For Contraband Police players, this guide is designed as a basic walk through to the game, let’s check it out.
By the end of the guide you will be a fully trained operative of the border post in Karikata, on the Acaristan Border. It does not cover every single aspect of the game or the secrets and missions. But highlights key aspects to ensure your career as a border patrol officer goes smoothly as possible
Vehicle Types
Chapter 1: Training
As you request documents from each driver
the very next move will also be to open your
folder so take a look at the driver as you
take their passport
- Beard/Moustache, and Hair
- Style/Colour,
- Hats and Glasses
and once the folder is open if its not correct mark it on the inspection sheet.
Certain things are easier when auto checked.
The Expiration Date:
You can reserve some of your awareness bar by manually checking anything on the inspection sheet. The more things you manually check, the less requirement for a home upgrade
Smuggler Clues:
On the notice board you have information on smugglers. Sometimes you might only have the suspects age as a clue. So you can use the automated function to check this.
If you check all the smuggler clues first you can avoid going over the entire inspection checklist because smugglers will ultimately end up arrested so…
A full document check is not required.
At the end of each round you can press [F1]
to view a evaluation report
Manually transferring “criminals and contraband” at the end of each day is free of charge,
- Funds stay updated.
- Allows you to call at the store daily for ammo/supplies
- Reduces need for cell/warehouse upgrades
Whilst driving around you can use the siren on the main highway to force traffic to pull over making it much easier to get around. Likewise pressing the [V~Key] when parking changes the camera


[C~Key] = Clipboard
Using this you can unload and count the
actual cargo onboard.
Once done accessing your folder and clicking on the sheet of paper located
in the pockets
you can quickly compare documents.
Sometimes drivers like to trade resources, at the expense of inventory/warehouse slots you can engage in trading activity with these drivers.
Each driver buys and sells certain types of goods…
you can purchase something from one customer, and make a profit with another,
its completely optional !!
Chapter 2: Fake Help
Restrictions are placed on any person(s) travelling from the Kingdom of Erkei
from taking ANY type of goods across the border. So during passport checks if they are travelling from this location with any type of cargo.
Tick the box under “Entry Regulations” in the inspection report
At this stage you also unlock the upgrade feature…
Accessed by the computer terminal:
As you get promoted you can use the phone to access services. for a fee you can have the AI transport your contraband and prisoners as well as have Vlad store on your doorstep
Border Attacks:
Sometimes the outpost will get attacked, Hiring/Upgrading your staff. And using better weapons will make these attacks not just easier and smoother. But can also be very profitable.
Chapter 3: Work For Everyone
In this chapter restrictions are placed on any Artist, Teacher or Journalist’s from crossing the border.
All previous restrictions are now lifted…
In your folder you will now see a “Employment Card” if that document links each driver to the above three professions then as before mark it under “Entry Restrictions”
Pressing [F2] when prompted allows you to accept/decline Intervention missions, extra non story related missions that are completely optional.
Chapter Progress
As you catch all the smugglers in each chapter, this will determine when the next chapter starts. Each time you progress you will receive a new set of smugglers to catch on the notice board.
At the start of each new chapter its a wise decision to opt for a home upgrade. Maintaining optimal Awareness bar for each new chapters
Technical Faults
In this chapter you are also required to mark technical faults on each vehicle.
There is also information on how to treat them on the notice board under the Entry Regulations section.
The smugglers clues may also incorporate faults.
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- Contraband Police Campaign Walkthrough – Perfect Inspection All Day vehicle List
- Contraband Police Basic Gameplay Tips Guide
- Contraband Police All Vehicle Types
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