If you are looking how to be a master at this game, this guide is for you. It includes everything, including: how to go in the basement, how to go outside the map, learn about the neighbors behavior and more
starting the game

so you will need to pack up your things and go inside of your house and go to sleep to go in this house

once that is done you can go in his house

day cycles
there are 4 day cycles in the game which include
and mid dawn
inside of his house

how to find the hammer
one in his bedroom drawer
and one in his garage
how to find the crowbar

how to find the key
first of all, the bell is in the 2nd floor of his house, if you go upstairs you will see there is water with a shark in it, and the bell is on table
so you will need to freeze the water by going into the furnace room and turning the water off
once done you will see that the shark is frozen so you can get the bell now
there is a 2nd bell in his 2nd floor bathroom with the hole in it
and if you want to get that instead, use the elevator
now the bell is used for the grave in the graveyard room
use the bell on that bell like holder thing and you can get the shovel
use the shovel to dig the grave and you get the teacher mannquin
now go into the classroom and place the teacher in there
now theres a math puzzle you will need to do so the anwsers are
and (7-5)x(3+1)=8
then you get the shotgun (so you can shoot the neighbor when he sees you lol)
the shotgun is used for the gun room, place the gun on the stand and to active the mini shooting game press the green button next to it, now here comes the hardest part, try to get 3 point by shooting 3 of those guys,
it may take a load of attemps but it is worth it, if you the get 3 point then you get the key for that grey lock
then it would lead you to this room
then you see a wall full of bricks, you will need a jackhammer to take that down, the jack hammer is located where the 2nd bell is in the 2nd floor bathroom with a hole
break through that one
and you go into the teddy bear room which thats where the key is at
the key is located in the crip with the bear
how to find the lockpick

and you can press the button to turn of all the cameras
the behavior of the neighbor

but here is a pro tip, trying in the closet in the 2nd floor, he can’t get you, even if he sees you go in it

they could be also helpful, you can trap the neighbor with them by placeing a object on it
if the neighbor steps on one he gets stunned for bunch of seconds, allowing you to escape from him
you can them pick them up to throw them to destroy them or put them in a beartrap
you have been caught
there are 3 ways to get caught this game
1. you get caught by the neighbor
2. you get caught by the neighbor under the bed
and 3. you get eaten by the shark
if you go to sleep or get caught too many times then new cutsence which is not really cutsence will show at some kind of carnival with the neighbor in it
you either go into the closet or bed before he chases you, (note: the best bet is the bed)
the ending

and unlock the lock

you will get the ending where open the basement door only for the neighbor to come rushing slamming the door and catching you
the ending ends with him burying you alive

there is also a train in the 3rd floor
if you go on a garbage can and press crouch, can fly with it
you can out of the invisble wall and into the neighborhood where you see the sercet custsence house
before the custsence,
atfer the cutsence
and inside the house you can see the secret 2nd neighbor the tire
you can also go off the edge of the map to see what looks like a giant box that is maybe the basement
if you caught by the neighbor while you step in a beartarp not only he will do that he catched you animation but you can stil roam around and that means you got him stuck
you can also do a custom secret ending where you place a beartarp close to the basement as the neighbor comes and you trap him then open the basement you get the ending this time with 2 neighbors, one with the orginal neighbor and one where the neighbor buries you alive.
Hello neighbour Alpha
thank you and you are the best