You must kill the final boss with the cell phone in your inventory. You can place it in storage and retrieve it just before the final battle. I’ll write a reminder at the final storage container.
Beat the game without using first-aid kits. You can still use band-aids that appear in the latter half of the game without voiding the achievement. Due to this achievement, I recommend saving as much as possible and reloading when you’re hit (if you saved recently).
Also finally, deaths and hidden rooms are saved automatically upon discovering them.
This is especially useful for hidden rooms since you can discover the room, reload immediately to a previous save and skip it entirely after reloading. This can save on health and ammo.
Deaths and hidden rooms you’ve collected can be found under “Gallery” in the main menu.
- After the introduction, examine the panties. They are save points. Remember to save frequently especially if you are going for Don’t cure yourself.
- Save once.
Save the game
First time to save the game
- Save once.
- Examine the weird painting. Press the button to unlock the door.
- You’ll appear in a long hallway with three branches. The first is on the left, and the second and third on the right.
- Walk past all three paths to the end to find a drawer. Open it look at the picture inside.
Weird picture
Find weird picture
- Walk past all three paths to the end to find a drawer. Open it look at the picture inside.
- Return to the third branch and enter the door.
- Run to the right side of the room and touch the spiky wall.
Death 1/16: “Squeeze”R.I.P
Am I dead?
No zuo no die
- Run to the right side of the room and touch the spiky wall.
- Back in the spiky wall room, examine the sparkle in the bottom right for a key.
- Immediately walk to the north wall and unlock the door with the key.
- Walk forward, save.
- Enter the first room on the south. Pull the lever in this room.
Death 2/16: “Poison”The first blood
Feel painful
Curiosity killed the cat
Something should not be touched
- Enter the other room on the south. Walk around a bit on the bottom side.
Death 3/16: “Spike”
- Enter the first room on the south. Pull the lever in this room.
- Enter the first room north. Take Illusion’s head.
- Enter the second room north. Take the girl’s heart.
- Enter the third room north if you’d like. It’s not necessary but won’t harm you.
- Follow the rest of the hallway until it leads to another door. You’ll exit on the second branch from before.
- Walk west to the first branch and examine the painting at the end.
- Use the head and heart on it to unlock the door.
- Enter the door and head upstairs.
- Follow the path to the roach wall.
- Examine the roach wall.
Doing doesn’t match thinking
Saying no while doing yes
- Examine the roach wall.
- Keep walking the only path and enter the room on the left.
- Take the pistol and ammo. Equip it and reload. Save. Ignore the first-aid kit if going for Don’t cure yourself.
- Exit and continue north (ignore the right branch) into another room.
- The first monster will spawn.
- Let it kill you.
Death 4/16: “Worm”
- Let it kill you.
- Kill the worm and continue right.
- Follow the path to a room full of coffins.
- Examine the opened one in the top right for a shrink gun. Exit the room through the other exit.
- Take the left branch and touch the bloodstain.
Hidden Room 1/11: “Sperm Land”
- Take the left branch and touch the bloodstain.
- Return to the main path and into the next room.
- Avoid the square tiles here and save if needed.
- In the next room is a giant key.
- Walk around to the other side of the table before using the shrink gun.
Watch the animation
Completely watch the animation of key srhinking
- Walk around to the other side of the table before using the shrink gun.
- Shrink the key with the gun (if you haven’t) and take the key.
- Return to the right branch you ignored before (it was just past the room with the pistol) and unlock the door at the end of that path.
- Save here.
Boss 1: Ghost
- As you go right, a ghost will spawn.
- Shoot the ghost with the pistol.
Shoot me if you dare
Be brave!
- Let her touch you (instant death).
Death 5/16: “Ghost”
- Shoot the ghost with the pistol.
- Keep running right, push the middle box and walk south around it as soon as you can.
- At the next set of boxes, push the bottom box and walk north around it as soon as you can.
- At the final set of boxes, you need to push the top and bottom ones right, then the middle one up (or down) and then the last one right to get past the wall.
- Keep walking right and enter the door at the end.
- Walk left and Illusion will give you a map. Save.
- Use the map and keep it open. It won’t kill you.
The map is bad
- Use the map and keep it open. It won’t kill you.
- If you look at the map, you’re currently in the hall in the middle of the area.
- Exit south until you’re outside. Kill the zombies and take the gear on the nearby bench.
- Let any one of the zombies kill you.
Death 6/16: “Zombie” - While in the outside area south, inspect the well.
Where is Sadako
I think she is out
- Let any one of the zombies kill you.
- Return to the hall. Walk to the north side of the room, taking the pistol ammo along the way.
- Enter the rat hole beside the exit.
Hidden Room 2/11: “Lazy Sun”
- Enter the rat hole beside the exit.
- Exit the hall northeast.
- Walk past the hanging bodies and exit east.
- Follow the corridor south, killing the zombie blocking your way and into the next room.
- Walk straight left between the two zombies, down to collect key A, then loop back up and through the door.
- Return to the hall (save if needed) and exit northwest this time.
- Kill the worms, grab the pistol ammo off the table and unlock the door.
- Kill the zombie, use the gear on the clock. Get the gas mask.
- Return to the hall, save, and exit southwest.
- Avoid the sawblade in this hall and continue left.
- Let the sawblade kill you.
Death 7/16: “Saw”
- Let the sawblade kill you.
- Save here if you want and take the oxygen tank on the floor.
- Combine the oxygen tank and gas mask in your inventory.
- There’s a storage cabinet here, deposit items you don’t need now like the map and phone. You can retrieve these items later from any other storage cabinet.
- Return to the hall, exit south to the outside area again.
- Save here.
- Examine the blue panel next to the grey door on the wall. You’ll suit up an enter.
- You only have 2 minutes, so you’ll need to be quick.
- Let a tooth monster in the poison room kill you.
Death 8/16: “Monster”
- Let a tooth monster in the poison room kill you.
- Stick close to the giant hole in the floor and work your way north keeping distance from the monsters. Enter the door in the northwest.
- Walk up, timing yourself so you don’t get squished. If you keep pushing up against a wall when it’s closed you’ll easily walk past when it opens.
- Quickly circle around the zombie hoard (clockwise seems to work better) to the blue panel.
- Answer “Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo” for the library key and exit.
- Exit the library.
City I
- Walk right.
- Kick the vending machine for a can. Drink it.
I want some drinks
- Kick the vending machine for a can. Drink it.
- Continue right for a cutscene.
- Follow Bobo upstairs and enter the first room you come across.
- Take the shotgun from the table. Exit north.
- Pick up both shotgun ammo, then prepared to be jumped by a zombie as you approach the exit door. I recommend the shotgun.
- (You can leave the building now and skip the Bobo section entirely, but we’ll be going through it for some collectibles and achievements.)
Boss 2: Bobo
- Continue upstairs to Bobo’s apartment, making sure to take the pistol ammo and saving.
- Enter for a cutscene.
- After waking up, exit south
- Exit left to the lounge room.
- Southwest to the kitchen.
- Enter the door here to the bathroom and save.
- Exit back to the kitchen.
- Examine the contents of the fridge and try to pick up the key.
Only can see
Free the hands first
- Examine the contents of the fridge and try to pick up the key.
- Use the shards of glass on the floor (next to the garbage bags) to free yourself.
- Examine the fridge and pick up the key.
- After getting the key, quickly exit right to the lounge room.
Death 9/16: “Murder”Meet the murderer
Can’t wait to meet Bobo
- After getting the key, quickly exit right to the lounge room.
- Rush back into the bathroom for some dialogue. Save.
- Exit to the living room.
- You need to examine the painting by the lamp in the lounge room. As Bobo walks south (at the dining table) towards the front door, circle around the dining table and examine the picture.
Afterwards, walk south a little (since the lamp blocks you), hug the left wall and walk back down to the dining table. When Bobo turns right (behind the sofa) hide behind the cabinet by the front door. Bobo will walk back left and you can rush to the northeast exit. The achievement will unlock upon exiting the lounge room.Sneak to touch the picture
Touch the picture when sneaking at Bobo’s living room
- You need to examine the painting by the lamp in the lounge room. As Bobo walks south (at the dining table) towards the front door, circle around the dining table and examine the picture.
- If you aren’t bothered about the achievement, you can just beeline to the northeast exit as soon as Bobo turns towards the front door.
- Return to the bedroom and use the key on the box to get your stuff back. Equip a gun.
- Bobo will see you as you exit his bedroom but a single shotgun blast will take care of him.
- Take the key off his body.
- Exit his apartment and back into the streets.
City II
- I recommending saving ammo and just avoiding all the zombies on the street.
- Follow the street around north, and enter the yellow apartment with the flashing lights.
- Save, head up stairs and into the first room. The cat will ask you to wait five minutes. Do so.
Hidden Room 3/11: “C’s Live”Good patient
Wait until get in C’s room
- Exit and continue upstairs to another room.
- Talk to the skeleton and go behind him.
Death 10/16: “Fly Sword”Ignore his advice
You deserve to die
- Back on the streets, continue north to the next screen.
- Keep following the street.
- Enter the bus.
Hidden Room 4/11: “Ten Members” - You’ll soon see a big yellow building with a green circle sign. Enter and examine the computer in the bottom left.
Hidden Room 5/11: “Art Room” - Next to the yellow building is a blue striped one. Enter and take the elevator up.
- Examine the three-eyed penguin on the wall.
Stupid design
Who figure out this idea?
- Circle round the couch blocking your way and examine the bookshelf in the top left corner of the room. Read the magazine.
Hidden Room 6/11: “Chairman” - Back on the street, keep walking until you see a tall red building with a white G. Enter the mart next to it and pick up a bag of chips. Eat the chips.
Himouto Kio
If I can be a himouto
- Enter the bus.
- Finally, to continue with the story, enter the big red building.
- Save. Walk inside the bloody recording studio and take the key from the body in the corner.
- Examine and listen to the recording on the table to the end.
A long story
Too long and I don’t understand
- Examine and listen to the recording on the table to the end.
- Open the trapdoor in the upper right corner with the key.
- Follow the underground tunnel. The things in here are harmless.
- Climb up at the end.
- Let the monster (not the worm) here kill you.
Death 11/16: “Giant”
- Let the monster (not the worm) here kill you.
- Continue north.
- Run all the way right.
- After a blue truck, you’ll see a washing machine. Examine it.
Hidden Room 7/11: “Qian Dao”
- After a blue truck, you’ll see a washing machine. Examine it.
- Run north, and after the cutscene you’ll get the option to enter the school.
- Inside, there are two dead end rooms to the left. The upper one contains pistol ammo, and the lower one has a save point.
- Go right to continue. The first two doorways lead to a distorted room with little of interest, so enter the third one.
- Talk to Boy A and pick up the band-aid on the floor. Exit northwest.
- Head upstairs.
- Run left and enter the room in the corner past the bathrooms.
- In the computer room, input the code 54169 on the computer that’s on to open the security gate on level 3. (I skip getting the code entirely, but it’s on two pieces of paper. One is downstairs in the north-western classroom and the other is in the upper right computer room on this floor.)
- Exit the computer room, then loop around to the south side of this room and save by the stairs.
- Now that you’ve saved, enter the north-eastern classroom and let yourself be killed by the four-legged monster.
Death 12/16: “Creeper”
- Now that you’ve saved, enter the north-eastern classroom and let yourself be killed by the four-legged monster.
- I skip the loot on the second floor, but you can find:
- shotgun ammo in the north-western classroom
- pistol ammo and band-aid in the south-eastern classroom
- pistol ammo (and a hoard) in the south-western classroom
- Save and go upstairs to the third floor.
- Follow the bunny.
Death 13/16: “Rabbit”Don’t be greedy
Greed curses you
- Follow the bunny.
- Ignore the bunny.
- Enter the room on the left for a band-aid.
- Continue north past the security gate that should be open.
- At the first door, pay 10 pistol ammo to get in.
Hidden Room 8/11: “Crocodile”
- At the first door, pay 10 pistol ammo to get in.
- Enter the next room.
- Read the note in the upper right for a code: 577149 or BDDFEC on the piano.
- Play the code on the piano. Left to right, the piano keys are CDEFGAB, so you want to play the 7th, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 3rd, 1st keys.
- As soon as you get the ID Card, a monster appears so quickly exit to avoid it.
- Return to the first floor and exit through the door marked as so in the northwest corner.
- Grab all the ammo you can and save.
- Go in the hole.
Boss 3: Worm
- The boss will fire large white slow moving projectiles at you. They’re quite easy to dodge.
- Die to the white projectiles or worm itself.
Death 14/16: “Big Worm”
- Die to the white projectiles or worm itself.
- Just keep unloading on it with the pistol or shotgun. This will be your final use for the shotgun if you are going for all of the achievements.
- This is also your final use for healing items of any kind.
- Stand so you can still see the worm’s mouth at the top of your screen when you hit it. Too far back and your shots won’t register.
Beat the boss at bathroom
Beat the boss at bathroom
- Once it’s dead, walk down the new path.
- On the roof walk right and save. Continue right and you’ll see stairs.
- Continue right past the stairs.
Hidden Room 9/11: “Lovely Stan” - Talk to the girl in the hidden room.
Big fan
Get the photo from Stan
- Continue right past the stairs.
- Go down the stairs and continue down through to the next area.
- The creatures in the first room are harmless. Continue left.
- Pick up the bag of chilli by the vending machine. It’s needed for an achievement later.
- Keep going left.
- This room has an ice skating puzzle. The solution is: left, down, right, up, left, up, right, down, left, up, left, down, left.
Skating expert
Quickest skating
- Talk to the giant. He’ll tell you to stand on the 6th tile from the left and shoot the wall then again on the 4th before talking to him again.
- Shoot the glass protecting the giant. Stand on the 17th tile from the left and examine the wall.
Hidden Room 10/11: “Light” - Talk to Light and use the Chilli you picked up earlier on him.
A gift
Get a gift from Light
- Shoot the glass protecting the giant. Stand on the 17th tile from the left and examine the wall.
- Do as the giant asked.
- Now you need to touch the wall at the 8th tile and into the doorway.
- The next few rooms are all harmless and you’re free to explore.
- In the room at looks like a desktop (with the Minesweeper game), examine and enter the upper left “My Computer” icon.
Hidden Room 11/11: “Space”Here they are
Find all of hidden rooms
He made this!
Find WHO made this game
- In the room at looks like a desktop (with the Minesweeper game), examine and enter the upper left “My Computer” icon.
- Continue into the glitch room and pick up all the ammo and save.
- Remember to retrieve the cell phone from the storage cabinet!
- Might as well deposit the shotgun and healing items as well. You won’t be needing them anymore.
- Continue on to the final boss.
Final Boss
- The boss is separated into two phases.
- Kill the boss with only the pistol. You’ll need around 50 shots, but by this stage you should have 150+.
It’s high noon
Beat the final boss only use pistol
- Kill the boss with only the pistol. You’ll need around 50 shots, but by this stage you should have 150+.
- In the first phase, walk on the four buttons in the corners of the room to lower his shield and shoot him while he’s vulnerable. Remember to reload from the inventory, so you don’t have to suffer from the slow movement.
- Meanwhile the floor tiles will flash and change color. After changing pattern, only the green tiles are safe. Standing too long on any non-green tile is instant death.
- Stand on a blue tile and get squashed by the falling rocks.
Death 15/16: “Falled Rock”
- Stand on a blue tile and get squashed by the falling rocks.
- After around twenty hits, the second phase will begin.
- No more floor tile games, he now shoots instant death lasers. He shoots three shots from either hand, then one wide beam from his mouth. It’s quite easy to get cornered so it’s best to press the buttons when he’s still and shooting a laser rather than when he’s following you across the room.
- Die to the laser.
Death 16/16: “Laser”Dumb ways to die
Collect all of dead pitures
- Die to the laser.
- Damage is dealt in the same way as phase 1: four buttons then unloading on him when his shield is down. Highly recommend you play it safe and only shoot at him a couple of times after he’s fired his laser.
- Another 20 or so hits and the boss will go down.
- Walk up through the small tunnel to the game’s ending.
Beat the final boss
Useless technology
Especially in such bad world
Don’t cure yourself
Don’t cure yourself
Written by alphabetsoup