This is a guide for the Re-human ending which ends with successfully creating the serum.
Day 1
Then go downstairs and ask for 3 sowl spirits and you will end up in your room.
Day 2
There are notes look like this scattered all around the hotel. They are not hard to find, just check everywhere and you can get them all.
Talk to NPCs and ask about your lost stone and you’ll know that lost items are in the basement and the security guard has the key.
Go to the rooftop and light a match next to the security guard (equip the match in inventory). Share a match with her and she’ll give you the basement key.
Use the key on the basement door and enter.
It’s pitch black in there so you’ll have to light a match. The light switch is somewhere on the left.
There are several items you have to find before you can leave.
Get A’s letter from the bookshelf.
A bottle of ink (you can get more ink from here later)
Pick up the intact syringe on the floor.
The photo on the wall near the entrance.
After obtaining these items you will be free to go. There are also 4 notes in the basement.
Day 3
An onion from the garden.
Massage oil from the 5th floor.
Go to the kitchen. Use the onion on the frying pan and get fried onion.
Put the fried onion in the basin here and then the massage oil. After the basin is filled with this weird onion oil, put the empty letter in and you can finally read it. The letter tells you to go to the 4th floor.
(Actually, I went to the 4th floor without deciphering the letter so I guess this isn’t necessary)
Spill the ink on the carpet.
Then go to 3rd floor’s laundry room and tell the maid about the carpet and she’ll get out of your way.
Once you are in Room 401, check the toy box in the upper-left corner and find the stone’s box.
Ask the kid on 5th floor did he steal your stone and he’ll give back the stone and suggest you to meet ‘IT’. Now you can go back to your room and call it a day.
Day 4
Talk to the statue and ask it to open the door. Answer “IT”, ‘Flow of time’ and ‘I’m barely sane’.
Go down the stairs and after you reach the end and check it and then you can turn back.
When get caught be the receptionist, choose ‘Y’all are crazy’.
Day 5
Insert coins into vending machine until you get a dead spider (eww).
Get the soap from the laundry room.
Pick up the gold coin from the pool on the rooftop.
Use the syringe on yourself to draw some blood.
Find a candy on the floor in Room 401.
Now we’ve got all ingredients needed and can move on to Room 404. The code is the date at the end of A’s letter. (This date can also be found on the portrait of A on 1st floor. I guess the letter isn’t really necessary for progressing.)
-Preparing the ingredients
Use the mortar bowl to grind the stone and dead spider (ewww)
Mix the spider juice and ink using the mixing cauldron (ewwwww)
Light the crucible and press the bellows twice till the fire is ‘very strong’, then use it to melt the gold coin and the candy
-Adding the ingredients
1. stone powder
2. spider juice-ink mix
3. powdered soap
4. molten gold
5. blood-filled syringe
6. melted candy
The serum is done! Give it to the receptionist and you’ll unlock the ‘Re-human’ ending.