This is a simple photo guide to show the locations of all secrets from DUSK Episode 3.
E3M1 – The Iron Cathedral
From the very beginning of the level, head towards the right side of the cathedral. Squirrelled away in the side are some bags of gems.

There is a cracked wall behind where you start the level. There’s also a fuel tank on the left side of the cathedral exterior that you can use to blow this wall open.

In the room where you find the red key, as you enter the room, turn to the left and you’ll find an indented wall you can open.

In the room with the altar, check behind it for an easy gem

Just after the hallway with the fireball cannons, and just after the pedistal with the crystal of madness, you’ll see a discolored wall just at the start of the right-hand passage. Open it for the secret.
In the room with the blue key, turn around as you step off of the elevated platform, and you’ll see a vent hiding underneath. Crawl into it, and turn right at the fork to find the secret at the end of the vent shaft.
After the hallway with the red mages, there is a raised area that you can’t easily reach. Either stack some objects up (hopefully you didn’t break the barrels in the previous hall) or use the crossbow to jump up to the top.
After you get through the lava tunnels to the first solid land, you’ll find a barrel on a hill to the right, next to a cracked wall. Shoot the barrel to blow the wall open and find the secret.

In the first lava pool room, there is a health pack hiding behind the lava fall. If you jump quickly enough, you won’t take any damage from the lava.

At the very bottom of the lava falls section, there is a barrel sitting near a cracked wall. Shoot it to gain access.

After clearing the room with the dog and the two knights, use the climbing gear to climb up to the very top. There is a diamond which counts as a secret.
After the hallway full of cultists, there are some barrels hiding a hole in the wall at the end of the hall.
After entering the blue door, you’ll come to a wooden stairway area. The secret is inside a gap in the wall.
After a hallway with a cracked floor, if you turn around you’ll find a gap in the wall. It’s tricky but you can jump through, or alternatively jump down from above later on.
Immediately after entering the red door, jump off the ledge into the lava pit. There is a secret area with a teleporter at the bottom.
E3M3 – City of Shadows
There is a pillar in the middle of the town which has a gap in the side, and contains 4 bags of gems.

There is a gap between two houses at the far right back of the town. Behind here is a hole which drops down to a pool of water.

If you launch off of this jump pad, and land at the top of the tower shown, there is a hole in the back that you can enter.

If you climb this ladder, you’ll find a switch at the top. When you hit it, it will open the door to the house shown below.
Using the climbing gear found in secret 4, head up the wall shown here, and jump into the gap on the left for the secret. It can help to first jump onto the nearby roof on the right to get your bearings. The secret is at the top of the back wall of the town, to the right of the high building.
From secret 5, climb to the top of the nearby tower.
After flooding the town, head to the end of the dark tunnel where you first got attacked by a dog. Swim through the gap here and up into the cave for the last secret.
E3M4 – Crypt of the Flesh
After entering the yellow door, look immediately to your left. There’s a switch hiding behind a coffin. The switch opens a panel behind you to a big red gore room. NOTE: This room also has a red door which contains the exit to the secret level (flush yourself down the toilet).

The first door on your right in this room contains a rat, and a wooden post. Behind the post are some shotgun shells and secret #2.

From secret #2, head back out to the main room and check the door on the far left, opposite you. In the back of this room is a false wall which you can open to reveal secret #3.

In this room, you’ll see a large gory hole in the wall. Simply jump up into this hole and grab the gemstone bags in the back for secret #4
From secret #4, turn around and you should see a button hidden at the back of the pillar on your right. This button opens a wall panel just ahead on your left, revealing another red gore room.
E3MS – The Ratacombs
When you find the pool of lava, jump in and find the blue key and secret #1

In the area where you find the red key, look to the left of the torture rack and find a small hole you can crawl into for secret #2

In the same area as secret 2, if you look in the opposite corner of the room you will find a switch which lowers a big wall nearby. Entering this area grants secret #3

In the library area where the yellow key is found, there is a switch between the bookshelves. Hitting this will open a stained glass window nearby, revealing a hallway and secret #4.
In the boss arena you need to reach a ledge that’s just above jumping height. You can either let the boss ram you into the air and land on the ledge, or you can use rocket/grenade/crossbow jumping to get up there. Note that this location is handy spot to fight the boss from since he can’t hurt you up here.
E3M5 – Blasphemy
NOTE: All of the secrets are hidden the second half of the level, after you descend to the bottom of the rainbow staircase inside the destroyed cathedral.
From this altar, turn around and you’ll see a health pack hiding under the stairs.
Just after picking up the red key, you’ll end up in a room with the red door. To your right, there is a dark gap in the wall behind a barrel.
From secret #2, look immediately left as you leave the gap and you’ll see a hidden area under the staircase. Hit the switch back here and head back up the last staircase to find a hallowed health in a newly opened room.
From secret #3, turn around and smash the pile of barrels on your left to find a diamond and secret #4.
E3M6 – Brimstone Ghetto
Grab the climbing gear near the beginning and climb the brick wall pictured below, then turn to your left and jump to the bullet time syringe.

Just past where you grab the climbing gear, if you look over the edge of the building you’ll see a riveter hiding under some pipes. Grab it for secret #2

Down on the streets, use your flashlight to look into a dark corner here to find a vent. Smash it and crawl in for secret #3

Just past secret #4 smash another vent and you’ll see a grate blocking your path to a diamond, some crossbow bolts and rivets. Turn around and search for a switch hidden behind some garbage bags at the base of a ladder. This switch lowers the grate behind you.
In the tunnel area, there is a pile of boxes mostly hiding a crack in the wall. Blow it open (There is a gas can on a nearby ledge if you need one) and then crawl in and break the vent inside to find the hallowed health.
E3M7 – Homecoming
From the beginning, just over the hill in front of you you’ll find an odd looking rock formation. Climb to the back of it to find a diamond and secret #1

This one is hard to miss. When you use the jump pads to cross over to the barn area, be sure to land on the roof of the barn. If you find that too difficult, you can also fall off of the edge to re-spawn high up in the air, which should give you plenty of room to land on the barn roof.

If you’ve fallen at all you may notice this tiny upside down island. Once you reach your house (pictured below) there is a yellow artifact that will flip the world upside down. Next, fall away from the house, but avoid the large island and keep falling. You will respawn up above, and can land on this tiny island now.

E3M8 – As Above, So Below
Near the beginning of the level, you’ll encounter this stained glass window with a diamond in front. Blow it open to find a brimstone hallway full of scientists, and secret #1

Shortly after secret #1, you’ll come to this room below. Search behind the pillars to the right to find a vent you can crack open, and climb down for secret #2.

When you come to the house, head outside and check around the right hand side for a jump pad. Up on the roof, near the back are some health packs and secret #3.

In the forest where all the objects are enormous, check to the right as you enter to find a mistextured wall. Open it to reveal a miniboss (literally) and a shrinking hallway with a backpack at the end.
Just after you exit the forest, in an area with a spiral staircase, there is an indented wall on the top floor. Open it to reveal some rivets and a hallowed health.
E3M9 – The Dweller in Darkness
The only secret in this level also allows you to skip the entire thing. From the very start, turn around and run through the frame, and jump off the edge of the level. Keep running and you’ll see a teleporter. This will bring you to the secret. From here, if you get past the jump pads you’ll be given the option to take the “Coward’s way out” to end the level without any combat.

E3M10 – Dusk
The only secret in this level is a small cache of health and shotgun shells hidden between the two platforms upon which you fight Nyarlathotep. Simply drop down and grab them.