In order to obtain the achievements, you will need to solve all 30 levels using a certain amount of moves (equal to the minimum number of steps in which a level can be solved).
This guide lists the optimal solutions for each of these levels.
Most of the levels require a certain order of moves, so please make sure to check the numbers attached to each arrow.
Gameplay basics
The goal in every level is to move the inner squares so that their colors match the outer frame.
For multicolored tiles, at least one of the inner colors needs to match one of the outer colors.
Basic mechanics
- Whenever there is a separator between two titles, the inner colors must match the color of the separator. Only the half that is oriented towards the separator is taken in consideration (the other side can be a different color). Example:
Note that some of these separators disappear after a tile matches their color (depending on the direction from which the tile comes), while for others the color matching will need to be maintained until the end of the level. - Tiles will swap whenever one of the inner colors matches one of the outer frame colors.
- Tiles can be pushed under specific circumstances: when two tiles don’t match, the target one will be pushed to the next frame that can accommodate it.
Currently, the squares can be moved only by using the keyboard controls:
Enter to select / deselect one tile
WSAD – to move the selection
Levels 1 – 10