A guide with a large array of topics to assist with gameplay from best early game traits to beat challenges early to general gameplay tips to get a good job and have lots of money!
Disclaimers and Intro
Beginning the game
Always be sure with any new game to play through the tutorial AT LEAST ONCE. I will try to highlight basic tips but as I’ve already put many hours in to this game I may overlook simple basics.
I have played through 7 generations but the generation I used while creating this guide was female so a lot of male specific information is still missing, I will be adding it when the opportunity arrives!
This guide is still actively under construction
If any information is missing please leave a comment and I will try to add it ASAP
Stat Grid Mini-game Pieces
This mini-game allows you to build stats for your baby by clicking tiles that you then keep while also revealing all adjacent tiles. There are a variety of different shapes that become available through standard game play listed below.
When I list when the piece is available I will use the countdown timer to the end, which starts at 47 turns till end
Fragement piece
Cost – 10 Action
Gain – Stats based on fragment color and floor level (3% increase per level)
Unlocked – Available from beginning (Turn 47)
Knowledge piece
Cost – 10 Action
Gain – Increases knowledge by +25
Unlocked – Turn 46
Next Level piece
Cost – Free
Gain – +50 action, takes you to next level down, increasing stat gain by 3%. Does not reset until next generation
Unlocked – Turn 46
Talent piece
Cost – 15 Action
Gain – Stats based on talent color. Talent relates to passive stat gain per/day
Unlocked – Turn 45
Random piece
Cost – 10 Action
Gain – Has a random power from; fragment, talent, or knowledge piece. May also give action, still testing.
Unlocked – Turn 44
Radial Explosion piece
Cost – 15 Action
Gain – You collect every tile adjacent. If special tiles, those tiles powers are immediately used(except for nest level pieces)
Unlocked – Turn 43
Action piece
Cost – Free
Gain – Random amount of energy (10-45)
Unlocked – Turn 41
Linked piece
Cost – 20 Action
Gain – Will collect all fragments of same color that have been revealed. Will not collect talent or same-color linked pieces.
Unlocked – Turn 40
Reveal piece
Cost – 18 Action
Gain – Will reveal all locked tiles on current level.
Unlocked – Turn 37
Stat Grid Mini-game Tips & Strategies
- Always try to reveal as many tiles as possible, I recommend aiming for corner/diagonal/floating pieces
- Best combos include revealing the entire board before using linked pieces
- Also see if an explosion will trigger a link as they are cheaper to use!
Strategy #1 – Go down levels as fast as possible
In this strat you are trying to take advantage of the 3% stat gain increase per/level ASAP.
Look for this piece BUT do not click it until you are missing at least 50 Action, otherwise you waste its bonus.
- Allows for mid-late game HUGE stat increases
- Action gained from level change makes it easier to gain more stats
- Not all levels have access to a next level piece
- Low early game returns
Strategy #2 – Collect as many talent ppieces as possible by middle school
This strat is all about taking advantage of the passive stat gain from each turn. This is primarily useful because this is one of the only elements that roll over between generations! (Though only at 50%, may be a more complex algorithm)
Balance between gaining as many talent pieces and still collecting action ppieces in order to extend runs as long as possible.
- Allows for generation stat rollover
- Early level stat gains from fragments are so low as to be nearly worthless, talents are more valuable early game
- Higher action cost than fragments
- Late game stat gains far exceed single talent increases
Scheduling the end of your Day
In the early game you have few limitations on what you train in since parent satisfaction and stress are not yet unlocked but something to keep in mind is the actual trait gained from each activity.
Early game you have a unique opportunity to pursue activities that will grant epic traits. This is helpful because challenges unlock in kindergarten and if you have almost exclusively epic traits the challenges become a breeze to complete! You can complete all five by middle school and get the 5 associated legendary traits and rewards.
Once you reach the mid game and have completed the challenges the trait gains become inconsequential. Go ahead and start training for stat gains
Easy stats to gain early game 47-
Easy stats to gain mid game
Easy stats to gain late game
Traits; Early Game
Traits are gained randomly when completing certain daily schedule tasks and when beating certain face challenges.
I personally recommend that in the early game, until you can challenge the 5 opponents, to only pursue a schedule that allows for high-level trait gains. Once you have finished the challenges there is little reason to continue this pursuit as challenges are 90% of trait usage in my opinion.
The Epic, Early Game Traits
Traits; Grouped by Rank
Face Challenges

If you have carefully built your early trait pool than yours should look similar to mine. I only had 9 traits by this point so I didn’t need to use my one refresh to get better traits. Even with my two common and one rare I should have no difficulty winning this challenge.
- From my experience, you get the traits in order from top left to bottom right, as listed in above picture.
Art Challenger “Painter Fitzgerald’s Mom”
Requirements – >1000 Imagination
Limitation – Immune to Art based traits
Reward – +500 Imagination and Legendary Trait “Templar Executor”
Computer Challenger “Computer Geek Tinus’ Mom”
Requirements – >1000 Memory
Limitation – Immune to Coding based traits
Reward – +500 Memory and Legendary Trait “Computer “Master””
Sports Challenger “Football Star Leon’s Mom”
Requirements – >1000 Constitution
Limitation – Immune to Sport based traits
Reward – +500 Constitution and Legendary Trait “Random Poetry””
Cosmetic Challenger “Beauty Jessica’s Mom”
Requirements – >1000 Charm
Limitation – Immune to Cosmetic based traits
Reward – +500 Charm and Legendary Trait “Natural Beauty””
Science Challenger “Genius Einstein’s Mom”
Requirements – >1000 IQ
Limitation – Immune to Cosmetic based traits
Reward – +500 IQ and Legendary Trait “Great Genius””
(Missing Picture)
Celebrity Challenger “Celebrity Bernad’s Mom”
Requirements – >1000 EQ
Limitation – Immune to based traits
Reward – +500 EQ and Legendary Trait “Endless Fame””
(Missing Picture)
Wealthy Challenger “Rich Buffett Hataway’s Dad”
Requirements – >500 Money
Limitation – Immune to Finance based traits
Reward – +300 Money and Legendary Trait “Rising Star””
Each of the three characters will get 5 turns to change their percentage to the majority in order to win for a large knowledge bonus.
Your Turn
Options you do yourself
- Assist – Uses your Charm stat, +percentage +likeability – relationship, chance at dishonor
- Promote – Uses your IQ stat, +percentage + morality – likeability
- Flatter – Uses your Face stat, +percentage +relationship -morality, chance at dishonor
Options to do to your opponents
- Denounce – No stat used, -percentage of target, affects morality of you both, large chance at dishonor (only available if they have dishonor)
- Report – No stat used, -percentage of target, – relationship for them +relationship for you, -likeability for you (only available if they have dishonor)
- Isolate – No stat used, -percentage of target, – likeability of target, -relationship for you, big chance at dishonor
- Ally – No stat used, +percentage for you and target, +likeability for both, -relationship for you
Recommend – Always use promote, IQ is a major stat that is usually higher than others. This is unless you have high Charm/Face, then alternate but try not to gain more than 1-2 dishonor.
Romance as a Female
Every day you can select your friend menu and check for invitations. These cost actions to use. Personally I have seen no advantage to having multiple males at high levels but the boy at the highest level becomes a marriage option after finals. Plus, he has an 80% success chance!
Each boy has preferences as far as skills and interests. If you align your interest I have seen a VERY SLIGHT relationship gain increase upon invitations.
Really you can pick any boy and have any interest. It isn’t hard, just takes a bit longer
Not 100% sure this is how to unlock each boy, used a new play through and tried to figure out what I did that unlocked them O,o
The Boys
Italics give Epic Traits
If gender is specified it means that trait is only given to that gender, not that it is a gender specific activity
Sofa Trampoline 50%
Playground 25%
Extra-curriculum 50%(M)
Financial Investment 50%
China Travel 25%
Horse Riding 50%
Southeast Asia Travel 25%
Idol Concert 50%
Choosing Snacks 25%
Luxury Snacks 75%
New Phone 25%
Gym 50%(M)
Project Hope 25%
3 years of Practice 50%
Huanggang Exam 25%
Gameplay Tips
It is tempting to buy activities when they only cost 200 and you have 1.5k saved up. DON’T!
These little ones add up and towards the end game you want to have a minimum of 2k knowledge to spend. You want to have that knowledge saved up so that you can buy any last minute job skills or chinese/english/math you need after getting the huge stat gains from Huanggang Exam. Remember, when you unlock a skill the next level isn’t available till the next day so you can’t wait till turn 0 when skills are cheapest.
Also, a trait can never cost more than 999, so even without the right stats if you save up your knowledge and only spend it when activities cost 100 or less you can get max profession activities even when buying at full cost!
Liberal Arts/Science
Only train in Liberal Arts/Science if you plan on focusing that one skill, if you alternate between them you stat gains are canceled out and the singular chinese and math skills give better face points
Most important Activity in the game
“Huanggang Exam”
It gives; +20 satisfaction +5 stress +300 IQ +300 EQ +300 Memory and +300 Imagination
It is available through request purchase at 4 turns left.
Getting this activity is one of the only times I recommend save-scumming i.e. alt-f4 if you can’t unlock it since it is only at 25%
Not as much fun to do but if you decide to use it than be sure you exit to main menu BEFORE trying the risky activity, this will save your game as sometimes the auto-save feature does not work. When you reopen your game you will be at the beginning of your turn, losing any other progress you had made that turn, so save scum first before doing events, mini-games, etc.
Unless you are going for achievements there seems to be no reason to romance multiple people so save your action points! Also, when playing a female don’t forget to set your interest for you after school activity, and the other two as they unlock through gameplay for passive relationship increases
When you enter a challenge, the trait pool is actually given to you in the order the stats will be given to you, meaning the top 3 traits will be the first batch you can select from, the second row will be given next. Works from top left to bottom right so refresh if all your best skills are towards the end
Getting a good profession
This is all about balancing the activities unlocked. Your stats don’t actually matter in the end, they just determine activity purchase prices. So even a 10k IQ won’t get you in to a good school if you haven’t learned basic algebra. You will need to get in to a good college AND have all your profession talents unlocked. This is easy for certain professions like Host or E-sports that only have 7 activities, but difficult for professions like computer science that have 12.
You should pick a singular focus and not waste knowledge on other interests so as to save up points and buy high level skills at 999 aka full price.
If you need money during play
I recommend doing a 10 action job with 12 money gain and spending most of an entire turn doing it. The first few times the gains are small but by the 3rd-5th time the gains in urge will alternate and instead of going up by .1 point it has a chance to increase in increments of .5
Stress reduction
The best method is to visit the shop and buy the top stress reduction item. You can only do this twice per turn but it can decrease by a HUGE amount, allowing you to do less recreation and more studying.
Not all recreation is the same!
Some will not decrease parent satisfaction like summer camp, some can even increase it like High-end tutor or Huanggang Exam. Also, Many of the request activities have pretty impressive stat gains! I’ve had games where it was less about balancing stress and more about keeping satisfaction up O,o fortunately there is a store item for that as well!
Treasure map steps
1 – Crawl(F), Turn Over
2 – Jump shot(F), male missing, lvl 3 athletics
3 – Somersault(F), Run(M)
4 – Writing, lvl 4 chinese
5 – Philosophy 101, lvl 8 liberal arts
6 – Sketching, lvl 4 fine arts
7 – Database 101, lvl 3 computer science
8 – missing
While it is cute I don’t know what actual rewards are gained from it and I haven’t seen any particular benefit to completing it on every generation, please correct me if I’m wrong!
Thank you so much! I am on I believe gen 9 and it still helped me. I prefer to rush through things so I do not improve often.
the treasure map unlocks a special cutscene of ppl celebrating ur birthday
I’m just letting you know as a female you also have two other route
Secret route: the best friend route
I think you gotta have to hang out & unlock every boy
Yates Long (fav character): unlock musical composition