If you are a new player of Fresh Body, this guide provides a list of crafting items in game, It has around 26 different items you can make at the moment.
Sometimes you can use similar items like:( metal core/steel core/ nano core) and get same final item, but it does not always goes like this. Swap item only when you dont have the right item and you are not afraid to waste other items.
Some crafting paths could have changed over time, or are not correct. So be ready that sometimes you could get wrong items.
One occation I was using same build path 2 times in a row and got 2 different items. Not sure if it was a bug or somekind of game mechanic.
Feel free to use info from this guide to make your own guides if needed. And share new build paths if you have found any.
% Means new stuff added to the list. (I’am too lazy to change the numbers of all listed items)1.Wing of steel = Iron tail+4
1.1 Wing of steel = Wing of steel+4
1.2 Wing of steel = Iron thorn+4
1.3 Wing of steel = Decay heart+2 Metal core+2
1.4 Wing of steel = Metal core+2 rotting derbis+2
1.5 Wing of steel = Metal core+2 plant derbis+2
1.6 Wing of steel = Steel core+4
1.7 Wing of steel = Steel core +3 Metal core+1
1.8 Wing of steel = Steel core+2 Rotting derbis+1
1.9 Wing of steel = Rotting derbis+2 steel core+2
2. Wing of light = Plant derby+2 Monster heart+2
2.1 Wing of light = Monster heart+2 Rotting derbis+2
3. Wing of nature = Plant derby+2 Steel core+2
3.1 Wing of nature = Decay heart+2 plant derbis+2
3.2 Wing of nature = Rotting derbis+4
3.3 Wing of nature = Rotting derbis+3 plant derbis+1
4. Wing of decay = Decay heart+4
4.1 Wing of decay = Squirrel tail+4
4.2 Wing of decay = Blood eye+4
4.3 Wing of decay = Decay heart+3 monster heart+1
5. Wing of dark = Monster heart+3 Rotting derbis+1
5.1 Wing of dark = Monster heart+3 Steel core+1
5.2 Wing of dark = Monster heart+2 Decay heart+2
5.3 Wing of dark = Monster heart+3 metal core+1
6. Wing of evil = Monster heart+4
6.1 Wing of evil = Wing of devil+4
6.2 Wing of evil = Wing of light+4
6.3 Wing of evil = Wing of light+2 Monster heart+2
7. Wing of Devil = Monster heart+2 Metal core+2 (Metal core+2 monster heart+2)
7.1 Wing of Devil = Monster heart+2 Steel core+2
%8. Wing of the dragon = Demon heart+4
%9. Wing of wright = Wing of dream+4
%10. Wing of metal = Wing of iron+4
%11. Wing of iron = metal core+4
%12. Wing of dream = Plant derbis+4
8. Butterfly knot = Wing of decay+4
9. Cat tail = Imp tail+4
10. Cat ears = Imp horn+4
11.Girlfriend No.1 = Life stick+4
12.Girlfriend No.2 = Wing of devil+2 Wing of light+2
13.Girlfriend No.3 = Wood stake+4
14.Girlfriend No.4 = Branch+4
15.Squirrel tail = Decay heart+3 rotting derbis+1
15.1 Squirrel tail = decay heart+3 plant derbis+1
16.Imp tail = Decay heart+3 Steel core+1
17.Rabbit tail = Monster heart+3 Decay heart+1
18.Antlers = Monster heart+3 Plant derbis+1
19.Imp horn = Decay heart+2 Steel core+2
%20. Blood eye = Decay heart+2 Rotting derbis+2
%21. Rattan = Plant derbis+3 rotting derbis+1
20.Branch = Rotting derbis+3 Monster heart+1
20.1 Branch = Rotting derbis+3 Decay heart
20.2 Branch = Rotting derbis+3 Steel core+1
20.3 Branch = Rotting derbis+3 Metal core+1
21.Wood stake = Branch+2 Wing of steel+2
21.1 Wood stake = Decay heart+1 Rotting derbis+2 steel core+1
22.Life stick = Rotting derbis+2 Plant derbis+2
22.1 Life stick = Plant derbis+3 decay heart+1
22.2 Life stick = Plant derbis+3 steel core+1
22.3 Life stick = Plant derbis+3 Monster heart+1
22.4 Life stick = Plant derbis+3 Metal core+1
23.Iron tail = Decay heart+2 steel core+1 metal core+1
23.1 Iron tail = Rotting derbis+2 Monster heart+1 Nano core+1
23.2 Iron tail = Rotting derbis+2 Decay heart+1 Nano core+1
23.3 Iron tail = Monster heart+1 Steel core+3 (Steel core+3 monster heart+1)
23.4 Iron tail = Steel core+3 Plant derbis+1
23.5 Iron tail = Steel core+3 decay heart+1
23.6 Iron tail = Steel core+3 Rotting derbis+1
23.7 Iron tail = Rotting derbis+3 Metal core+1
24.Iron thorn = Decay heart+1 Rotten derbis+2 metal core+1
24.1 Iron thorn = Iron tail+2 Branch+2
24.2 Iron thorn = Iron tail+2 Life stick+2
25.Iron hand = Metal core+3 steel core+1
%26. Metal Storm = Nano core+4
%27. Steel drill = Metal core+2 steel core+2
%27.1 Steel drill = Metal core+3 plant derbis+1
%27.2 Steel drill = Metal core+3 monster heart+1
%27.3 Steel drill = Metal core+3 rotting derbis+1
26.Blood eye = Monster heart+1 rotting derbis+2 Metal core+1
26.? Blood eye/ Imp tail = Monster heart+1 rotting derbis+2 steel core+1 (I was doing this path 2 times and got 2 different items, not sure why and what you should get, so carefull with this one)
If you have noticed, there are multiple ways to get same item, so this list is still missing alot of stuff, because there are alot of crafting path. And it almost has no paths with Demon heart and Nano core. That could open even more items. And this list is missing “light wing” that is needed for achievment.
Big thanks for “Isebrand”. For translating another list from chinese, that gave me tips for some missing paths. And “Crabbee77”. For sharing personal list, that added new items.
That’s all we are sharing today in Fresh Body Baisc Crafting Guide For Beginners, if you have anything to add, please feel free to leave a comment below, you can also read the original article here, all the credits goes to the original author Little Noobito