Hello everyone! There are 6 different outcomes to the game, and I am providing you all with a link to the Starting Point of each story. Just copy the files into the “Saves” folder in your Freddi Fish 3 steam download folder.
The Saves
Download Link: Mediafire
There are two categories of game types. Games 1-3 have the Purple Book and revolve around getting the flashlight and mirror. Games 4-6 have the Red Book and focus on finding the wallet’s owner and helping the foreign tourist.
Now, I played each of these saves, and only 3 of the 6 potential endings occurred, despite the 6 different types of gameplay styles. I don’t know how the endings work, if they are completely randomized no matter the gameplay type, or if there is a correlation. The ending also comes out of nowhere, and it’s not like they actually earned the solution to the mystery. I personally prefer the second Freddi Fish game much more.)
Game 1: Help Megenta, Get Flashlight, Yes Key. ENDING SPOILER: Seahorse, Horse Feathers
Game 2: Get Bird Egg (use shovel), Get Flashligiht, Yes Key. ENDING SPOILER: Seahorse, Horse Feathers (again)
Game 3: Help Megenta, Get Flashlight, No Key, Yes Pipes. ENDING SPOILER: The Tailor, Pierre
Game 4: Help Narwhal (glove), Yes Key, Wallet: The Tailor, Pierre ENDING SPOILER: Bully Crab
Game 5: Help Megenta, Yes Key, Wallet: Carnival Mirror fish ENDING SPOILER: Bully Crab
Game 6: Help Narwhal (glove), Piano Puzzle, No Key, Wallet: Uncle Benny ENDING SPOILER: Claw, the Bully Crab (why so many times?!)
So, yeah, that’s the variety of games! There might be more games, and I don’t know if the ending is randomized each time or if it actually is related to the gameplay itself.
Thanks to crumpled666 for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.