Welcome to the walk-through for chapter 3 update V 1.5 This update contains 1 major event and several small events. Most of the events are based on Choices and path which player is on.
Dating stats of characters will effect more in this update if you dating a particular character than you will encounter more events.
This Update has 1 day of gameplay
Day 37 resumes and day38
MC Had sex with sunny route
Later the update ends in sunny room
It continues from there on
Liza Morning event REFUSE OR HAVE FUN (+6 confidence)
College event *GO TO JAMES HOUSE ( This will lead to event of mc and james mother and will skip event with mrs felinaz and Xiyan)
#In James house Hide in the shower ( 20 confidence points and have scene with james mother)
Hide in the toilet (no scene with james mother)
OR PASS* (this will skip event of mc and james mother)
Depending on players choices if he had sex with dr rai, miss xiyan than he will have a scene with them or nothing will happen.
Gas station event
STAY IN THE CAR ( This will lead to small event with sunny + 4 sunny love points)
Follow TRACY (This will lead to Event with tracy and add +5 Tracy Love points)
The Update will end with mc and sunny event
If mc didn’t sex with sunny route
Later in the last update If mc agree to go with Triss on the party than she will spend the night with mc in his room.
If not than mc will sleep alone and next day will resumes
Mc will have scene with sunny in morning
College event *GO TO JAMES HOUSE ( This will lead to event of mc and james mother and will skip event with mrs felinaz and Xiyan)
#In James house Hide in the shower ( 20 confidence points and have scene with james mother)
Hide in the toilet (no scene with james mother)
OR PASS* (this will skip event of mc and james mother)
Depending on players choices if he had sex with dr rai, miss xiyan than he will have a scene with them or nothing will happen.
Gas station event
STAY IN THE CAR ( This will lead to event with sunny + 4 sunny love points)
Follow TRACY (This will lead to Event with tracy and add +5 Tracy Love points)
The update will end with all of them celebrating the vacation in Hotel
Beta Route (The red highlighted text are Like Ntr scene)
Most of the events in Like and dislike ntr route are same just it have
different dialogues and reactions
Beta route for this update don’t have many choices
Day38 college emma event
Jerk off ( -20 confidence points)
nah don’t risk it
Mrs felinaz event
- FOLLOW HER (This will lead to ntr event with Principal and Mrs Felinaz)
- OR GO HOME (Skip the ntr event with Principal)
Photoshoot event ( It will have different dialogues depending on
which route you are on)
Marcus Visit event ( If six sense code is on Player can see under the table handjob scene or else he will see on her hand moving)
to use six sense code it’s just like gallery unlocker but just different
press esc than you will find six sense option in the menu option click on it and than put code and after that go to preference and click on six sense and it’s activated now, i reccomand you unlock it at the start or else you will miss hidden scenes.
- Gallery code : 197354
- Six sense code: 789123