Following this guide should unlock all 18 achievements in a single playthrough.
The numbered points progress the story.
The bulleted points are side-tasks related to achievements.
It shouldn’t take more than two hours.
- Walk/run right.
- Down the stairs.
- Push the block right offscreen.
- Push the chair under the key, climb on the chair and grab the key.
- Run right, downstairs, then use the key to open the door and exit the tutorial.
Why was it so dark?
Finish the tutorial.
- Interact with the TV.
- Go right and move aside the stack of boxes blocking the wardrobe.
- Open the wardrobe.
- Interact with the bed. Take the NES from the shadow.
- Slide the chair right and climb up on it to reach the controller on the shelf.
- Use the NES on the TV; the controller on the NES.
- Interact with the TV to play the game.
- Get to level 3 (and game over on level 3).
The harder, the better.
Complete level 3 of Generic Knight.
- Follow the monster downstairs.
- Switch the light by the monster on.
- Follow it into the nearby room.
- Walk into the arcade machine.
Otherworld I – A Whole New World

Enter the Otherworld for the first time.
- There is an achievement for not getting hit by enemies on this level (1/2?)
- But it’s buggy, I didn’t get hit by enemies on Otherworld I, and didn’t get the achievement until Otherworld II.
- Run down the stairs; right across the bridge; defeat the enemy.
- Keep going right past the gate and up the stairs to a lever.
- Activate the lever; keep running right until you can enter a tree.
House II – It Was My House
- Don’t get caught by the big grey roaming monster on this level.
- It spawns only at night.
- Be very careful when transitioning rooms.
- It can be avoided by entering/exiting rooms, going up/down stairs or distracting it by switching on a light.
- You can safely run past it while it’s absorbing light.
- Pick up the two grey knights and the green soldier.
- Go downstairs.
- Move aside the green cabinet and take the vinyl behind it.
- Walk past the cabinet and return the green soldier.
- Run back right and down the stairs you come to.
- Note the cassette + player under the stairs. Ignore it for now and enter the first door on the right (kitchen).
- Sit down at the table.
- Move a chair right; stand on it to reach the cupboard and take the cat food.
- Move a chair left and take the grey knight on top of the fridge.
- Exit the kitchen.
- Run left past the cassette and return the three grey knights.
- Now you can pick up cassette #1/6.
- Run right past the kitchen and into the next door.
- Open the toy car on the bookshelf, take the keys inside.
- Exit the room and keep going right.
- Open the trunk with the keys you just picked up. Open the toolbox, and take the bolt cutters.
- Move away the stack of boxes on the right and take the jerrycan that was behind them.
- Run left now until the you reach the living room.
- Use the cat food on the bowl and push it towards the cat. Interact with the cat when you can.
- Pick up the green soldier from on top of the fireplace.
- Return upstairs, on the right is a green cabinet with another green soldier.
- Enter the bathroom (door by the cabinet) and examine/take the medicine #1/3.
- Go back left and return the remaining two green soldiers.
Forever young.
Put all the soldier and knight toys in their respective bases, in the House.
- Run past the cat to reach the yard.
- Place the hanging clothes in the laundry basket.
I can’t leave this here.
- Open the shed on the left with the bolt cutters, use the gasoline on the mower, and move it right.
- Defeat the lawn mower by running against the suction of its blades, and interacting with the blue pipes it spits out to throw them back. Repeat three times.
- Go upstairs.
- Run right. When you are attacked by the head, just run left away from it.
- Enter last room on the right (past the bathroom). It’s your parents’ bedroom.
- Open the cupboard drawer and take the record player.
- Go downstairs.
- Use the record player you just picked up on the amplifier between the speakers in the living room, then use the vinyl on the player.
- Interact with it to turn on the music.
- Go upstairs.
- Enter the second room from the left on this floor (where the ghost was before) and pick up cassette #2/6 on the shelf.
- Run all the way right onto the balcony.
- Push the large vase and pick up the clock hand.
- Go to your parents’ bedroom. Pick up the clock hand on the vase.
- Go downstairs.
- On the way back downstairs, listen to both cassettes.
Downstairs - Use both clock hands on the grandfather clock in the living room.
- Push the statues together until they embrace.
- Go upstairs.
- The door by the stairs is now open. Head inside and into the arcade machine.
It seems like only yesterday.
Finish the house level.
- If you didn’t get caught:
Don’t touch me!
Complete the house without being caught by any ghost.
Otherworld II – New Challenges
- Don’t get hit by the enemies on this level (2/2?)
- As mentioned above, this achievement is buggy. I did get hit on Otherworld II and still unlocked the achievement upon transitioning to the next area (step 4 below).

Don’t get hit by enemies while in the Otherworld.
- Same deal as before. Make your way right.
- Interact with the symbol, defeat the enemies that spawn to open the gate.
- Keep going right, destroy the smaller crystals to remove the larger one.
- Enter the tree.
- Make your way up the stairs and enter the doors.
- Walk/run all the way right and look beside the plant for poster scrap #1/5.
- Enter the first foreground door from the right.
- Outside, pick up poster scrap #2/5 on the windowsill by the red trashcan.
- Go right to to your backpack.
- Follow the girl to the storeroom.
- Use the two poster scraps on the poster.
- Pick up the book on the floor as well.
- Exit the storeroom and enter the staff room (far left of this floor), and pick up BOTH keys and the hall pass from the shelf.
- (When you see it) let the roaming teacher catch you.
Yes, I can be here.
Let the Keykeeper catch you while holding the hall pass.
- Return to the storeroom and unlock the cabinet with the key. Don’t take anything yet.
- Run left until you see a first aid box (its by the staff room). Pick up the Instant cold.
- Enter the library (door by the lockers), return the book to the top shelf and pick up cassette #3/6.
Upstairs - Run to the far left. Pick up the key.
- Open the lower left locker for poster scrap #3/5.
- Unlock the lower right locker for cassette #4/6.
- Leave both cassettes here for now to free up some inventory space.
- Enter classroom B and pick up another locker key.
- Also in classroom B is poster scrap #4/5.
- Enter the girls’ bathroom and examine/take the medicine #2/3.
Downstairs- Unlock the locker here with the new key and take the cartridge.
- Return to the storeroom and place another two poster scraps.
- Take the charger from the cabinet.
- Use the charger + cartridge on the Game Boy.
- Interact with the Game Boy and complete the 1000 knights level.
Get to the end of 1000 Knights.
Upstairs- Pick up the two cassettes you left.
- Go back downstairs to the staff room and listen to both cassettes.
- Back upstairs, go to the very right and see the crow fly with the camera up to the roof.
- Unlock and enter Classroom D.
- Pick up the bottle of Zinc (Zn).
- Use the Instant cold and Zinc on the chemistry set on the first desk.
- Interact with the chemistry set to start a fire.
- Head up to the roof.
- Run to the left and pick up the camera.
- On the right end of the roof is poster scrap #5/5.
- Return to the storeroom and finish the poster.
Complete the Thunder Rangers poster in the High School.
Upstairs - Enter Classroom C and pick up the photography books on the last desk.
- Enter Classroom A and approach the girl on the desk.
- Run back downstairs…
- …and all the way left to where you started this level.
- Enter the last door on the right and walk into the arcade machine.
Welcome to the real world.
Finish the high school level.
Otherworld III – Once More With Feeling
- Again, keep going right attacking whatever’s in your way.
- Interact with a lever, and defeat the new wave of enemies to open a new path.
- Keep going right, enter the tree.
- Make your way up all the stairs and enter the doors.
- Go left away from the girl and enter the door.
Apartment – This is My House
- Walk left. Open the fridge and take the tomatoes.
- Take the bread.
- Use bread + tomatoes on the cutting board.
- Interact with it.
- Push the fridge left to block the door.
- Run right and pick up cassette #5/6 on the shelf.
- On the same shelf are four broken objects: broken controller, broken record player, and two broken speakers.
- Place the four broken objects in the trash bag in the kitchen area.
Starting over.
Clean up the broken objects in the apartment.
- Exit right to the bedroom, then into the bathroom and examine/take the medicine #3/3.
This is not the solution.
Find the 3 strange medicine bottles.
- Pick up the controller from under the bed in the bedroom.
- Go back into the living room and use the controller on the NES.
- Interact with it for a short scene.
- Pick up the key that appears on the TV.
- Open the wardrobe in the bedroom.
- Pick up the camera.
- Pick up cassette #6/6 as well.
- Go to the kitchen and listen to both cassettes.
- (The relevant achievement will unlock in the credits.)
- Interact with the window between the kitchen and sofa to break it.
- Interact with it again to climb out.
- Climb up to the roof.
- Walk to the very left end of the roof.
- Don’t jump off and instead take the sword.
A light at the end.
Finish the apartment level.
Otherworld IV – Everything Falls Apart
- Run right and into the tree.
- Climb up to the top to begin another retro game.
- Jump up the platforms – avoiding enemies and spikes. Don’t go too slow either or the demon will catch you.
- Once you reach the top, the final sequence will play.
- During the credits:
I don’t get it.
Finish the game.
Life is beautiful.
- If you listened to all 6 cassettes:
You have… 6… new messages.
Listen to all the cassettes.
Written by alphabetsoup