This guide will help you earn all the achievements. I struggled to find them all and thought future players would like a place with all the information for the achievements.
Earned By Just Playing

Description: “Win any easy game”
How to get: Exactly that. Open up a classic mode game, select easy board, complete it.
Win Medium
Description: “Win any medium game”
How to get: Open up a classic mode game, select medium board, complete it.
Win Hard
Description: “Win any hard game”
How to get: Open up a classic mode game, select hard board, complete it.
Win Very Hard
Description: “Win any very hard game”
How to get: Open up a crazy mode game, select very hard board, complete it.
Win Crazy Hard
Description: “Win any crazy hard game”
How to get: Open up a crazy mode game, select crazy hard board, complete it.
Win Extremely Hard
Description: “Win any extremely hard game”
How to get: Open up a crazy mode game, select extremely hard board, complete it. This board is a pain, so be careful and take your time.
Almost Win!
Description: “Defeat having 1 bomb left”
How to get: Play an easy game, get all of the flags placed except for one, then open up a bomb. Or just get it accidentally, several times, and rage like I did. Either works.
Description: “Defeat for less than 5 sec”
How to get: Select an easy board, locate where a bomb is, and open it, all within 5 seconds.
Description: “Win for less than 10 seconds”
How to get: Select an easy board, and play it as quickly as you can. I didn’t even finish the board before I got the achievement, so it may be bugged, but I think I had taken more than 10 seconds to finish that game. It’s definitely possible to finish in under 10 seconds.
Description: “Open a cell having 5 bombs around”
How to get: I got this one for the first time in a very hard game. So I’d say play a game that is very hard, crazy hard, or extremely hard. Be careful not to accidentally open a bomb around the 5, because you will definitely be…angry.
Frozen Bunny
Description: “Reach 100% cold”
How to get: Select a survival game mode. You start getting cold after completing the first layer, so you get to 2nd layer or below. Then you do nothing. Just stand there and wait for your cold to get to 100%.
Description: “Complete 1 survival rotation (6 rounds)”
How to get: Open up a survival game mode, and get all the way to the bottom layer. You have to complete it. I messed up several times on layer five, and on layer six too, so this achievement can also be rage inducing.
Earned With a Bit of Exploration

Hidden Achievement
How to get: Kick 50 chickens during a game. I’m not sure if you have to build a board before the counter starts, but it isn’t necessary to start the board before the counter starts. You can kick the same chicken several times.
Chicken Dinner
Description: “Slice 10 chickens”
How to get: Open up a survival game mode. From the board, face the fence opening, and to the right is a slicer. Roll 10 chickens into it and let them be sliced.
Give Up
Description: “Give up using giveup-button”
How to get: The give up button is on the outside of the playing field, and you just have to interact with this button.
New Life
Hidden Achievement
How to get: Open up a crazy game mode game, and look for a valley filled with trees. Walk toward the end of this clearing, and you’ll see a male chicken with a bunch of normal chickens. Climb the right mountain a bit, and you’ll find what you need.
Twisted Expert
Description: “Stay on the ball for 10 sec”
How to get: Walk towards the soccer ball, and jump onto it. It takes a bit of finesse to get onto the ball in a way that will keep your bunny on for 10 seconds, but it isn’t impossible.
Catch the Chick
Hidden Achievement
How to get: Open up any game mode, and then push the “C” key, for “chicken.”
Earned with Friends(or Bot)

Hidden Achievement
How to get: Let a friend kick you into one of the soccer goals at the outside of the playing field. If you don’t have friends with this game, like me, select a friends game, and a bot will spawn in. Make the bot mad by kicking him. Make sure you position yourself right in the goal when he comes to kick you. He might lose interest before you both get there, so just try a bit closer before you kick him.
Beware of Friends
Description: “Be kicked by teammate”
How to get: You should get this when trying to get the New Ball achievement. Just let the bot or a friend kick you.