Take the extra bonus to increase your score!
What’s the extra bonus?
Extra bonuses can be obtained at the extra stages hidden in each stage.
Extra stages appear by going to certain points with pickaxes.
Let’s get 100,000 points by pressing the button while paying attention to the arrows written on the barrels!
Extra stages appear by going to certain points with pickaxes.
Let’s get 100,000 points by pressing the button while paying attention to the arrows written on the barrels!

Stage 1
It is located in the middle row on the far left.
Take the pickaxe and warp out of the clay pipe.
Take the pickaxe and warp out of the clay pipe.

Stage 2
It is on the top row on the far left.
Take the pickaxe and warp.
Take the pickaxe and warp.

Stage 3
It is located in the middle row on the far right.
Take the pickaxe and warp.
Take the pickaxe and warp.

Stage 4
It is located in the middle row on the far left.

Stage 5
It is located on the top row on the far left.

Thanks to ninespider for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.