This guide shows a few locations where you can still find Laptops, and the easiest locations to find Hacking Tablets
Map to Locations:

This map shows the places where I’ve either found Laptops, which were apparently removed from the loot tables in most locations, or fully built hacking tablets.
The thick red line on the map shows impassible terrain/cliffs. Starting from the High School, you have to follow the road north almost to zone 2, and then go west and south to reach the other locations.
- Hacking Tablets:
From military crates, at 3 locations in the High School. Crazy long respawn time on those.
- Laptops:
From a clump of houses south of the lake in the southwest corner of zone 1.
From 2-story houses in zones 3 and 4, right on the border with zone 1.
Zone 1 – High School:
The first room is near the salvage bench. West of the bench is a small enclosed courtyard, with two red doors. It’s the southmost door on the left, visible through the window in the screenshot above.
Inside will be two military crates, each crate should have identical contents. It’s a “hack a UA scout” kit. You’ll get 2 Hacking tablets total.
Second room is on the north side of the High School, go to the room with the huge logo on the floor. Screen shoot above shows the door.
Only one of the two crates will have hacking stuff. Get another hacking tablet.
The respawn on the military crates is insanely long (unless they changed it), but if the developers push any updates to a server, it resets everything.
So, if you see the warning about server shutting down in X minutes, fast travel or run to the high school and logout there. When the server comes back up you can get first crack at looting them.
Zone 1 – Lake Houses:
The house at the east end of the row is the layout with the big screen TV in a rear room. Laptops can drop from there.
Go to the 2 story house at the west end of the row, and go up the stairs from the ruined garage side.
Loot the brown wood cabinet next to the stairs, and the little white end table at the end of the short hallway between the brown wood cabinet and the doorway.
I have had laptops drop from both of those containers, the big brown cabinet next to the stairs and the little white cabinet down the short hallway next to the brown cabinet.
They are pretty low drop chances, but regular enough to farm.
Zones 3 & 4 – 2 Story Houses:
One corner is a ruined garage, with stairs leading up. Go up the stairs.
Look for the same containers as in the 2-story houses in zone 1.
That was from the small white cabinet at the end of the hallway. You can see at the top of the list “broken rilfes” and at the bottom “laptop”, Definitely zone 3/4 area.
In zone 4, right on the border with zone 1, are two of these houses right near each other. By the time you finish looting one of the 2-story houses, many of the containers in the other one will have respawned, especially those two important ones shown above. You can just go back and forth.
Last time I farmed that whole loop, I left with 5 laptops, and 3 fully built hacking tablets (from the High School).
Hope this helps.