’s attraction level, so they won’t need it.
Remember that if things aren’t playing out the way you need to you can always quit and restart with the same date companion. You’ll get the same mini-games regardless of which restaurant you take them to.
Any others want to comment?

Fail every minigame in the funniest way
There are a total of 18 mini-games — one for every restaurant and three that begin the game.
The games are:
- Who’s Our Waiter?
- Calculate the Tip
- Bathroom Quick-Change
- Compliment the Chef
- Tell a Good Story
- Date Photo Search
- Manager Intro
- Power Blackout
- Call a Taxi
- RPS Flirting
- Box of Chocolates
- Snap a Selfie
- Emergency Deodorant
Failure at the following games are at least partially determined by the date’s personality:
- Dessert Trolley
- The Spider
- Pachinko Bill Split
- Who Farted?
- The Ex
To get the achievement, you have to fail at each game in the “funniest” possible way. Whereas most games the funniest is also the only way to fail some have degrees of failure. You need to get the worst possible outcome on each of those for the achievement to pop.
- Calculate the Tip – when the correct answer is the highest or lowest pick, choose the opposite
- Call a Taxi – get the wrong number on all three tries
- RPS Flirting – lose all three rounds
- Box of Chocolates – pick three yucky ones
- Snap a Selfie – take a picture where both members look their worst
- Emergency Deodorant – use barely any (or way too much??)
- The Ex – fail at lying about the Ex who then comes back and embarrasses the client
You’ll probably fail the simple ones at some point. For the others it is possible to quit and replay the date with the same companion because the same mini-games will occur. Some also have cheat options that make failing the game slightly easier.
The mini-game of ordering off the menu for your date also has degrees of failure but doesn’t count toward this achievement.
In all honesty, I might have missed some detail about games that have degrees of failure. I just assumed based on my own experience which might have gotten a failure without realizing what I did to get the funniest outcome. Any comments from other players?