For Forager player, it is possible that one or more mushrooms needed to solve the rainbow puzzle can become bugged and not spawn, here’s a way to get around it if you want the achievement or loot. Preperation You’ll need two saves, your original bugged save, and a second fresh save to borrow the map data…
Tag: Forager

Forager All Item IDs List and How to Use
For Forager player, here in this guide you will be able to find every single item ID to use in game, remember, use it at your own risk, let’s check it out. How to Use Here is the recommended mod for GiveItem use: Press “T” and type into console: giveItem “ID” “quanity” (write without quotes)…

Forager: All 46 Big Treasure Chests
Hope this guide can help you check your progress on chests and for the achievement. you can also check out the 100% achievements guide If you play the game for the first time, be wary of SPOILERS regarding the location of puzzles and NPCs. I wrote this guide using the info in the Forager wiki. If you…

Forager: Item Id Lists
You can use Cheat Engine to spawn a specific item inside a vault, all you need to do that is the item id. 1 – Stone 2 – Iron Ore 3 – Gold Ore 4 – Coal 5 – Coal 6 – Flower 7 – Fiber 8 – Poop 9 – Bone 10 – Jelly…

Forager: Tips and Tricks to Get Rewards
This guide will explain some really neat mid and endgame tips and tricks that you can use to generate MASSIVE rewards! Infinite EXP, Skulls, and Bones What You’ll Need Necro Rod (Found in Skull Maze) Any Ranged Weapon (Ballista, Fire Rod, Bow, etc.) Any 3×3 Area of Water Optional – Combat Obelisk (Found in…

Forager: How to Get Archaeology Items
Archaeology items are quite rare drops that you can get either buy fishing or digging on a ‘Dig Spot’. There are a total of 10 different items, 5 obtained buy fishing and 5 buy digging. What you get also depends on the biome you’re currently on, so each biome always give you one specific item…

Forager: Secret Options Guide
Yes fellow Forager, you heard right! There are some settings, which are currently unavailable in the game and may only be accessed from your game’s save folder. Since the knowledge of its existence is still not spread, we refer to them as secret options. Some of these options may not stay secret forever, but will move…

Forager: 100% Achievement
Left Tycoon Own 10 lands and 5,000 coins Done while playing Miner Mine the giant crystal Can be find in Winter Biome. Use Pickaxe. Royal Gather royal steel or royal clothing Done while playing. Crafting in Furnace or Sweing Station Gemologist Have one of each gem in your inventory Gems can be drop by destroying…

Forager: “Waterproof” Achievement Guide
Yes, the “Waterproof” achievement is currently broken, but there is a way around it. The achievement requires a player to “build on top of every water tile”. To achieve this, you will need: 1. 1-2k of landfill. Landfill is made in the flower press building or bought from the market. I would highly suggest building…