For Cyberpunk 2077 players, V’s stash has a bunch of foam inserts for a total of 18 different weapons. This guide lists each of the weapons that fill these inserts and should help point you in the right direction so you can obtain these weapons for your own stash.
Malorian Arms 3516 – Complete “Chipin’ in” side mission.

Overwatch – Complete “Riders on the Storm” side mission.

——————————————————————————————————-Mox – Complete “Pyramid Song” side mission, then go to Judy’s Apartment. It’s laying on the counter.

——————————————————————————————————-La Chingona Dorada – Must send Jackie’s body to Mama Welles and complete “Heroes” side mission. Then return to the bar and retrieve them from the memorial.

Satori – When escaping from Tavernier Suite, wait for T-Bug to open the balcony window. When she does, this also opens the upstairs door that leads to an AV landing pad. Open the vehicle door to find the weapon.
Jinchu Maru – Pick up after defeating Oda during “Playing it Safe” main story mission.
Crash – Given to the player by River after completing “Following the River” side mission.
Skippy – Part of the “Machine Gun” side mission located in Vista Del Rey, near the College St fast travel terminal.
Archangel – Given to the player by Kerry after completing “A Like Supreme” side mission.
Plan B – Can be looted from Dex’s body after “Playing for Time” main mission. Located near the “Kold Mirage” side mission marker.
Moron Labe – West Wind Estate. The spec is located on the body of Anton Kolev.

——————————————————————————————————-Psalm 11:6 – Near the location where the Buzzsaw. Kill Maelstrom member Tom Ayer for the crafting spec.

——————————————————————————————————-The Headsman – Outskirts of North Oak. Destroy the Militech Mech and loot it for the spec.

Buzzsaw – Northside Docks. Spec can be looted from Yelena Sidorova.
Sovereign – Southern part of Japantown. The spec can be looted from Shinobu Imai.
YingLong – Between Wellsprings and The Glen. Can be looted from Denzel Cryer.
Breakthrough – Rancho Coronado, on the body of Olsa Elisabeth Longmead.
Comrades Hammer – Arroyo, on the body of Darius Miles.
That’s all we are sharing today in Cyberpunk 2077 All Stash Wall Weapons and Where to Get Them, if you have anything to addm please feel free to leave a comment below, and we’ll see you soon.
Credit to Ronin
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There is another legendary shotgun called “Ba Xing Chong”, you can craft and hang it in the stash room. Head to the Ebunike Docks fast travel point.
“If you got the main storyline all squared away then you will receive a side mission called “Chippin In”. This quest is from Rogue and the quest you need to get Johnny Silverhands gun, coat, and porche. The end of that mission will set you on a boat and it is on that boat that you can get into Smashers room. The room is in the back end of the ship. In the room you will find the blueprint for the shotgun and other stuff.
The slot on the wall does not show up until after you stash the weapon. It is on the right side wall, bottom center.