This list is just a simple overview of the added features in each major DLC so you can
easily compare them and find what you’re looking for.
Best way to view this list
1. click on the image
2. click on the URL at the top of the new window
(3). you may have to resize the last window to fit the entire image
2. click on the URL at the top of the new window
(3). you may have to resize the last window to fit the entire image
Or simply drag the image to a new tab in your browser.
Feature list

Extra information
This list is just a simple overview of the general content in each DLC so you can easily compare them and find what you’re looking for.
Say you saw hot air balloons flying around in someones let’s play series and also want them in you’re city, or you really want to have the cargo airport. Now you can find out exactly what DLC they’re in.
Say you saw hot air balloons flying around in someones let’s play series and also want them in you’re city, or you really want to have the cargo airport. Now you can find out exactly what DLC they’re in.
This list does not include
- obvious content such as “road with bike lanes”
- content that was included in the free patch
- parks, unique buildings and monuments
- policies
- other minor additions to the game
By Xitresion
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