In this Guide i show you all possible encounter, lootables and npcs that are marked as yellow dots on the map.

- [Free her] Gain +18% Luck.
- [Abandon her]
- [Accept Gift] Gain an item.
- [Ignore her], Gain +16% Knockback.
- [Listen to the Prospector] Gain +60% More Gold.
- [Ignore Him]
- [Catch The Shoe] Gain +240% Rare Items, +48% Epic Items, and +32% Mythic Items
- [Ignore Him]
- [Learn his Ways] Gain +30 Armor.
- [Learn his ..Other Ways] Gain -30 Evasion.
- [Ignore Him]
- [Punctuatlity] Gain +36% Attack Damage.
- [Bureaucracy] Gain +30 Armor.
- [Ignore this bureaucrat]
- [Drink the Soup Quickly] Change to gain a random blessing or become cursed. (Blessing: +1200 Pull Area Curse: Gain -15 Armor)
- [Bureaucracy] Gain +30 Armor.
- [Ignore this bureaucrat]
- [Never Late] Gain +18% Spell Speeds.
- [Summoning Sickness] Gain +48% Summon Damage
- [Ignore the pompous wizard]

- Drops loot.
- Drops loot.
Fallen Hero
- May drop loot or nothing. May curse the player by reducing luck by 1.8% but drop better loot.
- May drop loot or nothing. May “curse” the player by reducing luck by 1.8% but drop better loot.
- May drop loot or nothing. May “curse” the player by reducing luck by 1.8% but drop better loot.
permanent buffs

- +4.2% Luck
Altar of Devotion
- +8% Heals
- +3% Max Life
Bronze Brazier
- +3.2% Spell Duration
Clover Garden
- +4.2% Luck
Clover Garden
- [Pile More Coins] Lose 100 gold.
- [Steal Existing Coins] Gain 100 Gold
Crying Fountain
- [Drink from the Fountain] Gain +1 Revival.
- [Bottle Water] Gain +0.5 Life regeneration.
Dark Brazier
- +2.4% Spell Damage
Dragon Shrine
- [God of the Skies] Gain +20 Movement Speed.
- [Dance of the Dragon] Gain +30 Evasion.
- [Forged in Ice[ Gain +20 Armor.
- [Forged in Fire] Gain +24% Attack Damage.
Fruit Tree
- [Pick a fruit] Lose 50 Life. Gain 2 levels.
- [Resist Temptation] Gain +20 Max Life.
Gremlin Roothouse
- [A Teacup of Coffee] Heal 25 life. Gain +50% Attack Speed and +50 Movement speed for 60 seconds.
- [Tiny Biscuits] Gain -3% Dash Cooldown.
- [A Huge Wheel of Cheese] Heal 15 Life. Gain +15 Max Life.
- [Politely Refuse]
Jade Llama Statue
- [Loot Shrine] Gain an item.
- [Pay Respects] Gain +300 Pull Range
- [Black Magic] Become Stunned for 1.5 Seconds. Gain +24% Spell Duration.
- [Occultism] Lose 9 life. Gain +18% Spell Damage.
- [Summoning Ritual] Ghosts attack you. Gain +40% Summon Damage.
Obelisk of Greed
- Gives X*30 gold per number of Obelisks of Greed activated in the current attempt
Sacred Tome
- [Practice] Gain +20% More Heals.
- [Learning] Gain +24% More Adept offers
Sacred Well
- Full healing
Seeking Orb
- +9% Pick Ups
Shard of the Fallen
- [Darkness Called] Lose -22 Max Life. Gain +33% Attack Damage.
- [Entrenched Power] Gain -44% Slower Spell Cooldowns. Gain +33% Spell Damage
- [Soulsteal] Gain -166% Damage against enemies below 50% Life and +100% Damage against enemies above 50% Life.
- [Reject The Darkness] Gain +7% More Heals
Shrine of Hunting
- [Finish The Hunt] Gain +8% Attack Critical Chance.
- [The Hunt Awaits] Your attack hits1 have a 13% chance to recharge a dash.
- [Hunter’s Hurry] Gain +20 Movement Speed
Shrine of Mjolnir
- [Powerful Grip] Gain +8% Attack Critical Chance
- [Thunderous Wrath] Gain +4% Spell Critical Chance.
Shrine of Music
- [Magpie Song] Gain +600 Pull Area
- [Mocking Bird Hum] Enemy Barriers are reduced by 24%
- [Raven Gwah] Gain 0.9 Experience per second.
Shrine of Penance
- [Repent] No experience for 60 seconds. Gain +13% Experience afterwards.
- [Atone] Gain -400% Dash Range for 30 seconds. Gain 2 levels.
- [Revoke] Gain +12% Attack Damage.
Shrine of Spring
- Excitement] Gain -50% Spell Duration. Gain +0.8 Life Regeneration
- [Desire] Take +50% More Damage. Enemy Barriers are reduced by 300%.
- [Lust] Lose 1 Life every time you dash. Your dashes gain +60% Range and -50% Faster Cooldowns.
Shrine of Tracking
- +60% Pickups
Shrine of The Fates
- [Ask Aisa for Help] Gain +4 Banishes.
- [Ask Lachi for Guidance] Gain +3 Rerolls.
- [Ask Clo for Advise] Gain +3 Alterations.
Shrine of The Swan
- [Test Virtues]
(Gain +6% Luck.)
(Lose -1.6% Luck.)
(Lose -5% Luck.) - [It’s Just a Dumb Bird]
Shrine to Krom
- [Power of Steel] Gain +20% Attack Area.
- [Mountainous Might] Gain +20% Spell Area.
Shrine to The Many-Handed One
- [A Thousand Cuts] Gain +14% Attack Speed.
- [Legion] Gain +1 Spell Projectiles.
Shrine to The Oni Demon
- [Laugh Back] Gain -16% Adept Offers, -5.3% Expert Offers, and +4% Master Offers.
- [Rude Gesture] Gain +20% Damage against enemies above 50% Life.
Stone Brazier
- Gain +4% Spell Area
Tree of Wisdom
- [Pride] Gain -540 Pull Area. Gain +50% More Experience.
- [Humility] Can’t get Master or Legend boon [sic] offers. All skills offered are Expert.
- [Disinterest] Gain +6% Luck.
Withering Tree
- [Atrophy] Gain -22% Less Experience. Gain +22% Spell Damage and +33% Spell Area.
- [Engulf] All skills offered are Novice. Gain +111% More Experience.
- [Writhe] Lose All Luck. Gain +2 Spell Projectiles.
War Totem
- +4.8% Attack Damage
- Restores 20% of Max Life.
temporary buffs
Mineral Spring
- +0.45 Passive Experience, +0.8 Life regen
Obelisk of Sanctuary
- Immune to damage.
Orb of Power
- +100% Power
Stone of Collecting
- Gain unlimited Pull Range.
Stone of Experience
- +60% Experience
Stone of Stamina
- Movement penalty for attacking is reduced to 0%
Totem of the Hare
- +1 Dash Charge

- Drops a random book, for the library in the lobby.
Thanks to Harmachis Chepre Re Atum for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.
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