For Banana Shooter players, if you have problems with Banana Shooter on startup, this guide can help you to start the game again.
Main method: Run as administrator
Go to the game folder and then run the executable file “BananaShooter.exe” as administrator, in most cases this method works 99% of the time.
2nd method: Reinstall the game
The second way, as corny as it sounds, is to reinstall the game on any other disc in the system, or on the same path. This is the most trivial thing you can think of, but still.
3rd Method: Change the language to English
Click on Banana Shooter icon and go to “Properties”. Then select the language pack and change it to English.
4th Method: Checking for game integrity
Check the game for game integrity, to do this right click on the game icon, then select “Properties” and go to “Installed Files” then click on the lowest button – “Verify integrity of the game files”
5th Method: Compatibility mode
The method only works if you have Windows 8 and above.
Go to the root folder of the game “Banana Shooter”, then right click and go to the “Properties” button of the Windows context menu, then “Compatibility” and enable the checkbox labelled “enable compatibility with:” then select “Windows 7” in the list
Go to the root folder of the game “Banana Shooter”, then right click and go to the “Properties” button of the Windows context menu, then “Compatibility” and enable the checkbox labelled “enable compatibility with:” then select “Windows 7” in the list