For Disgaea 4 Complete+ players, this is a guide organizing the achievements along with tips on how to get them and there are tips that might help you with regular gameplay as well.
General Tips
You will need to unlock all classes, all skills, all pirate ship parts and one version of each item.
You can only get access to the Android class until a second cycle, so you wont be able to get all classes, all skills or all pirate ship parts until then, but that’s ok, there is a great trick to getting ship parts but it requires a new cycle so we will leave those achievements until last.
After the game ends, you will be left in the post game, here, we will focus on getting all characters (including Prinny Kurtis), open land of carnage, get super powerful, do all the DLC stories, get all skills/classes (except Android) and most magichange items.
See the section for Unlocking classes to read what you need to know so you can unlock part of items and skills while you unlock classes.
Other tips
Use the Cheat Shop, its super useful.
You unlock more “power” to the cheat shop as you defeat powerful enemies like Etna, Laharl, Zetta, Pringer X, etc. All these enemies show up after you beat the last and require senate bills to appear as missions.
Master the use of monsters to BOUNCE, this is specially useful for capturing, you can get two or three monsters in position, then move a thrower, life, throw, successful capture, reset monsters, do it again. Remember that the bounce will happen in the direction the monster is facing.
You can stand on your base panel and attack, the base panel will always be unaffected from geopanel effects.
You can move a bit, then move again, so dont reset back to the panel if you missed your cursor click and your character didnt go all the way, use move again.
You can push enemies off a “No Lifting” Panel using a Fusioned Giant Character.
You need a special evil building to throw characters into enemies so they can lift them.
You can use the chara world to expand the areas of your building, like having the training grounds train more allies at once.
You can use user maps for achievements like 10 Prinny Explosions or 10 billion damage.
Quick Leveling
Before finishing the game and Mount Ordeal, I recommend playing the story maps 5-2 or 9-4, there are also others and you can read more about how to use them here: (Disgaea wiki[])
But to really quickly level up your characters, unlock Mt. Ordeal, to get this bill to show up in the senate, you need a character with 7000 mana and get the bill approved.
Mt. Ordeal has four battles, the 2nd battle is decent to get XP but we want the fourth battle.
If you are too weak to do the battles, go back to 9-4 and grind some more.
Specially in Mt. Ordeal 3 where you are forced to melee a bunch of enemies.
Once you get to MO4, Use Fusion (see section on Items) to help your monster characters kill more enemies at once (Desco is awesome at this) or use Fusion+magichange to make Big versions of weapons to deal damage in large AOE (Like Dimension Slash or Big Bang), remember to adjust Cheat Shop to your needs, HL to Zero since you get that from clearing stages/selling junk.
Use the Training Ground Evil Building to share XP and the Pyramid to share Mana, Fusioned characters share between each other and also magichanged ones, this effect carries over to the buildings multiplying the gain.
Innocents and you
You get the best innocents from Reverse Pirating.
You are looking for the following innocents:
Statisticians so you can stack them up and level quickly.
Guardians so you can have up to 500 and they will greatly increase your stats.
300 Mentors so you can level up your skills faster.
300 Managers to get extra Mana for your generic character’s reincarnations.
500 “Weapon Specialist” innocents that will increase your weapon stats. Read: wiki[]
100 of each elemental innocent to boost your defenses. Read wiki[]
You can gain the benefit of multiple maxxed stacks of Statisticians and Managers but only gain the benefit of one one stack of Mentors, Guardians or Weapon Specialists.
Storyline Achievements
You unlock these by playing the game, there are 10 story chapters in total, each one with different number of episodes.
Remember to keep a save before the final boss, if you want to be double safe, keep one at the beginning of final chapter too.
A Journey of a Thousand Levels Begins with a New Game
Start a new game by selecting…New Game.
Clear Ep. 1: Rebels of Hades.
Dreams Come True
Clear Ep. 2: Prinny Wars.
Like a Final Boss
Clear Ep. 3: Enter the Final Weapon.
Live and Let Death
Clear Ep. 4: Death Emizel’s Death.
The Demonic Carnival
Clear Ep. 5: The Angel of Avarice.
Clear Ep. 6: The A-Virus Pandemic.
Evilection Day
Clear Ep. 7: Tyrant vs. President.
Battlefield Human World
Clear Ep. 8: Final Boss vs. Final Boss.
Men on the Moon
Clear Ep. 9: The Moon, Earth, and the Promise!
Fear the Who?
Clear the main story, and begin the Post-Game.
Epilogue Achievements
These unlock depending who you have a relationship with using an Evil Symbol called the Legendary Tree.
You can read more about the tree here:
Basically, you put Valzy as the leader and put one of the story characters you want an epilogue achievement within the same evil area as the tree. Go do some battles and meet the requirements written below, beat the game and the special ending should start after the credits.
Once the achievement unlocks, reload that save I told you to keep before the final boss and then form a new relationship with someone else.
If you have more than one relationship and the ending doesnt change, you can remove a relationship through passing a bill in the senate, so only keep the one you need.
I suggest you start with the Rival relationship as soon as you get the tree, that 20% stat boost from a Rival is pretty cool. Make a save with Emizel as rival here, pass the bill to remove him, make a another new save with no relationships on the tree and finish the game, reload your “no relationship” save to build relationships with the others and get all epilogue achievements.
After you are done, reload the save with Emizel as rival, get his epilogue and continue to the Postgame.
The player must have Valvatorez in a specific relationship with a given character before they beat the final boss in map 10-7 in order to see that character’s specific ending.
These are the story characters and the relationships you need to nurture to get the required ending:
Vulcanus (Lover)
Beat the game without meeting any other characters’ requirements.
Fenrich (Comrade)
Leader team attacks with Comrade 10 times.
Fu.ka (Mentor)
Leader uses Mentor’s spells 10 times when standing side-by-side.
Desco (Stepsibling)
Leader uses protect command (from Defense Fortress Evil Symbol) to protect Stepsibling from 10 attacks. Easily done by having Valvatorez stand next to Desco and using friendly ranged attackers to shoot at Desco. Only the first two attacks per turn will be Protected.
Emizel (Rival)
Leader attacks Rival and Rival counter-attacks with fists 10 times. (Only counts once per turn)
A Promise Fulfilled
Watch Artina’s epilogue. “Mother of the sublime glow, bring purity to the swirling evil!”
Just According to Fenkaku
Watch Fenrich’s epilogue. “All is for my Lord.”
Desco Inferno
Watch Desco’s epilogue. “Cretins…bow down and worship me! For I am Desco!”
The Fast and the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥: Hades Drift
Watch ♥♥♥♥’s epilogue. “Come, iron roc!”
Don’t Be a Weasel, Vote Emizel!
Watch Emizel’s epilogue. “Wandering messenger of twilight, show me the ways of this world!”
Postgame and Beating Characters into your rule.
So, after the ending, you will be left in the postgame, here, your goal will be to unlock every game character to go to the tournament, do the DLCs, get to the Land of Carnage, level an item to 300, a lot of stuff really but one of the easiests is to get more party members.
There is actually a cheat code to get access to all of these since the start of the game but, well, its your body your choice. You can look up the code in the forums or in google if you want.
You can see the missions to get all these if you talk to Mavel (blue portal gal) and you will notice a new mission with lots of battles, these are one-against-many battles, mostly for the DLC characters.
Axel has its own unique mini-mission to unlock, beating him will give you a cheat shop boost and an achievement:
The Dark Hero Rises
Defeat Axel in the Post-Game and make him an ally. “Axel, on staaage!”
The other characters, you need to pass a senate bill to fight them, luckily, if you beat them, you will power up your cheat shop enabling you to get more XP/Mana it will also unlock the next character to fight, so in order to fight
Etna, you need to defeat Flonne, pass the Etna bill, then go defeat Etna, etc.
Archangel, Archangel, Will You Be Mine?
Defeat Archangel Flonne in the Post-Game and make her an ally. “Chaos sucks! Guardian of justice, Justice Flonne!”
Now Accepting Volunteers
Defeat Raspberyl in the Post-Game and make her an ally.
Body By Etna
Defeat Etna in the Post-Game and make her an ally. “Look at my body and drool!”
Defeat Laharl in the Post-Game and make him an ally. “Taste the power of Overlord Laharl!”
Malice in Netherland
Defeat Asagi in the Post-Game and make her an ally. “I’ll show you my Super Miracle Heroine Powers!”
Badass Freakin’ Trophy
Defeat Zetta in the Post-Game and make him an ally. “I’ll show you what a real strategy RPG is all about!”
Another Pringer Bites the Dust
Defeat Pringer X in the Land of Carnage. “Pringer X is back, baby!”
Supercharged Tyrant Overlord
Defeat Tyrant Overlord Baal in the Land of Carnage. “Whosoever unlocks this achievement shall possess the title of Tyrant Overlord.”
You can read some tips for Pringer X and Baal in their own section, which is after the Land of Carnage section.
Anyway, there are two special characters that you also need to get to unlock the Tournament arc.
The first one is Prinny Kurtis, you need to find him like six or seven times in the Innocent Towns in Item World, it takes a lot of luck and reloads to get him as he is totally random, he looks like a green prinny so be on the lookout!
Once he agrees to fight you, you can fight him as a new party member and once you do, you’ll get:
Green with Prenvy
Defeat Prinny Kurtis in the Post-Game and make him an ally. “Can you handle Mach 5!?”
You will also power up your cheat shop.
The other one is Petta, Zetta’s daughter who you can unlock by winning a pirate timed battle event.
You have to do a 10-floor run in your pirate ship in under 150 turns, to accomplish this, you need to put several crew members on an event platform so that the gate and its gatekeeper shows up.
Then, beat the gatekeeper to get some turns back, then proceed to the next floor.
You can find this game mode by talking to the dog/prinny that has a pirate ship bubble on their head, its the same NPC that lets you customize your pirate ship, do the challenges there and the first challenge is the one that counts for this.
Pringer X and Baal
Well, here we are, the toughest enemies in the game.
The first Pringer X fight is a joke since you can just lift him and attack him with different skills until he dies. He always nullifies the first attack he receives, so hit him with your strongest attack after a weak one.
The second Pringer X is tricker since he always will nullify damage from a skill you’ve already used, so make sure your skills hit hard to kill him in as few hits as possible. You can always lift him to avoid him killing you.
See the 10 billion achievement section to find out how to improve your firepower.
The final Pringer X fight, in the LoC, is tricker since he has Eight copies of himself.
Each has the skill to nullify your attacks if any of them already have been hit by them, so what you have to do if use your high mobility characters and monsters to bounce them into position, gather them together for one ultra high AOE attack, like Valzy’s Demon Power big AOE or Desco’s.
Master the art of the monster bounce so you only waste 1 throw action per pringer-x to position them.
You can also sacrifice someone by putting them close to the base panel so some of them get close together.
For the achievement though, you only need to kill one of them.
Still, its advisable to clear this fight, since it powers the Cheat Shop.
Baal has a trick to him, he always strikes the person who gets out of the base panel.
To avoid this, use the item: Victory Daruma.
You get this from completing the X-Dimensions.
What this does, it nullifies all physical attacks during one turn and all magical attacks the next.
Since its the first turn, it will always nullify physicals, enabling you to get the characters equipped with it out of the base panel without problems.
Duplicate the Daruma using the Puppy Paw Stick.
You need to kill him five times, so you need to survive five turns.
Since you cant lift the big guy, you need to sacrifice two people.
Turn 1:
Get your main hitter out and one other character, if you hit hard, you kill him in one hit.. once.
He will attack you, whoops, he cant do squat since you have a Daruma.
Achievement unlocked.
Turn 2:
Hit him again, if you hit hard, he died agan. 2 more kills to go.
Make the sacrificial pawn lift you up.
Baal is angry, he kills pawn.
Turn 3:
Move your main hitter and hit him. One more kill to go.
Baal gets mad and tries to kill you, he cant. You got Daruma.
Turn 4:
You hit him again, and get your other sacrificial pawn to lift you up.
Baal kills your pawn, R.I.P., you died well.
Turn 5
You hit him for the last time, he dies! you win! you marry your highschool sweetheart, your parents are proud, your family prospers and your children make a golden statue of you, you win at life! Good job!
DLC Story Achievements
In the Postgame, you will have access to some long chaptered stories and when you finish them you will get new playable characters and an achievement.
You get this one with Mavel at the Blue Portal, something about a Flashback:
When Fenfen Met Valzy
Clear the Flashback Episode. “Demon trapped in fire, I shall temporarily free your chaotic soul. Now! Become my power!”
These next two, you get from an NPC close to the bulletin board:
Touched by a Tri-Angel
Clear the ♥♥♥♥ & Desco Show. “Final Formation! We are Tri-Angels!”
Let’s Do the Time Leap Again
Clear the Time Leap story. “Brave warrior, hear my voice… Become the skyward sword that pierces the darkness, and crush my enemies!”
Finally, the tournament guy appears close to the Cheat Shop, if you have all other NPCS.
No Cameo Left Behind
Win the Netherbattle Tournament. “I want my own catchphrase.”
To unlock the tournament, you need to have every NPC (Except the ones you get from the stories above) but you need Prinny Kurtis and Petta. (See the end of Postgame and Beating Characters section on how to get these last two)
Land of Carnage
So, how do you GET to the land of carnage?
The easy answer is: Build a ship and do 40% of the X-Dimensions.
Unlocking the Land of Carnage will give you:
In the Land of the Prinnies
Go to the Land of Carnage and regret it.
So here we go:
To open the X-Dimensions you need to find a Cu-sith Scalper Mystery Room during your Item World travels, its random but I feel its easier to find in high ranked items. You will need quite a bit of HL so you can buy all 63 tickets off him! You can find him again but its a pain, its easier just to buy them all at once.
Some items will always open a mystery portal on Floor 1, you can farm this mechanic and just reload the game if the mystery room doesnt take you to the scalper.
There is another mystery room that sells tickets, very expensive ones, these are like treasure maps and you need one of each for the collector achievement but they are not the ones needed to go to LoC.
Once you buy the tickets, a Force Knight will appear next to Mavel and you can start your road to completing the Land of Carnage.
You need to do ALL X-Dimensions for the achievement:
Uncanny X-Dem
Clear all X-Dimension stages. “You’ve conquered Dimension X!”
You also need to clear 100% of X-Dimension to get some unique items for (Dedicated Collector) Achievement.
I highly recommend you build the pirate ship first THEN clear 40% of the X dimension, read below why.
Pirate Ship
You will need to build a very special and pretty pirate ship to travel to LoC.
To get most of the pirate ship parts, you need to capture certain enemies and discipline them to get treasure locations, the higher the level of the enemy, the more likely you will find a part you need.
Here’s the list: (X means its an X-Dimension)
9-6: Gambriel: Tier 2 Rifle Demon, lvl 446 Rear-Part
X-7-3: Thanatos, Tier 6 Death, over lvl 2500 Left-Side
X-7-6: Prinny King: Tier 5 Prinny, lvl 1390 Right-Side
X-10-1: Force Knight: Tier 5 Magic Knight, lvl 1540 Top
X-10-1: Alchemist, Tier 5 Professor, lvl 1540 Head
Adjust the star power settigs on the cheat shop to get the required levels, the levels are important to improve your chances.
Capturing mechanics.
If you dont know the capturing mechanics, its simple.
Lift an enemy and throw it into the base blue panel, the less HP it has, the easier will be, but usually there shouldnt be problems with a full hp enemy.
A battle will happen, I THINK the capturing mechanics consider the stats of everyone inside versus the enemy that got thrown in, so I always leave my strongest characters in there to help capturing but I always leave my main character out in case the base panel is destroyed and I need to complete the item world section.
If you win, the enemy will be sent to the discipline room.
Discipline Room and Treasure
The basics are simple, you capture a mob, you go to the room, you discipline them and then ask you for treasure.
The game will check a CLEARED battle area to spawn the treasure, this is why we havent cleared 40% of the X-Dimension, to avoid the part to be spawned there, only clear the X-Dimensions on the list above and maaaybe X8-8.
Anyway, the higher the mob level the higher the chances a good treasure will spawn (like pirate ship parts).
The item of the treasure will always be set the moment you ask the enemy for treasure.
So, always save after their SP is low enough to ask for treasure but before asking for treasure, if you go into the battle and open the treasure and find is trash, reload.
This is very time consuming so we need to fool the game to give us the treasure in a fast battle that we can clear in under a minute.
Repeat these until you have all the P Pirate Parts on the list above.
They spawn on levels 25+ in the Item Worlds.
Use the cheat shop to make them spawn more often.
They are level 9000… so yeah, prepare for a battle, you need to kill them before they kill you.
Once you defeat the Meowkin pirates, you will get your final ship piece!
Go ahead and do the 40% X-Dimensions.. use the guide link I posted if needed and good luck!
You can read more about the Land of Carnage here:
Netherworld Job Security (All Classes)

Netherworld Job Security
Have characters of every rank of every creatable class.
When you unlock a new class, you will need to level it up so you unlock all Tiers (There are Six tiers), these tiers unlock at different levels, the Android, for example, takes level 1440 to unlock its final Tier, you will also need a lot of mana, this is why its important to use the Cheat Shop along with the pyramid and training grounds evil symbols to quickly upgrade your new members.
You will also need to do this before starting hunting for Pirate parts since you need to have the tier and class of the enemy you want to capture.
You might not have space to create ALL monsters and Human classes so double check you have done everything before deleting.
Watch out, some characters look like generic classes but they have special skills, do not delete them! Read the next section about skills before considering deleting anyone.
To quickly level up your characters, unlock Mt. Ordeal, to get this bill to show up in the senate, you need a character with 7000 mana, read the Tips section for more info on leveling and getting that Mana for your tier promotions.
Unlocking Classes
Reach the indicated level to unlock the corresponding class.
You need to have them in your roster to count!
Do not reincarnate or delete until you have all classes unlocked!
(i.e to get Archer, you need a Healer AND a F. Warrior both in your Roster at Level 15 or more)
To unlock monster classes, you need to defeat them in battle.
You will need to pass a bill in the senate first to be able to create a new class you just unlocked.
Beat the main game and start a 2nd playthrough.
Healer and F.Warrior level 15.
Heavy Knight:
Warrior level 20
Beast Master:
Warrior or F.Warrior level 15
Complete Episode 7 completed or level 100 Heavy Knight
Thief and Skull level 15
Lady Samurai (Exorcist):
F.Warrior and Archer level 30
Magic Knight (Force Knight):
Warrior or F.Warrior , and Skull or F. Mage level 30
Masked Hero:
Thief and Warrior level 25
Thief and Skull level 30
Onmyo Monk:
Shaman and Ninja level 30
Healer and Shaman level 20
Skull and F. Mage level 15
He Got Skills Achievement (All Skills)

He Got Skills
Watch every special skill animation.A lot of guides say that there are missable skills like Nemo’s Fear The Great and Des X, but you can recruit those characters, i’m pretty sure you can get the skill record from when you recruit them.
You can set your settings to turn animations OFF, when an unseen animation happens, the game will show it to you but if you already have it, it will skip it. Experiment with this.
Anyway, once you complete all classes and tiers (except Android) and BEFORE deleting them, make sure you use all their unique skills (not the weapon ones) and get them registered under the “Human Skills” section of the database. Some skills, like the Geo Skills of the Monk, wont get recorded, so be on the lookout.
For monsters, you need their unique skills in magichange form too.
But you also need their TWO weapon versions, the normal weapon magichange version and the BIG FUSIONED magichange version.
To magichange, just stand near a monster, then use the monster’s magichange command to make it a weapon, use both weapon skills to count.
For each character check: Unique skills, Human Skills.
For each monster check: Magichange skills, normal magichange weapon version, fusioned magichange weapon version.
You will also need to unlock all DLC characters and beat all Special ones (the ones that give you achievements and power up the cheat shop), including Prinny Kurtis and Petta.
Also, experience all skills from Pringer X and Tyrant Baal.
As you go and level into the item world, you will unlock all the normal monster skills as they try and get you and most normal weapon and spell skills, if after dozens of item world dives, you are still missing some, learn the skills with a mage/warrior.
The rarest spells are things like Charm, Slow, Poison, etc, enemies dont often use those, also the Healing spells like Peta heal.
Remember that you need to suffer Pringer-X and Tyrant Baal skills too!
There are also special rare/lost art skills that can only be found in the chara world.
In the chara world, if you clear the floor of all blocks, you have a chance of finding a prinny that sells special skills for mana, there are two versions of this prinny and each sells a different skill.
You can only purchase one skill per run and you might not get the prinny you want.
The Prinny will only sell these skills to Human characters, not monsters.
To farm these, go into the first floor of a HUMAN chara world, clear the floor of blocks, go into the portal, if prinny sells the skill you need get it, if not, reload. After getting the skill, use a Gency to start the cycle again.. or you can just finish the 9 other floors, your choice.
These two special weapon skills are the 7th and 8th skills on the list.
The special Final Skill (9th)
To unlock the 9th skill, here is a list of unique characters that can learn:
Fist – Libra Pasio: Fenrich, Axel, Adell
Sword -Wings of Fire: Valvatorez, Zetta, Ash, Krichevskoy
Spear – Barqijal: Etna
Axe – Honest Woodman: ♥♥♥♥
Bow – Barrage Bommerang: Flonne (Fallen Angel)
Gun – Quick Shot: Artina, Asagi, Pleinair
Other generic classes can learn 9th skills, read the link below.
As for all of these skills, learn then use them so they get recorded and count towards the achievement.
Check this link for a link to weapon skills:
This thread lists other skills, like unique and human ones, although its not complete.
If you find a better list, do let me know and I’ll update this section.
In my experience, most unique characters have 3 skills, a few have only one (Nemo) or two (Des X).
Portable Piracy (All Ship parts)

Portable Piracy
Collect all Pirate Ship parts.This is a great guide for the console version of the game, it helped me get this achievement:
You’ll notice you will need to get 22+39+29+38+38+39(205) pieces.
Thats more than 190 discipline room confessions of treasure, so over 190 kidnappings.
It’s going to take a while…
The rest are gotten through the item world pirates, by hunting and defeating them but using the cheat shop, you can increase their spawn rate, although you will still need to be in the right route, making encountering all pirates in one single run, impossible.
So, how can we speed up the kidnapping and obtaining the parts?
This thread has a great idea:
Basically, the mechanics of the treasure placement of the discipline room forbids putting treasure on maps you havent cleared.
So, first, we need to be strong enough to deal with Level 7000 or more enemies and Val at Max level (9999). [So we can kidnap without problems]
If you dont know the capturing mechanics, its simple.
Lift an enemy and throw it into the base blue panel, the less HP it has, the easier will be, but usually there shouldnt be problems with a full hp enemy.
A battle will happen, I THINK the capturing mechanics consider the stats of everyone inside versus the enemy that got thrown in, so I always leave my strongest characters in there to help capturing but I always leave my main character out in case the base panel is destroyed and I need to complete the item world section.
If you win, the enemy will be sent to the discipline room.
Discipline Room and Treasure
The basics are simple, you capture a mob, you go to the room, you discipline them and then ask you for treasure.
The game will check a CLEARED battle area to spawn the treasure.
The higher the mob level the higher the chances a good treasure will spawn (like pirate ship parts).
Depending on the mob type (Gunner, Ghost, Succubus, Force Knight, Thief, etc), a specific pirate ship or “fun” weapon will spawn.
The tier of the class doesnt matter (Tier 1 or Tier 6, its the same).
The item of the treasure will always be set the moment you ask the enemy for treasure.
So, always save after their SP is low enough to ask for treasure but before asking for treasure, if you go into the battle and open the treasure and find is trash, reload.
This is very time consuming so we need to fool the game to give us the treasure in a fast battle that we can clear in under a minute.
To do that, we need a new cycle? why? because we will only have ONE cleared battle area and the treasure will always spawn there.
Just so you know, if you start a new cycle:
You will lose most story characters and unlocked characters like Prinny Kurtis and Zetta.
You will lose access to land of Carnage (you can unlock it after one new battle, but we wont, I’ll explain why)
Everything else will be normal, so unequip those characters that you will lose and make sure Val and some others can help you capture L5000+ mobs.
I really recommend you leave this achievement until the last ones.
The battle area we will clear and use for this is X8-8 (X Dimension episode 8, battle 8: True Final Weapon)
Anyway, once you are set up, capture enemies from the item world and get the treasure from them, battle it out, find a piece or something nice, move on.
This can take from 10 to 20 hours, depending on your luck and/or capture/open treasure speed.
The only enemy we cant find in the item world are prinnies (except the pirates), so capture some of those if you can while hunting their pirate ship piece.
If you cant, leave their pirate ship parts until the end and when there’s only those left, go to battle X7-6 to capture some and get the final parts!
Here is a video of my final part, needed to open the land of carnage to get those prinnies, while you farm, dont clear any stage but X8-8!
Dedicated Collector (All Items)

Dedicated Collector
Collect all types of items.Oh boy, this is the big one.
To complete this achievement, you need to gather at least one rarity of every item.
From gums to the fabled Rank 41 Issen sword, you need to fill that list.
Remember, rarity doesnt matter, for it to count, you can get a Rare Shortcake instead of a normal one and it will count, so you dont have to find the snack again.
Snacks and weights are the hardest ones to find in the wild, treasures and bonus lists are your best options.
You will also need all stat enhancing vials sold by the tower cat.
This cat is atop a tower in a special mystery room, to reach him, you need a high level Val to jump up there, you might need to visit him three or four times to get all the different kinds of medicine.
Another mystery room you need to find is the magichange weight one, a single beastmaster will gift you this weight, I dont know if it has any spawning requirements.
Buy all different kinds of Cellphones and XP/Mana Potions from the vendors when you see them.
And finally the Lottery Mystery Room will sell you three kinds of tickets you need to buy.
Check out this item rank chart to keep track of your items and also to find an episode with a close-enough rank bonus to find that item you are missing:
So anyway, what else you have to know about item collecting?
You can only get Rank 35+ items if you play on Land of Carnage, so you need that unlocked (See that section for more info).
You can only get Rank 40 items if you STEAL them from an Item God while in the Floor 100 IN the Land of Carnage (LoC).
What this means is that, if you want a Rank 40 Baal Sword:
You need a Legendary Rank 39 Yoshisuna (Found only in LoC Item Worlds,Bonuses)
Go into the Item world (you can do this in your normal base)
Go to Floor 99, Gency Out, Save.
If you are not in LoC, go to LoC now.
Go into the IW and to Floor 100.
DO NOT Kill the Item God until you steal its Legendary Weapon, a Level 9999 Thief, stealing from behind, is your best bet. You can do this with other L9999 characters but they will only have a 50% chance, if you kill the God before stealing its R40 item, reload.
Once your item is acquired, guess what? you have to do it again to get a Rank 41 item!
But you also need a Rank 41 Armor, the Rank 40 Armor you can steal from Tyrant Baal.
So: You need to steal 2 legendaries from each weapon category from an Item God, that’s 200 floors for first,sword,spear,gun,axe,bow,staff, grey monster weapons, but only 1 red monster weapons and 100 more for armor.
You can both steal a Crowbar(R40 Red M.Weapons) from Pringer X, saving you the effort and the R40 Armor from Baal.
You will also need to steal a Trap(trapezohedron) from the item god of a Legendary Arcadia which you can also steal, that’s another 100 floors.
1900 floors!
Grab on to your grinding butts, cuz its gonna be a fun time!
Some tips:
You can use move again after you move, when you mess up a move.
Use flying characters like Death, Desco, Des X, Gig, Moth, etc.
Some enemies have high evade, try and attack from the back.
Enchanters always leave a Zombie behind, have a third character so it can take it out.
You can make an item have +6MV with Senate bills, if you do this to some Shoes, you can get really far. Pretty Puppy Stick is your best friend.
For collector, you will need a Rank 39 weapon, go and get a Rank 40 from the Land of Carnage Floor 100 item world floor, then do that again to get the Rank 41 version.
Here is a video of how I ran my last Item World, from level 1 to level 100 in under 22 minutes.
You will also need all fun items and slayer weapons, you can get those easy if you capture and discipline enemies level 5000 or above, the higher the better.
Some weapons you need for your collection come with special NPCs, like Etna with her Elder spear or that mechanic kid with the Wrench from the “Back to the Future” DLC.
Be on the lookout for those. You only need to recruit the NPC for it to count.
But that’s not all!
You also need to use the normal and BIG versions of all monster magichanges.
So for that Slime Spear, you need to magichange when he is normal size and also magichange when he is fusioned and BIG sized.
To accomplish this, you will need the The Fusion Weapon Lab Evil Symbol.
To unlock that, you need to kill 100 enemies while Fusioned.
Desco Fusioned with anything killing at Mt. Ordeal 4 is the best way to get this.
Read more about that here:
So basically:
Make sure the monster is part of the evil area of the Fusion Weapon Lab.
Get Monster out.
Get Human out.
Magichange with human.
Get Monster out.
Get another monster out->Fusion.
Get Human out.
Get Fusioned monster to magichange with human.
To complete your collection you will ALSO need a bunch of Fun weapons (They have ! icons) and have special innocents.
You also need Slayer weapons that can be found in treasure chests gotten through the Discipline Room. You can read more about these from here:
*Just note that the thread is missing one fun weapon: Tennis Racquet gotten from Healer.
Basically, get treasures from Level 6000 or more enemies and you will get the best stuff.
It is recommended to get these while going for the Pirate Ship parts achievement.
The Prinny and the Mushroom is the Item World Innocent Town also give fun weapons, some pirates too but its way easier to get them in the Discipline Room while looking for Pirate Ship Parts.
The Power of Sardines! (10 Billion Damage)

The Power of Sardines!
Inflict 10,000,000,000 damage.There are a lot of ways to get this, choose your favorite character, get him a powerful Level 300 weapon so you can get him/her to max ATK stat.
Then use other evilities like Luck Song, Stone Guard, Flat Alliance, Heavy Stance, all good to boost your stats or damage.
I think my biggest stat boosts came from my L300 ATK oriented weapon, my 500 Monster Hunters and 500 Guardians.
You can find Monster Hunters/Guardians innocents on reverse pirating and then just use a Puppy Paw Stick to duplicate items that have them until you get 500.
The most important thing about this achievement is that you don’t have to do it to a single enemy, you can do it to several, if you hit 10 enemies with 1 billion damage, you’ll get it.
Anyway, I can tell you about how I did it, so you can maybe get some good few ideas on how to CAP your ATK.
I spent 3 hours trying to figure this one out, read about evilities, powerups, masteries, innocents, skills, but my top was around 8 Billion.
I read that you can do this by building a custom map and I did.
My main is Desco and she had the evilities Flat Alliance and Mana Scarcity (+50% ATK)
I also had:
- A Level 300 R39 weapon (which Maxed my ATK stat)
- Full Stored Levels
- 100% more critical damage thanks to 5 people with Luck Song
- 100 professional innocents
- 500 monster hunters innocents
- 500 guardian innocents
- 25 Fusion lovers
- Prinny Kurtis which boosted my damage on empty squares
- A beastmaster that boosted me.
- FIVE 450% Ally Boost Blocks (for a 2250% Ally boost when I fusion into Big Desco)
against 1 L15 thrash character..and I made the mistake of using a cat demon which had demon resistance.. so better pick a thrash healer human instead.
Couldnt get it..I tried different combos, nada.
But then… BUT THEN… I tried putting MORE trash mobs, this should decrease my damage because of Kurtis evility.. but..
It looks like, the damage was multiplied for every different mob I hit with it and the achievement pop!
In Disgaea 5, you cannot do this for the top damage achievement, since the damage must be to a single mob, so I didnt think it would work here.
So yeah, by adding more mobs to the formula, I finally got the achievement!
Here’s a video of how I did it, hope it helps!
Check Under the Cushions Achievement -Missable-

Check Under the Cushions
Open all treasure chests in the base.This is very missable and you should get all treasure chests at the beginning of every chapter.
You cannot get the postgame chests with a low leveled Valtzy, you need him around level 4000 or 5000 to reach those, here is a list:
Episode 1:
– By the bulletin board.
– Southeast area.
– In the Northeast by Amos MK III. Note that this chest may be hidden. Use and to see it.
Episode 2:
– On top of the Weapon and Armor Shop.
– Southeast area.
– Behind the General Store.
Episode 3:
– Behind the Armor Shop.
– Behind the Evility Shop.
– Northeast area.
Episode 4:
– Behind the Nurse.
– Southeast area, on the stairs.
– On top of the General Store.
Episode 5:
– Southeast in the stairs (north part).
– Behind the General Store.
– Southwest in a higher elevation, just south of the Dimension gate.
Episode 6:
– Behind the Dimension Gate.
– On a higher elevation behind the Weapon Shop.
– Southeast area.
Episode 7:
– Northwest area, on a higher elevation.
– Southeast area by the lava.
– Higher elevation behind the Armor Shop.
Episode 8:
– Southwest Area. May be hard to see. Rotate the camera if necessary.
– On top of statue near the Data Shop.
– Higher elevation behind the General Store and Specialty Store.
Episode 9:
– Behind the Data Shop.
– North above the jail. Rotate the camera to see some steps. Climb up and jump across.
– On top of the bulletin board.
Episode 10:
– To the left of the Weapon Shop. This is hard to see, so rotate the camera if needed.
– Skull in the Southeast area, before the stairs.
– Northwest area on a higher elevation.
Post Game: (Need High level Val)
– Northwest area on a higher elevation. Valvatorez needs to be at a high level to reach it.
– Southwest area on a higher elevation. Valvatorez needs to be at a high level to reach it.
– Southeast of the Data Shop.
– On top of Statue in the middle of the base. It is possible to reach using a running jump from the top of the steps.
– Northeast area behind Amos MK III
Other Achievements

Need More…Sardines!
Lose a battle.*Game Over man! Game Over… better reload.
I’ll Take the Elevator…
Clear 30 floors in the Item World.
Re-education Program
Capture an enemy.
*See Land of Carnage Section on how to Capture.
The Biggest Winner
Train 100 times.
*After you capture, discipline 100 times to get this, you will naturally unlock it as you search for pirate ship parts.
Rewards Card Member
Max out the Rosen Queen Co. customer level.
Just keep buying stuff and your customer rank will rise, pass a bill at the senate for more expensive stuff, max rank is 12, you will get this naturally as you progress the game and buy new things.
Netherworld Tycoon
Get over 100,000,000 HL.
Just Warming Up
Inflict 100,000 damage.
Power Politics
Persuade by force 3 times.
*When failing to pass a bill during the senate, you have the option to pass it by force, some powerful high level enemies might be attending, make sure those are bribed or asleep (use chloroform) before starting the fight. Win the battle in 3 different failed bills and get this.
Prinpocalypse Now
Explode ten Prinnies in a row.
*Hire a Prinny, go to user maps, make a map with 10 prinnies, test the map, lift one, throw it to the others, watch them explode. If it isnt working, you might need to make a large enough map to make a proper chain, each prinny explosion is 2 panels from where it lands.
Everyone’s a Critic…
Destroy the Axel statue in battle.
You can find Axel and Pinky in the Item world but its in a special mystery room that you can find the Axel statues, simply talk to Axel a bunch of times until the battle starts, instead of fighting Axel, go ahead and break a statue to get this achievement.
I think your chances of finding this special mystery room are better when you meet both Pinky and Axel in Innocent Town.
Karma reports he has seen Axel statues out in the Item Worlds, I’ve seen them too but only after finding the Axel Mystery room, if someone else can confirm they have found an Axel statue before his mystery room, it would be great. :coffeemug:
New Family Heirloom
Max out an item’s level.
You need to get an item to level 300.
You need a Legendary item for this.
Always choose the sword path, lift up any level sphere you find along the way before clearing the stage by using the gate or killing all enemies.
When reaching a boss floor, kill the boss, Gency Out, Save, Go in, kill the boss again (do this to the Item God at Floor 100 too) after you are done, the item should be level 200~ish.
Now choose Reverse Pirating instead of going into the Item World.
Find the leveling spheres (two of them) and throw those back to your pirate ship.
If you get the two of them on board before your time runs out, you will get +25 levels.
On a cleared Level 100 Item, you will get 5 missions, that’s an extra 125 levels, putting you easily beyond level 300.
When the God Gets Tough…
Defeat God (self-proclaimed). “Infernal demon, follow my order and present your vile soul!”
I read the only requirements for this is to beat the Final Chapter Mission: Boiling Point with only Valzy with at least him being Level 500 and if you did it right, the final battle will be against four giant toadstools instead of Nemo but I tried it on my first cycle and it didnt work.
So for this, save after you get Boiling Point for the first time and go for it, if not, wait for the 2nd cycle.
I had to do it on my second cycle and I went in with my max level Valzy and did it with ease.
The game will end after you win against God, no postgame for you!
Hardcore Gamer!
Complete all other achievements.
Puppy Paw Stick and BattleSuits
Check out this helpful guide to get you started:
You really need this so you can beat Baal without spending weeks grinding.. leave the grind for the collector achievement.
Item World Suggestions
Common – White
Rare – Blue/Green
Legendary – Yellow/GoldEach of the above has an specific number of floors you can travel to, common and Rare are thrash but legendaries are good to g9o into and level up.
A Legendary item has 100 floors, the more floors you clear, the harder enemies will appear but also better loot. The limit to this is that, if you play an item world in the normal base, you wont get to see items past Rank 36, so you really need to get to the LoC (see above).
Anyway, each item has 3 paths you can follow, the Item Path (sword/left), the Innocent Path (smiley face/right) and the treasure path (down the center).
Each path has its special unique pirates and gameplay.
To go down the treasure path, you need to alternate between choosing the sword and the face, so, like, 1 sword then 1 face, then 1 face, then 2 swords, etc. You can see your progress on the map.
Anyway, the treasure path spawns more treasure (useful when hunting items).
The innocent path spawns innocents and boosts the number stat when you get an innocent.
The sword path is what we want, since it lets us get more item level up spheres and more item world senate bills.
To get a powerful/useful item, we need to level it up and pass IW bills early.
Read more about the perfect R40 weapon and IW senate bills here:
You can get up to SIX IW senate bills passed on a Legendary Item, making +10MV Legendary XBooster Shoes!
Anyway, lets talk now about characters to use in the IW.
Have three dedicated runners.
One that deals beastly damage.
One that can get to the new opened portal.
One as a backup in case the first runner wasnt able to deal with the gatekeeper.
The backup runner should have skills to push enemies off the panel (like some Fist attacks, Axel Tackle, Android Beam).
In a perfect world, all runners should be able to fly, flying means they can move through enemies.
They also have a +2MV from chara world and maybe some +MV evilities.
Create good shoes, with at least 50 jump and +4 move (you can get Accelerators that give +2 or +3 shoes, later in the game), if you play their item worlds, you can pass bills to increase their move.
A legendary shoe can have +6MV.. that gets kinda insane later.
Remember that you can have one or two spare mega-shoes in your inventory.
Start the round, equip them, move, unequip. It works.
There is also the netherworld station taction for moving through worlds but I never used it, you can read more about it here:
Reincarnation, Aptitudes and Chara World
There are a lot of guides out there on these topics, so I will try and be brief about them here.
Let’s start with aptitudes, every character has an aptitude, this is a multiplier to your base stats (the stats you start with at level 1) basically, the more aptitude have, the higher stats you will get from your base stats.
You also have weapon aptitude, these increase the stats from your weapon.
To increase your base stats, you reincarnate through a bill passed at the senate.
When should you reincarnate? Well, the easy answer is: When you hit a leveling wall.
If you cannot get past level 3000 because you cannot 1-hit enemies, reincarnate and start over.
Each time you reincarnate, you will be given bonuses points you can allocate to your base stats but you also get more starting stats as well, the downside is that even at genius, you lose XP to your skills.
Unique characters can reincarnate by spending 100 mana on the senate but generic ones have their reincarnation costs double up to a maximum of 999,999 mana.
Your bonus points to your base stats wont raise after you store 186,000 levels but everytime you reincarnate you lose 5% of your skill stored XP (if you reincarnate on Genius), so make sure you get more bonus points than before, before you hit that reincarnation, or else it will be useless and your skill XP will be less, doing less damage too.
The Chara World will help you get your stat aptitudes up, you get around 10 to 15 points to random stats every time you finish 10 char world levels, honestly its a chore.
You can also raise stat aptitudes by winning the tournament.
You unlock the tournament by having all characters (See Tournament section)
So: TL;DR. Reincarnate when you cant level up easily no more, up to 186,000 stored levels.
That’s all we are sharing today in Disgaea 4 Complete+ Tips and Achievements Guide, if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Shindragan