Glamour is a hot 18+ game developed by Dark Silver. if you are a fan of the game and want to enjoy the new content in V0.57. or you lost your own save game, this V0.56 full save will bring you help.
Updated June 2023 | We checked for new V0.57
- This save file is unofficial and use it at your risk.
- Back up Your own saves before you add the save.
- If you want to share your saves, please comment with the description and link (Google Drive is recommended), and we will add them with your credits.
Glamour 100% Save for All Platform [V0.56]
Author: koopsta
OS: Windows, Android, Mac
Date to Upload: 2023-5-6
Here is a text save file to let you import the full save in-game, just follow the steps to install below.
- You ctrl+c all of this text, then you go to load/save menu, select the highlighted button
- Press the “import from clipboard” button
- Then you’ll get a save in your game.
File Size: 72.2 KB
File Type: .txt
Google Drive:
Note: If the download link is not available, please report it to us.
Glamour Save Game FAQ
Q: Can I Use the Save Files Shared by Other Players?
A: No, you can use it, because the saved files were encrypted in previous Online versions.
Q: How do I transfer my saves from .27 to .28?
Transferring saves from .27 to .28 (.28 save location is the same in future versions). .29 shares the same folders as .28 so you shouldn’t need to transfer them.
For people having problems recovering the save files from v 0.27
- In version 0.27, they where in folder:
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\glamour\Local Storage - In version 0.28, they are in folder:
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\glamour-updater\Local Storage
Copy the complete folder and it will work
Q: Can I Edit My Save Files?
You can only edit your save files in V0.27 or lower version. there is no editor to modify your saves since V0.28.
Where do I find the game file?on android