This guide will help you understand and have the knowledge in order to 100% this game, will explain all the achievements for an easier understanding, give you some tips for those that are more harder to get and give some personal experiences with some of them as well.
Playing as a survivor

While infected, survive long enough to let it run it’s course and turn you into one of the undead.
Start a game on normal difficulty and add bots. When the game starts let the zombies hit you. Since it is random you might see that your character is starting to lose his mind (black and white sight and hearing reduction). Wait until he loses his mind completely and becomes a zombie. You will earn the achievement then.
Ankle Biter
Remove both legs from a zombie.
For this one you can use a grenade or any weapon to get it. Melee weapons also work.
One Free Bullet
Complete Any Escape map without firing a single bullet, on Hard or Higher Difficulty.
You are not able to shoot any gun but you can still kill zombies with a melee weapon. Just bring some friends with you on any escape map or you can fill the lobby with bots instead.
Complete 250 Objectives in the Escape Game-Mode.
You will get this achievement as you play through the maps on Escape mode.
Pest Control
Sprint over and squish 5 cockroaches
There are no cockroaches around the map, instead cockroaches are your fellow survivors when they die and they don’t become a zombie, this applies to all game-modes.
Tip: The easy way to get this is bringing a friend and letting him get killed, then just meet somewhere and sprint over them
Ride 20 different survivors as a cockroach
This achievement is similar to the last one but on the cockroach’s perspective, you need to get close to a survivor and ride them (default key E), you will know when you’re riding a survivor when you get “stuck” in them and move at the same time as them. You will have to do this with 20 players, can be bots and doesn’t have to be 20 different players thrughout all games, it can be the same player but it will have to be on a different game. By adding bots from the lobby it will only count 1 if you ride them all, for some reason, it’s not clear if it’s because they all have the same name or if this just doesn’t work this way.
Tip: The easiest way is to create your own server, add bots by using the commands below, getting killed and riding them all. Repeat until the achievement pops up.
sb_enabled 1; (this will allow you to enter the next command)sb_add;
Call a Doctor
Heal 25 fellow survivors whilst working together in our Co-Op Game Modes
There are 2 items that you can use to heal yourself (default key LMB) or other people (default key RMB):
Med kit. Heals 100% of your health, looks clearly like a med kit.
Inoculator. Heals 25% of your health, looks like a small pistol without a barrel and with a syringe on top of it
Barricade 50 windows, doors and other entrances in the Extraction Game-Mode.
In order to do this you need to find a nailgun and some planks to barricade, they can be found around the maps, always fixed spawn points. Then just barricade all you can, you will see what you can barricade when you equipo the nailgun.
Gotta Collect ‘Em All
Find and collect patient zero
there are 3 “collectibles” that you can find, scattered on 3 maps (1 on each).
Biotec, Campwhitner and Barlowe Square.
all Escape maps. Have fun looking for them 🙂
If you don’t feel like searching every corner of those 3 maps, you will find the locations of the 3 collectibles below. Some people say that the server has to be on Normal difficulty or harder in order to the collectibles to spawn.
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Camp Whitner
< A picture will be added here >
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Barlowe Square
< A picture will be added here >
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Playing as a survivor < Flatline >

Earn $5,000 dollars on Flatline
I’m Bleedin’ Dry!
Spend $10,000 dollars on Flatline
These two previous achievements doesn’t require to be within a single game. So you will get those eventually by playing the game mode
Saving the day
Delay the inevitable
In Flatline game-mode there is a button, its called Round Saver, around the map that cost 1000$ to purchase. This button will give you a second chance when all your team die without having to start from the first wave just yet. It’s not clear how it actually works, it can either be to save the wave you purchased the button or to save the last wave you survived whatever the wave you were in when purchased it.
This button is in the main hall of the station on the middle desk near the back reception. This will only be purchasable if it wasn’t purchased already and it’s not clear if you can purchase it again after dying and in the case you can, if it would even work properly.
Perfecting Perfection
Get an upgrade module
These upgrade modules can be dropped by riot police zombies randomly, the drop % is quite low so you might get around 1 each 2-3 waves. The modules look like a box that can be easily spot when they drop, is not like you will miss it.
< A picture will be added here >
Gambling Addiction
Get something from the mysterybox
The mistery box is a big black box around the map and will cost 1000$ to open. It will give a random weapon with random upgrades. Just open it 10 times and it’ll pop up. You can see a reference image below.
This mistery box is from the Unionstation map and its located right next to the train on the outside of the station. They will always appear in a fixed location on each map and you can purchase them as many times as you want. If you don’t like the weapon you get from it, just recycle it and you will get some money back.
Pay 2 Win
Buy 1000 weapons from the shop
The shop will open at the end of each wave, you will see footsteps on the floor that will lead to you it, there you can buy weapons, ammo, health and other supplies.
You will have around 90 seconds to get there and buy whatever you can until it closes again and the next wave will start. The shop won’t be always in the same place (at least on most of the maps) so each time it will be in a different location but you’ll always have the footsteps to find it.
This is what the shop looks like, although all the shops rooms have different sizes. Depending on the map you’re playing in, you might find a few different items like a red keycard in Unionstation or some boltcutters on Harvest, those will unlock a “secret” room in the map where you will find supplies.
Waste Not, Want Not
Recycle 500 weapons
The recycler is a regular container but it will be interactable and will always have a fixed location on each map. You can see a reference image below.
This recycler is from the Unionstation map and its located near the train on the outside of the station, around the corner on one of the furthest side of the train. The better the weapon you recycle the more money you will get back from it. You can only recycle melee weapons and firearms so don’t try recycling other items.
Playing as a zombie

Use your Roar to build a horde of 15 or more zombies.
When playing as a zombie run around and gather zombies to follow you by using the Roar ability (default key R) until you reach 15, which is the maximum you can gather.
Dropped Calls
While on the hunt, provoke 25 phone ‘pings’ as a player zombie while in our Hunted Game-Mode.
< An explanation will be added here >
Wrecking Ball
Destroy 50 Doors and/or Barricades as a player zombie.
Cat ‘n’ Mouse
Kill the last remaining survivor in a round while playing as a zombie.
This achievement can only be done in co-op game-modes because in Hunted game-mode when there’s only 1 survivor remaining the game will consider him the winner and the round will restart.
Last Breath
Kill a player survivor with low health using nothing but your grapple and bite.
Tip: The fastest way to do it is by bringing a friend to any co-op game-mode because of the same reason on Cat ‘n’ Mouse achievement in case you can only find 1 person to help. So the way to do it is by having the survivor at full health and the zombie at less than 30% of the health, then as the zombie only use grapple (default key RMB) from his back to bring down all the survivor’s health.
Dinner For Me and You
Kill a survivor while he is being grappled by a fellow player zombie.
Tip: Same process as the previous achievement but with the help of another player playing as a zombie as well. So what you need here is 1 survivor and 2 zombies (these 2 requires to be players) and while one is grappling, the other zombie just kill the survivor with a normal attack. If the survivor gets killed when the zombie at the back stopped grappling (because the grapple only lasts a few seconds), the achievement won’t pop up so it needs to be while the grappling is happening, so its recomended to low the survivor’s health first to its minimum.
Burning Man
Kill a player survivor as a zombie while on fire.
Tip: Montclair and Barlowe Square in Escape game-mode usually have a fire half way of the map you need to extinguish to progress that you can use for this achievement. To clarify the description the zombie is the one that has to be on fire, not the survivor.
The Carrier
Kill 3 player survivors in a round while playing as a zombie.
You can either add bots for this one or go with some friends on a server.The one who needs it need to become zombie either by dying or becoming infected. Then that player needs to kill 3 peoplein 1 round.
Zombies Ate My Neighbor
Kill 25 AI survivors in the Extraction Game-mode as a player zombie.
The survivors that you need to kill are the ones that have to get extracted by the survivor players.
Spread the Love
Infect 25 player survivors.
Hold Me Close
Grapple and bite 50 player survivors.
Lord of the Damned
Kill 250 survivors as one of the undead.
Completing maps < Escape >
Plantation House
Complete Montclair, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
The map itself is not too hard to beat but is very bugged so you might need to beat it a few times before the achievement pops up (if it ever does). It also has a chance to crash your game, specially near the end of part 2 after calling for extraction, so be advised.
Patient Zero
Complete Biotec, on Extreme Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
Tip: This map is very difficult to solo because there are a few points where a big group of zombies will spawn and taking them out by yourself and not get surrounded is quite challenging so at least one or two friends with experience are recommended to beat this level. Keep in mind that the description of the achievement isn’t complete, it’s missing to complete it “with 4 or more survivors left” as someone already talked about it after having issues unlocking the achievement this discussion.
No Service
Complete Camp Whitner, on Normal / Extreme Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
This map is very opened, in comparison with other maps so you might get lost quite easily, the objectives are also somewhat far apart one from another sometimes and some of them don’t really give you a useful hint to where to go. So take your time learning the map or follow someone that knows it well. The level is not the hardest one either since you can run around the zombies without much trouble but there’s one point where you need to enter a garage and hold for some time, this part can be the hardest since is the a closed zone and you can’t run around that much because it’s a small place to hold and there will be a big wave of zombies flooding the place.
Tip: Kill as fast as you can and get the hell out of there as soon as you can or you will get surrounded by zombies, don’t stick around for too long.
Prison Break
Complete RoanokePD with 4 or more survivors left, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
RPD Veteran
Complete RoanokePD Solo, on Normal / Hard Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
Tip: This map is quite easy to do on solo even on Extreme difficulty, with good aim and patience you will reach the end of the map with enough ammo to spare for all weapons. There’s only 1 infinite wave of zombies and that is at the end of the level when you’re waiting for extraction at the roof but still manageable, as for the extraction at the garage its not so sure that there is also an infinite wave of zombies but yet there are quite a lot in there so take your time, back up as neccesary and don’t get cornered.
The Departed
Complete Barlowe Square with 4 or more survivors left, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
Barlowe Salvation
Complete Barlowe Square Solo, on Normal / Hard Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
Urban Nightmare
Complete Barlowe Square, on Extreme Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
This map only has a few moments where it can be very annoying and difficult specially while going for the solo runs. When you get to the bank and you need to go through it to find the vault, you will encounter an infinite wave of zombies until you reach the destination going through small corridors, meanwhile you’ll have to find a keycard to open a locked door within a small frame of time before you get surrounded. Then on the part 2 of the map you’ll need to find 7 generators eventually and turn them all on while again figthing an infinite wave of zombies.
Tip: Take your time learning those two troublesome locations and the objectives, once you know exactly what to do, where to go and safe spots it will become easier to beat. You won’t beat it on your first try unless you get carried by someone who knows it well.
Completing maps < Extraction & Flatline >
Suburban Hero
Complete all Extractions on Aurora Estates on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Extraction Game-mode.
In this map there will be 6 houses with a group of 1-3 survivors each that you will have to extract after holding the house for a few minutes. Keep in mind that you need to stay inside the house in order to keep the time running while holding it, if you get outside, the timer will stop until you get back inside.
Tip: I find easier to defend the houses down the basement or up the attic. There might not be any of those in a house so just find an opened space so the survivors have time to aim. Barricading doors and windows that you can shoot through also helps a lot. AI survivors will usually have enough ammo to completely hold the house so you can save some ammo if you feel safe, otherwise you will run out of ammo eventually and you’ll have to rely on the AI survivors, which might not be the best thing to do.
Urban Hero
Complete all Extractions on Barlowe Square on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Extraction Game-mode.
For all Flatline maps, if you get a shotgun from the mystery box with explosive ammo and boosted damage, then its gg. It can one-shot a riot police zombie from far away, it doesn’t even have to be a headshot, also it can take many zombies at once if they’re close together.
Christmas Party
Complete Stone Creek, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Flatline Game-mode.
Pizza Delivery
Complete Harvest, on Normal / Extreme Difficulty in our Flatline Game-mode.
No Free Rides
Complete Unionstation, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Flatline Game-mode.
Tip for all Flatline maps:
Waves 1-3: Kill with a melee weapon as much as you can, it will give you extra money with each kill and you won’t need to buy more ammo after each wave, this will allow you to get a good gun after wave 2 so you can take care of riot police zombies easier. Also try to recycle some melee weapons you find around the map that no one uses and barricade some windows or doors to get some extra bling bling, being careful that barricading the wrong door can backfire while being chased by a bunch of zombies.
Waves 4-6: Always buy a med kit (just in case), its cheap and will save you or one of your friends after a beating. By now you probably won’t want to use any melee weapons because you can get easily surrounded or caught with low stamina, so recycle them as much as possible for extra money. You might also have at least one primary weapon of your choice for taking care of riot police zombies, shotguns can take off the helmet within 2-3 shots at mid range. If you’ve been farming good money you might as well try luck on the mystery box.
Waves 7-10: Would not recommend purchasing any turrets before these waves because they will give you less money and they’re not that necessary at earlier waves. If you purchase them keep in mind that they can get stuck with only 1 zombie and be unable to kill him meaning that this 1 zombie can kill your turret and it will be 500$ vanished, so try to defend (might sound ironical) your turret so it can use all its ammo at least. One thing that you should purchase at this point is the Round Saver, which will give you a second chance after your party gets completely killed so you won’t start from wave 1 right away.
TL;DR: Manage your money for the essential and save for future waves as you can, always be on the look for extra money. Also please keep on moving, don’t get yourself get surrounded on an open space, run around the whole map if necessary.
Killing zombies
Not medicine
Kill 5 zombie doctors
You will get this achievement eventually by playing the game so don’t even bother with this one. Good thing is that these zombies sometimes drop medkits or inoculators when killed.
Kill 10 zombie looters
This one is similar to the previous one, the difference is that these zombies are clearly identifiable as they have a backpack on their back and will drop random supplies when killed.
Fire in the Hole
Kill 10 Zombies with a single grenade
The strategy is the same as the next one but with the fact that you need to calculate how you throw the grenade to not miss.
Destroy 10 helmets from riot officer zombies
These zombies are the hardest ones to kill. They wear a full riot police uniform so the fastest way to kill them is by shooting at his helmet until it breaks, then their head will be open to a normal headshot. Depending on your weapon of choice you will need more or less shots to the helmet, personally I find the shotgun a good choice for these enemies, 2 or 3 shotgun shots and the helmet is done.
Kill 15 Zombies with a single explosive.
This achievements means the handmade explosive (the one with the old phone attached to it). You can place it on a wall and detonate it remotely, this will allow you to gather a big group of zombies and lead them to your trap. Its not clear that you can also use a grenade for this one, but still the handmade explosive should be easier to get it with.
Monster Under The Bed
Kill 25 crawling zombies
Crawling zombies are usually the ones without legs, its not completely clear if you remove both legs from a zombie and then kill it if it will count towards this achievement.
I got my own backup!
Let the Turret and/or Survivor AI kill 25 zombies
This turret can be found on Flatline game-mode. You will need 500$ to purchase them and find a button to place the turret, these buttons are spread around them map and will have a lighter colour as they are interactable. These turrets are not invincible and will run out of ammo eventually so use them wisely if you’re going for the Flatline’s achievements.
Chill out
Kill 25 zombies with a Fire Extinguisher
The Fire Extinguisher is not meant for killing hence won’t deal a lot of damage. The only way to hit with it is by using the melee attack (default key V) and it’s not clear that you can perform a stealth kill with this “weapon”. The easiest way to do this is obviously on easy difficulty since the enemies will deal little damage with each hit.
Knockdown 50 zombies
To knockdown enemies you have to hit them with the melee attack (default key V) with any weapon. This might not always work and they might not always get knockdown, so go for easier difficulties to avoid struggling with this achievement.
Silent But Deadly
Kill 50 zombies using a melee weapon’s stealth kill ability.
To perform a stealth kill with a melee weapon you need to get behind a zombie and press the melee attack (default key V), killing the zombie with the regular attack (default key LMB) or the charged attack (default key RMB) will not count towards this achievement. You will know when you did it correctly when the camera goes to 3rd person and your stamina bar goes all the way down after the kill.
Kill 100 Zombies with the scoped bolt action rifle
As this doesn’t mention any exclusive game-mode, it should be doable all across all game-modes and not within a single match.
Kill a player controlled zombie or fellow survivor in any Game-Mode that exceeds 150ft.
Tip: The easy way to get this is by asking for help from a friend, keep in mind that you might want to add a bot if you can’t get 2 friends to help you because the game will end one there’s only 1 survivor alive. Clearly the optimal weapon for this would be the sniper, then go to Harvest, search for the roof that you can reach by jumping on a pick up truck and walking through a wooden plank, pick the sniper that’s near the lantern you see in front, go to the position shown on the pictures below and pray for your aim.
Let your zombie friend stand behind the police car and just in case right next to the fence behind it so you can ensure the 150 feets.
In Your Face
Kill 25 player controlled zombies with a melee attack.
Would be Daryl
Get 25 Headshots on your fellow survivors using the crossbow in our Hunted Game-Mode
Do not get mistaken with the compound bow, the crossbow is the one that shoots sideways.
Bell Tower
Get 50 Headshots on your fellow survivors in our Hunted Game-Mode
Serial Killer
Kill 250 of your fellow survivors in the Hunted Game-Mode.
Since the game is not as alive as one would like, the fastest way to do this is creating a private server and adding a bunch of bots. The most entertaining way would be to bring a bunch of friends together and have fun… but we’re to hunt achievements not for the fun, right?
Updates with bugged achievements
Plantation House
Complete Montclair, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
The one on the previous update and:
The Departed
Complete Barlowe Square with 4 or more survivors left, on Normal or Higher Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
Both from the previos updates and:
Urban Nightmare
Complete Barlowe Square, on Extreme Difficulty in our Escape Game-mode.
Pay 2 Win
Buy 1000 weapons from the shop
Waste Not, Want Not
Recycle 500 weapons
Pay 2 Win
Reduced weapons from 1000 to 500
Waste Not, Want Not
Reduced weapons from 500 to 250