For Geometry Dash players, this guide is a detailed guide about everything associated with the gauntlets, let’s check them out.
Gauntlet Contests
— The first competition dedicated to the upcoming Lost Gauntlents. Was held from June 24 to September 3, 2017. According to its rules, the participants had to build levels with a crystal theme and send their work to the judges for inspection. There were 5 winners in total whose levels made it to the Crystal Gauntlet.
- The theme of the scenery was supposed to be related to crystals
- difficulty — from 5 to 7
- Length – Long or XL
- No more than 80,000 objects
— The second contest dedicated to the future of Gauntlets. It was organized for the Doom Gauntlet and ran from August 14 to November 6, 2017. According to its rules, the participants had to build levels with a frightening theme and send their work to the judges for inspection. There were 5 winners in total whose levels made it into the Doom Gauntlet.
- The theme of the decor had to be related to death, horror, etc.
- Difficulty Easy demon—Medium demon
- Length Long or XL
- No more than 80000 objects
— The contest is made for the future of the Magic Gauntlet and is significantly different from the first two. Those who wish to participate must build not a whole level, but a part for a megacollab. But the main feature is that there are two megacollabs, and one for everyone (mainly well-known builders), and the second only for little-known players (0-15 construction points). Each megacollab has its own rules, but the process is the same – you need to copy the level by a special id, select one of the five parts and build it according to the rules.
Terms For famous builders:
- The theme of the decor should be related to magic in any way
- Difficulty 7-8
- There must be no more than 15666 objects in a part from one player
- Build only using the channels indicated under the selected part (that is, you cannot add your own)
- Specify colors only as triggers
- Do not move the initially installed objects (speed change and others)
Terms For little-known builders:
Participants with only below 15 building points (0-15)
Difficulty 5-6 (2 less than known builders)
the rest are exactly the same as those of famous builders
— The fourth contest for Gauntlets and ran from January 17 to March 29 2018. According to its rules, the participants had to build monster-themed levels and submit their work for the judges to inspect. There were 8 winners in total (originally it was supposed to be 5), whose levels subsequently made it into the Monster Gauntlet and Death Gauntlet.
- The theme of the level should be related to monsters
- Difficulty 8-9
- Length Long or XL
- No more than 40,000 objects. You can also use 60,000 objects, but in this case you need LDM
— Is currently the last contest. Reception of contestants was open from January 17, 2021 to September 12, 2022. To create a level, creators from one or more (restricted) countries had to band together to create a level, and thereby submit it for review. 15 levels will make it into three challenges, with the order being: the easiest levels will go into the World Gauntlet, the harder winner levels will go into the Universe Gauntlet, and the hardest winner levels will go into the Galaxy Gauntlet.
- At least five builders from the same country must participate in the level
- Difficulty from Easy to Easy Demon
- Length – Long or XL
- No more than 110,000 objects
- The level should have a good LDM
- One level creator can only participate in one level
Fire Gauntlet

Fire Gauntlet is the first challenge lost. For passing the gauntlet you will receive: 10 Diamonds; 3 fire shards
- 28 Stars
- 38 Diamonds
- 1025 Orbs
- 1-2 Keys
- 15 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a red island with a burning fire on it. It was released on February 5, 2017.
Ice Gauntlet

- 28 Stars
- 38 Diamonds
- 1025 Orbs
- 1-2 Keys
- 13 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a snowy island with frozen mountains and a river. The gauntlet was released on February 5, 2017.
Poison Gauntlet

- 26 Stars
- 36 Diamonds
- 925 Orbs
- 1 Key
- 15 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a green island with a toxic lake and a sign with a skull on a small patch of land in this lake. The gauntlet was released on February 6, 2017.
Shadow Gauntlet

- 21 Stars
- 31 Diamonds
- 625 Orbs
- 1 Key
- 15 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a purple island with a black skull on the whole island and with craters filled with toxic waste. The gauntlet was released on February 6, 2017.
Lava Gauntlet

- 28 Stars
- 38 Diamonds
- 1025 Orbs
- 1-2 Key
- 12 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like an orange island with an erupting volcano. Below this volcano is a lava river. The gauntlet was released on February 7, 2017.
Bonus Gauntlet

- 23 Stars
- 34 Diamonds
- 774 Orbs
- 1 Key
- 15 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like an island with grass, a waterfall and flowers growing near this waterfall. Water from the waterfall flows out of the island. (The friendliest island :D) The gauntlet was released on February 7, 2017.
Chaos Gauntlet

- 30 Stars
- 40 Diamonds
- 1125 Orbs
- 1-2 Key
- 9 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a brown island with a huge flying lava ball above it. The gauntlet was released on February 8, 2017.
Demon Gauntlet

For passing the gauntlet you will receive: 10 Diamonds; Spider Icon

- 50 Stars
- 60 Diamonds
- 2500 Orbs
- 4-5 Key
- 12 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a black island with a cave in the form of an open monster head, whose mouth is the entrance to the cave leading to the fire. The gauntlet was released on February 8, 2017.
Time Gauntlet

- 29 Stars
- 39 Diamonds
- 1075 Orbs
- 1-2 Keys
- 10 User Coins
The gauntlet looks like a blue island with an hourglass. Released March 29, 2018.
Crystal Gauntlet

- 29 Stars
- 39 Diamonds
- 1075 Orbs
- 1-2 Keys
- 14 User Coins
The island looks like a pink platform and crystal rocks on it. The gauntlet was released on November 17, 2017.
Magic Gauntlet

- 33 Stars
- 43 Diamonds
- 1275 Orbs
- 1-2 Keys
- 8 User Coins
The island looks like a blue platform and a flying blue magic ball on it. The gauntlet was released on December 28, 2017.
Spike Gauntlet

- 26 Stars
- 36 Diamonds
- 925 Orbs
- 1 Key
- 15 User Coins
The island looks like a sandy platform and resembles a pebble lying on the sand, resembling a spike. On December 29, 2017, the Spike Gauntlet was released unexpectedly.
Monster Gauntlet

- 41 Stars
- 51 Diamonds
- 1825 Orbs
- 2-3 Keys
- 13 User Coins
The island looks like a pale yellow platform and a monster cube on it. The gauntlet was released on April 10, 2018.
Doom Gauntlet

- 50 Stars
- 60 Diamonds
- 2500 Orbs
- 4-5 Keys
- 13 User Coins
The island looks like burnt and a skull on that platform. The gauntlet was released on November 19, 2017.
Death Gauntlet

- 44 Stars
- 54 Diamonds
- 2050 Orbs
- 3-4 Keys
- 12 User Coins
The island looks like a gray platform and death on it. The gauntlet was released on April 10, 2018.
The information in this section will NOT flow smoothly into another or in any way related, these are just facts that you might like 😀
- Lets start! April 13, 2019 RobTop posts a picture on his twitter account showing 30 more new challenges. These are Gauntles that will be released in 2.2
- The levels in the three new Gauntlets (Which were in Contest 5) are already known, so you can train them
- Fire, Ice, Poison, Shadow, Lava, and Bonus Challenges are based on the same Power Shards.
- For a long time after the release of Update 2.1, the Lost Challenges were not available. After some time, tests began to be added to the game one or two at a time. You could find out how the gauntlets are arranged when hacking the game. (Please dont hack GD)
- There are a total of 75 levels in the Lost Gauntlets, of which 36 are epic, and 12 of those 75 levels are demons.
- There are only 7 levels in the trials that do not contain custom coins: Danger Zone, Scarlet Surge, Kappaclysm, Vibration, Mind Control, Empyrean and Odyssey.
- The Shadow, Lava, and Bonus gauntlets are the only ones with normal difficulty levels
- Infernal Arena and Ichor are the only levels in a row to have the same music (Ichor by Xtrullor). (But at the same time, these levels have a different place where the music starts from)
- So far, all 15 challenges shown in the game files have been released.
- The Doom Gauntlet is the only gauntlet that gives a death effect, and is also the hardest.
- After passing all the tests, you will receive: 486 Estrella.png, 917 Diamonds, 20250 Orbs, 191 User Coins, 43-44 Master Keys, 15 power shards (3 power shards of each type)